Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 2571: Group of small Japanese (6 more)

Early charter

(The sixth one, plus three more, there is nothing to say, just do not want to let those friends who voted for the old vote to be disappointed. Lao Shi will never let you down, there is no such thing as failure, those are Butt. Hahaha.) Of course, Zhao Tiezhu can't understand the feelings of the older generation.

However, Zhao Tiezhu looked so busy as the following, but it was quite happy.

I was the first one to come, but the so-called 螳螂 螳螂 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Therefore, Zhao Tiezhu chose to hide in a particularly wretched manner.

In this world, if Zhao Tiezhu really wants to hide, it is estimated that few people can find him.


People can be invisible!

This is a skill against the sky! Even now, Zhao Tiezhu feels that his stealth is one of the most anti-sky skills he has experienced so much. What kind of martial arts, what sound attack, what yin and yang, in front of stealth, Zhao Tiezhu thinks, both It is a cloud.

You are amazing, you can go to the women's bathroom to peek at people's baths? I can stealth!

Your voice attack is even worse. Can you make a sister's skirt fly inexplicably? I can steal it.

The yin and yang technique is very powerful, and the latter is combined with biopharmaceutics to create a super illusion, a psychedelic nerve, but can you kill people without silence? you can not! I can stealth!

Stealth, this is the skill that countless otaku dreams of. He makes all the wretched thoughts in the wretched man's heart become a reality. The female bathroom, I can go to the bright and bright, and even can take a tube inside.

On the street, there are so many beautiful women, I can find someone to pick up her skirt and pat her ass.

Beauty star, very powerful? Is it high? I can approach the head of her house with a bright stealth, and take her to sleep and give her ooxx. No one knows!

With so many uses, do you dare to say that stealth is not sharp?

This is definitely a sharp b.

Of course, Zhao Tiezhu is a self-proclaimed gentleman, like a sneak peek at the chest of a person's buttocks, or a matter of entering a female bathroom. Zhao Tiezhu has never done it before, and does not bother to do it.

If you don't do this, it doesn't mean that stealth is not sharp enough, or Zhao Tiezhu will not have the name of a super killer.

Stealth killing is really silent. Many people who have been killed by Zhao Tiezhu do not know how to die. Even if there is monitoring, they can only see that the head is inexplicable, or the inexplicable heart will shoot out the blood. .

Of course, the Zhao Tiezhu martial arts at that time was just as general, so it can only be regarded as a super killer, not a real top killer.

And now Zhao Tiezhu, is completely qualified to be called the super top ace killer.

Super, top, ace, these three names, Zhao Tiezhu is absolutely qualified to have.

Now Zhao Tiezhu, squatting on the top of the exhaust vent, looking at everything below, no one has noticed his existence, and because of the strong support of the internal gas, Zhao Tiezhu’s stealth time is far from the previous Can compare.

The buddies are now turning over the serfs. They used to be invisible before. For a long time, they played a few shots in the evening. It is easy to lose their bones. Now, the buddies are too long standby, just like the domestic cottage. The gas can't be used up, the physical strength can't be used up. Although the stealth is super-consuming, but it can reach a level in front.

The battle below has reached a feverish state.

All four are top players, at least they are able to enter the gods.

Among them, the strength of the ghosts is actually the highest. According to Zhao Tiezhu, the strength of the ghosts has at least entered the top 50 of the list.

The next time it was Putian Silver, his strength did not seem to be much worse than the ghosts. However, the attack by the ghosts was even more bizarre. At this point, Putian Silver suffered a loss.

The strength of Maori Kogoro is not much worse than that of Sumida Silver. Both of them are super-class warriors. As for Kirin, it is a small Maori.

But in general, the strength of the four people is still not far from each other, so the four people who have been beaten and beaten have been deadlocked.

At this time, if Zhao Tiezhu joined the party of the ghost, then the two of Putian Yin, certainly not the opponent, only escape, but Zhao Tiezhu did not think about it.


Because in the heart of Zhao Tiezhu, there is still a person who has been hanging in my heart.

That person is Shi Changxin.

Shi Changxin came for the research materials of Professor Lao Tao, and now is such a good opportunity, how can Shi Changxin let go?

Zhao Tiezhu estimated that Shi Changxin at this time should also be hiding somewhere, watching all this.

Zhao Tiezhu's body squatted on the isolation board. He didn't dare to move, even breathing. Zhao Tiezhu slowed down to almost nothing. The heartbeat was also forced to be suppressed by Zhao Tiezhu to about 30 minutes.

This is done to prevent the CEO from perceiving himself.

You must know that the master of the gods, the sixth sense, is quite powerful.

Time is slowly passing.

It took about three minutes.

The battle below has already entered a state of white heat. The ghosts and the Kirin both have a little left behind. The fear is that someone suddenly pops up, but the silver and the Maori Xiaolang are both at the same time. With the intensity of the attack, the two can only explode with all the fighting power.

Professor Lao Tao, however, looked at it with great interest, but he was thinking about it in his mind. If he used the torn formula of the page to study the situation in which the body of the person can be elementalized, is that Will increase the combat effectiveness of these people? Especially the poisonous insect, if he added radioactive elements to his body, would it make his attack more destructive?

Just when the old pottery thoughts.

An old man appeared on the window sill on one side.

The old man squatted and looked at the four people who were playing far away, laughing. "The old man saw that the four of you were really tangled. There is not much time tonight. The two little dolls in China, we first Join forces to get rid of these two cockroaches, and then consider them later, how?"

When the four people saw the window sill, they suddenly appeared such a mysterious old man. They were all shocked. When the old man finished the talk, the ghosts and the unicorns were all happy. The fight here has already caused A lot of noises, it is estimated that someone will come later, if you can't solve the problem before people come, it is likely to happen.

Therefore, when the old man’s words were finished, the ghosts shouted, “Well! Let’s do these two little Japanese first, let’s talk about it later!”

"Ha ha ha, good!"

The old ** smiled and rushed to Putian Silver with Maori Kogoro.


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