Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 2579: run! (14 more)

Early charter

Kirin did not fear Zhao Tiezhu’s fist, and strode forward, his hands raised!


Kirin’s hands held Zhao Tiezhu’s fists, and Zhao Tiezhu’s powerful force was used to make Kirin’s hand bend. However, Kirin was also a master and master. Although he bent, he also removed Zhao Tiezhu’s power. A little more, immediately, Kirin’s hand pushed forward and pushed Zhao Tiezhu’s fist away.

A simple combination punch.

Zhao Tiezhu raised his hand block.

The two men suddenly fought together.

On the other hand.

Ye Shishi’s war ghosts are just as hot as fire.

The ghost's skill is very strong, and Rao was uncomfortable by Ye Shishi's three-and-a-half-changing rhythm, but he quickly adapted to Ye Shishi's style of play.

However, it is when the ghosts intend to exert their strength. Ye Shishi was suddenly on the back side and quit the occupation.

The ghosts looked at Ye Shishi strangely, wondering what it was going to be, and the result.

A squeaky feeling of strongness to the extreme, suddenly appeared from the body of the ghost.

The ghost was shocked and quickly tried to resist the feeling of numbness, but this numbness felt like sea water, and it never stopped!


The ghost's feet were soft and sat on the ground.

"what happened!"

The ghost was shocked to see Ye Shishi.

Ye Shishi did not speak, but turned and went straight to Professor Lao Tao, and did not go to help Zhao Tiezhu's plan.

Kirin is coming to me with Zhao Tiezhu. Zhao Tiezhu is more seriously injured than him, and his strength is not as good as Zhao Tiezhu. This has been entangled for so long. Suddenly, the whole person was soft on the ground, and Kirin was shocked.

This surprise, his hands are chaotic.

Zhao Tiezhu shouted, and a boxing in the chest of Kirin.

Kirin quickly stepped back a few steps, his face changed, and a blood hanged without spitting it out. Immediately, Qilin let go of Zhao Tiezhu and rushed to the side of the ghost, grabbing the ghost and resisting it.

Kirin, want to run!

"Want to run?"

Zhao Tiezhu is so hard to catch the opportunity today to leave one of these two people here. How can it be so easy for them to run? Seeing that Kirin had already stalked the ghost to the door, Zhao Tiezhu quickly chased it up.

If the unicorn is running, the speed is still very fast. At least in the case of a single person, the speed of Kirin is not lost to Zhao Tiezhu.

"what happened!"

Kirin asked as he ran.

"I don't know, suddenly I am weak!"

The ghost said.

"That's awful!"

Kirin said, "Zhao Tiezhu is chasing after all, what should we do?"

"Go to the pier!"

The ghost said.


"Well, I have a way to let Zhao Tiezhu die!"

"it is good!"

At this time, Zhao Tiezhu, following the two men, wants to explode with all strength to chase, but the bones of the body are injured, forcing the full force, will definitely make himself aggravated, but if you do not break out to chase, you can only follow, Can not catch up, for a time, Zhao Tiezhu tangled.

At this time, on the other side.

Female dormitory building.

Chen Lingshan has already slept.

And Bailing, but standing on the balcony, holding a hand in a dumb, one hand stroking on the dumb head.


Bailing sighed and looked at the bright moonlight in the distance, not knowing what to do.

I came out this time, in order to continue the last revenge, but I don’t know why, when I really saw Zhao Tiezhu, I didn’t want to start, why didn’t I want to do it? Braun did not know that Braun only knew that his hatred of Zhao Tiezhu seemed to be getting smaller and smaller. Even Bai Ling sometimes felt that he could not afford Zhao Tiezhu.

"The bad guy!"

Bailing muttered a sentence.

at this time.

Bailing saw that a few black shadows suddenly rushed out from afar.

Originally, this is nothing. Maybe someone is running out in the middle of the night.

But when I saw the one who was chasing the back, the Braun was stunned.

"Bad man?"

Bailing looked at Zhao Tiezhu and his face was full of surprise.

I didn’t think much about it at all. Bailing went straight to the outside of the building, then grabbed a water pipe and slid downstairs. Then she chased Zhao Tiezhu and ran out.


The situation becomes like this.

Kirin stalked the ghosts in front, while Zhao Tiezhu was in the middle, and Bailing was behind Zhao Tiezhu.

The dock is very close to Danfu University.

As for why it is very close, everyone understands the need for the plot.

In less than five minutes, a few people rushed to the side of the dock.

On the edge of the dock, I heard a small ship.

There is nothing special about this ship.

Kirin slammed into the boat with a ghost.

Zhao Tiezhu hesitated under the boat.

Obviously, the ghosts and unicorns deliberately brought themselves here, that is to say, there is a barrier to them here, and if they rushed up, will they be ambushed?

However, at the thought of this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to kill these two people, or one of them, Zhao Tiezhu did not care so much.


Zhao Tiezhu earned a head and looked at the Bailing who was hiding behind a box and said, "You don't follow, this is not the place where children can come."

Bailing did not expect Zhao Tiezhu to find himself. He jumped out of the box and said, "I am coming to find you to avenge, can't you?"

"Yes. But I don't have time to play with you now!"

After Zhao Tiezhu finished, he rushed directly to the ship.

Vaguely, Zhao Tiezhu saw the figure of Kirin not far away. He saw the unicorn squatting at the ghost, opened a door and rushed in.

Zhao Tiezhu quickly followed up.

Walking into the door, appearing in front of Zhao Tiezhu is a hall.

Zhao Tiezhu stepped into the hall and watched his eyes.

To be precise, this is a ballroom.

But now there is no one in the dance hall.

There was no light in the dance hall, and the moonlight came in, and it was a bit infiltrating.

Zhao Tiezhu slowly walked to the center of the ballroom.


Suddenly, a scream came.

Zhao Tiezhu looked back and saw that Bai Ling quickly rushed to himself and then rushed to himself.

"My grass, what are you doing?" Zhao Tiezhu called "There are mice!"

Braun trembled and said.

"Your sister, you are even playing with lizard poisonous insects, are you afraid of old books? Potholes?" Zhao Tiezhu said helplessly.

"I... I was afraid since I was a child!"

Braun said.

at this time.


A mechanical sound.

Zhao Tiezhu suddenly felt that his feet were empty, and then his body fell uncontrollably.

"I am grass, the agency! Do not dare not be so fantasy!"

Zhao Tiezhu helplessly grabbed Bailing while facing his back.


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