Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 2585: Escape! (4 more)

Early charter

Since it has been opened, the next thing will be easier.

Zhao Tiezhu grabbed the port and immediately slammed it.


The iron rod was bent up by Zhao Tiezhu’s hard-growing cockroach.

At this time, Zhao Tiezhu discovered that it looks like this gap, not enough to go out!

Zhao Tiezhu quickly gestured to Bailing, let the dumb go and take a bite out.

Braun nodded and directed the dumb to bite another bite, which was about ten seconds past.

After the second mouth was successfully bitten, Zhao Tiezhu finally bent the iron stick in the same way, and finally made a mouth for one person to pass.

Zhao Tiezhu quickly pulled the Bailing on the side.

At this point, Braun's second breath was running out, and the chest was boring for a while, seeing Zhao Tiezhu pulling himself, and Bai Tiezhu nodded with a hundred inspirations.

Zhao Tiezhu didn't have much nonsense. Of course, he didn't have time to talk nonsense.

At this time, Zhao Tiezhu had already felt a chest tightness. After all, he had just bent on the iron bar, but he needed oxygen very much. He even had two oxygen consumptions, which was almost enough for Zhao Tiezhu to simmer for two or three minutes.

Braun's body was drilled from that mouth. Because it was a girl, and it was small and thin, it was very easy to drill, and Zhao Tiezhu was a bit difficult. Although his body was thin, he was still stronger than a woman. Ok, I walked through and got stuck.

Zhao Tiezhu looked at his lower body, and felt that there were many tragedies in the tragedy.

At this time, the Braun, who had already had an iron cage, was watching Zhao Tiezhu.

Zhao Tiezhu waved his hand and gestured to Bailing to go upstream. Otherwise, it would take a long time to say that the oxygen of Bailing could not be used enough.

However, under the surprised eyes of Zhao Tiezhu, Bai Ling actually swam to his side, and then grabbed his own hand and tried to pull himself out.

This woman who is very clumsy in swimming, she has to pull herself out! !

Zhao Tiezhu did not know how to express his feelings.

"Hurry up!"

Zhao Tiezhu looked at the Bailing, who was obviously quite uncomfortable. He quickly raised his hand and opened the Bailing to grab his hand. At the same time, Zhao Tiezhu tried to twist his body and found that his abdomen was stuck in the iron rod. Above, and your own belly is filled with gas!

At this time, Bailing was guilty of squatting. Zhao Tiezhu pushed her hand away. She even swam up again. This time she directly hugged Zhao Tiezhu’s upper body and then desperately wanted to pull Zhao Tiezhu out.

Obviously, Braun incorrectly estimated his own strength and miscalculated the amount of oxygen in his body.

Along with several bubbles rising up.

When Bai Ling’s eyes turned over, Zhao Tiezhu was not pulled out, and he passed out.

"I rub."

Zhao Tiezhu looked at the blind who had lost consciousness, and quickly grabbed one hand on her hand to prevent her from being taken away by the current. Then, Zhao Tiezhu looked down at her stomach.

I can only gamble!

Zhao Tiezhu looked at the head, he is about 15 meters away from the water surface, and at his own speed, from the bottom of the water to the surface of the water, about five seconds, now add a Braun, about seven seconds!

And if you want to go out from here, you have to spit out the only remaining breath in your stomach. So, in short, let yourself swim for seven seconds without any oxygen supply.

Many people may think that this is very simple. Of course, if it is just a straight tour, it is definitely simple, but Zhao Tiezhu is carrying a person, or going upstream, and, in an absolutely anaerobic state, you say that you are going to swim, that can Still angry!

Zhao Tiezhu calms down and completely relaxes the whole body.


A string of blisters, slowly from the mouth of Zhao Tiezhu, was spit out.

And Zhao Tiezhu’s belly is slowly decreasing.

Wait until Zhao Tiezhu’s stomach has been stuck.

Zhao Tiezhu’s foot slammed.

The whole person got out of the opening and smashed out.

At this point, Zhao Tiezhu felt that his lungs seemed to be exploding.

The oxygen in the stomach that has been prepared for use has been spit out by myself. There is almost no gas in the lungs, water pressure, and the uncomfortable feeling brought by the absence of oxygen, so that Zhao Tiezhu will soon faint. .

However, at this time, Zhao Tiezhu's strong willpower helped him.

Zhao Tiezhu shook his head and immediately woke up in his mind. Immediately, he resisted the uncomfortable feeling that he did not know how to describe it. Zhao Tiezhu had a pair of legs and stepped on the bottom of the sea.

call out.

Zhao Tiezhu is like a dolphin, and quickly goes upstream.

This short ten meters, on the land, Zhao Tiezhu can run away in a second, but at this time in the water, Zhao Tiezhu feels that this is more than ten meters, as if from the earth to the moon.

Obviously, I have felt that it has been a long time in the past, but the little light above it seems to never catch the ordinary.


Zhao Tiezhu is quite uncomfortable.

He has never been so uncomfortable.

It's like being pouted by someone, and then letting a dozen people press it on!

The speed of Zhao Tiezhu slowly slowed down, and Zhao Tiezhu’s hand slowly became weak.

The Bailing, who was caught under Zhao's arm by Zhao Tiezhu, had no idea what the coma had reached.

Zhao Tiezhu really wants to faint, and fainting may be painful.


"I am grass, I still have so many women who have not been there, how could I die here!"

Zhao Tiezhu’s mind suddenly appeared countless women, Ziyi, Ling Xue, Liu Ruoxi, Lin Lei...and even the Bailing who didn’t know how to live and die at this time.

Of course, Zhao Tiezhu is not a non-existing person. At this time, there is such an idea in the ladder, purely the explosion of physical potential.

Zhao Tiezhu’s physical potential turned out to be due to a woman’s eruption, and Zhao Tiezhu was really surprised.

However, anyway.

Zhao Tiezhu is outbreaking after all.

Zhao Tiezhu tried his best to stretch the legs.

Five meters.

Four meters.

Three meters.

Two meters.

one meter.


Zhao Tiezhu is like a dolphin, and he rushes out of the water.

call out!

The first thing that Zhao Tiezhu rushed out of the water was a long breath.

This is Zhao Tiezhu's most refreshing air in his life. Zhao Tiezhu feels that his strength has completely recovered from this when he entered his body.


Zhao Tiezhu fell into the water again.

However, Zhao Tiezhu, who had already taken a breath at this time, was very relaxed and took the Bailing, once again swam out of the water, and then quickly swam to the shore.


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