Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 2599: Nothing to pay attention to

"Old pottery, what's going on!"

Principal Wang whispered as he followed Professor Lao Tao.

"You know when you get to nature!"

Professor Lao Tao was a mysterious look at this time. This expression made Wang’s headmaster hate it all at once, and you are still not a country.

However, before I thought about the goods, I couldn't say anything about myself. It was hard to come here. If I was ran away by myself, then the principal of this school is estimated to have done the job.

Ma Spring is at the forefront, and the government officials who have already sat down have also stood up and followed the spring of Ma.

Joke, my big boss is standing up, who dares to sit? Maybe the big boss didn't see you sitting, but if you let others see it, you can't eat it.

What is strange is that Wen Changlin did not hesitate to follow the spring of Ma, and his face was calm.

This article Changlin had a war with Ma Spring before. Everyone present was aware of it. Compared with his identity, Wen Changlin couldn’t get much of the spring. Maybe this spring will know young people sitting not far away, but it’s hard to be this. Wen Changlin also knows that person?

This is basically impossible. Even if Wen Changlin knows, considering the rigid relationship with Ma Spring, Wen Changlin is not likely to follow it.

The eyes of almost everyone present were concentrated on Zhao Tiezhu’s body.

Zhao Tiezhu is sitting very calmly, while Ye Shishi on the side is not talking with his eyes closed. As if something is not important in her eyes.

Oh, la la la.

A group of people followed the horse spring and came to Zhao Tiezhu.

"Comrade Iron Column, how are you!"

Ma spring stretched out his hand one step at a time, which made the people around him suddenly shocked.

This is Ma Spring, this is the municipal party secretary of sh. The person with the highest status in the whole sh, even if it is placed in the center, is also a big man. Such a person actually takes the initiative to say hello to a student who is like a student. The change is too fast. Is it difficult for this student to be his relatives and elders?

"Ma Shuji!"

Zhao Tiezhu is not slow at all. Although Ma Chun first reached out, but Zhao Tiezhu’s hand was stretched faster, and he grabbed it in the spring of Ma’s hand. The other hand was also brought up and took the horse spring. Hand.

Although he does not deal with his son, but now so many people look at it, they can get things right, and, in fact, Zhao Tiezhu is not really wanting to offend this deputy prime minister’s level, this is not Lu The small governor of Jinhui can compare with Zhang Yihuang, which is not comparable to Ma Chun.

If such a character makes his own enemy, this is really... quite awesome.

If it is not for Wang Xiaoyue to avenge, in fact, Zhao Tiezhu and Ma Lele are lazy.


Zhao Tiezhu sighed, and he was a teacher. If he couldn’t help the students, then the teacher did nothing.

"Comrade Tiezhu, how do you sit here? Follow me!"

Ma spring said with a smile.

"That's all right, Secretary Ma, I am just here!" Zhao Tiezhu pushed away. "There is the Lord, the leader is sitting."

"Are you not a leader?"

Ma spring said with a smile, "I remember your rank, but the level of the Major General, plus the special status of the National Security Bureau, to be a high level of the official, you can treat this as a lieutenant-level treatment!"

When Ma’s spring came out, everyone around him was stupid, including Wang’s principal.

"Nima! Such a young man who seems to be in his twenties is actually a major general, and it is the treatment of the lieutenant. Is this that he does not understand or is the world changing too fast? Although the army is already a very Serious problems, but let such a young person live in such a high position, is the army's amnesty crazy, or is this young man the grandson of the No. 1 head?"

This is almost the only idea in everyone's mind.

Of course, Wen Changlin said that he was quite calm and smiled and looked at it all.

"That is all virtual."

Zhao Tiezhu shook his head and said, "I am an ordinary person. You don't want to lift me up, please don't hesitate me!"

"Nima, don't you think so! Who is this? This is the secretary of the rank of deputy prime minister. If you praise you, you will accept it. If you look at this yin and yang, look like it is modest, your brain is covered by the toilet. Did you smoke it?"

This is another idea of ​​the people around.

"Ha ha ha!"

What is shocking is that Ma Chun did not get angry because of Zhao Tiezhu’s words. Instead, after a big laugh, he sat next to Zhao Tiezhu and said, “I will sit here with you!”

"Nima! Dare don't dare not show such a red fruit. Dear, you are the secretary of the municipal party committee. You are the secretary of the municipal party committee at the level of the deputy prime minister. You are destined to become one of the nine standing committees in the future. You have given up on yourself. The seat is not sitting on your own. Are you so worthy of the arrangement of others? Are you worthy of us who are there with you? Are you worthy of the bureaucracy of China?"

This is all the thoughts of people around you.

"Chang Lin, you are sitting there, I am here, let's make a difference!"

Ma spring smiled and said to Wen Changlin.

At this time, everyone turned their eyes to Wen Changlin.

"Wen Changlin, you are also the son of one of the nine standing committee members, is a super rich, you persuade the secretary of the horse, sitting here really fell, and you let others sit!"

The people around him looked at Wen Changlin eagerly.

As a result, Wen Changlin’s performance caused everyone to fall below their eyes.


Wen Changlin shook his head and said, "I have to sit on this side of the iron column. I naturally have to sit here."

Card wipe.

This is the sound of the eyes falling on the ground.

Several people have broken their eyes.

"Is this swollen? The two most powerful people in the whole sh are rushing to sit next to the young man who looks very cumbersome. Is this a person who is really a descendant of the central leadership? Isn't Lin a descendant of the central leadership? Why is he so good at expressing his goodwill?"

People around are puzzled.

"Uncle Wen, you shouldn't be like this. Where to sit and sit, it's crowded here, it's not good!"

Zhao Tiezhu said helplessly.

"Wen Shu? Are they relatives?"

Think about the people around you.

"Then you will be with us!"

Wen Changlin said with a smile, "In the past, everything is easy to say!"

"This... that's alright!"

Zhao Tiezhu nodded helplessly, but his heart was secretly vigilant. Although he was a little accomplished, he was still a little worse than the two. The two men actually held themselves like this. Steal!

Zhao Tiezhu stood up and followed Wen Changlin and Ma Chun, and came to the center of the guest table... q! ~!


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