Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 2564: Coincidence (3 more)

Early charter

(Bottom 3 is more, I have to add one more, I will be there soon, today is still an event, continue to 2500 votes plus one, I hope everyone will support.) The upcoming 100-year anniversary of Danfu University does not seem to have much impact on Zhao Tiezhu.

Zhao Tiezhu still plays dota, so Chen Lingshan goes to the cafeteria to eat, but this time, next to Chen Lingshan, there is a girl named Bailing.

"What are we going to eat? Lingshan sister?"

Braun asked curiously.

"Ask you to go to the iron pillar."

Chen Lingshan replied.


Braun nodded and asked Zhao Tiezhu, "Bad man, what are we going to eat?"


"Oh! What food to eat?"


"Dish? Do you eat without eating vegetables?"

"Also eat."

"What kind of food do you eat." "Only." ”

"What dish is casual? In our stockade, there are many dishes, spinach, sweet potatoes, cucumbers, pumpkins, flowers... everything, what do you have?"


"What are all? Is it all? It's amazing!"

Zhao Tiezhu quickly took a few steps forward.

He feels that if he stays with Bailing again, his IQ will definitely decrease.

Chen Lingshan grinned and held the hand of Bailing and said, "Bai Ling, when are you going to avenge the Iron Pillar?"

"This? I don't know. I don't have any money right now. I can only live in Lingshan's sister. I have to rely on this bad person for dinner. At least I have to wait for my money. So after I take revenge, I will have money." Go home!"

Braun said seriously.

"How do you plan to have money?" Chen Lingshan asked.

"This... I don't know, but there will always be money!" Braun said with a smile.

"You are really optimistic, hahaha!"

After eating the rice with Bailing, Zhao Tiezhu directly let Chen Lingshan bring Bailing back to the dormitory.

"I won't go to practice punching with you at night!"

Chen Lingshan said with a smile, "I have to look at the Bailing, or else I can't ask any trouble!"

"Hey, it's better for us to give her some money, let her hurry to find me to avenge, I quickly lost, so much trouble!" Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Bai Ling certainly does not agree, hey, this girl, people are actually good, that is, the brain is a little bit less roots, iron pillars, and so on after tomorrow's things are finished, you must go and practice yourself!"

After that, Chen Lingshan glanced at Zhao Tiezhu gently, which was comfort, and then went upstairs.

Zhao Tiezhu is helpless. This Bailing not only destroyed his dream of ooxx with Chen Lingshan, but now he has destroyed his daily fixed activities with Chen Lingshan. Zhao Tiezhu really does not know what to say, savior! What did you create in the first place, and what should Mao save for this person?

Zhao Tiezhu was helpless, and he had to go to the place where Chen Lingshan often practiced boxing together.

Danfu University is a school with a very open academic atmosphere.

This school can really be said to be a hundred rivers.

Therefore, you can often see a variety of people, such as doing performance art on the street, such as practicing martial arts.

Therefore, Zhao Tiezhu is not afraid of being trained by himself. Of course, Zhao Tiezhu will not find a place to practice. Zhao Tiezhu is looking for a place where there is less forest.

As for why there is a forest in Danfu University, this is not what Zhao Tiezhu can know.

Zhao Tiezhu stood on the open space in the woods. There were no people around. There were only occasional people walking past. Even if those people saw Zhao Tiezhu practicing boxing in the woods, it is estimated that few would care about Zhao Tiezhu.

As I said before, Dan Fu University has a lot of people, and everyone has it.

Zhao Tiezhu calmed down and mobilized the whole body, and began to follow the movements in his mind, and practiced it over and over again.

This training is more than an hour.

Although there was no such intense exercise, Zhao Tiezhu, still playing, was sweaty and his muscles were sore.

This is the great thing about this ancient martial art. Even if you just practice it again, you can still make you feel like you have been fighting for 300 rounds.

"Little friends, if I remember correctly, you have this ancient martial arts, but we are a family!"

A voice suddenly appeared next to Zhao Tiezhu.

Zhao Tiezhu, who was already adjusting interest rates, was shocked and quickly looked around.

I only saw an old man with a long scorpion, standing in the distance not far from himself.

With his powerful inductive power, he could not perceive the existence of the old man, and it seems that the old man appeared there for a while!

"who are you?"

Zhao Tiezhu was alert and looked at the old man, and asked.

"I? Haha, guess who I am?"

The old man with a long scorpion took his hands behind him and walked to the place about ten meters in front of Zhao Tiezhu.

"How do I know who you are... Shijia, what?" Zhao Tiezhu said suspiciously.

"Oh? Didn't you teach this ancient martial arts person, did you tell me the origin of this ancient martial arts?" asked the old man.

"No..." Zhao Tiezhu shook his head.

"Then you have to remember."

The old man with a long braid said with a smile, "Your ancient martial arts comes from the hands of two people, one of them, called Shi Changxin. And I, Shi Changxin."

"You are one of the founders of this ancient martial arts?" Zhao Tiezhu asked in surprise.

"No, it is an adaptation. The reason why ancient martial arts is called ancient martial arts is because he came from ancient times, and I just changed this ancient martial arts. You are good, very good, haha, I did not expect This time in the university, I can meet such a master, I want to come to you, but also for tomorrow's things?"

The old man, the long-haired nephew, was Shi Changxin and asked with a smile.

“I...” Zhao Tiezhu’s eyes turned and said, “Yes!”

"Oh, tomorrow, we have to ask the family, so, Xiaoyou, I advise you to have other ideas, otherwise, it is easy to hurt yourself!"

Shi Changxin said.

"I just came over and looked at it."

Zhao Tiezhu said casually, "And people give me high prices, I make money, naturally I have to fulfill my responsibilities."

"Oh! It was originally hired!" Shi Changxin nodded and said, "Can you tell me who taught you this ancient martial arts? It is reasonable to say that this is only the family we will be."

"This... why should I tell you." Zhao Tiezhu asked. "No reason, I asked this question. If you want to say it, you don't want to say it. Even if it is, martial arts, it has always been learned that since you learned it, That will be, I don't care, tomorrow's 100th anniversary celebration, I hope to see you, such a young master, a few years later will be the top figure of my Chinese martial arts, you have a task, not good, After the end of your mission, you and I have a good chat and get to know each other, OK?" asked Shi Changxin.


Zhao Tiezhu nodded in a hurry, but in his heart, he was quick to calculate.


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