Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 2608: died!


Although Sun Lei is a little skilled, but at this time in the fast running, he was suddenly hit by the money behind him. Sun Lei lost his balance in an instant, and then he was pulled down by the money. On the ground, I also rolled a few times.

Just after the roll, Sun Lei climbed up all of a sudden, and even with a lick of his hair, the hair fluttering, it seems that Sun Lei is very stylish, if this time Sun Lei said that using Rejoice is so confident, Then there is more to be.

Unfortunately, Sun Lei did not say that he did not have time to say.

Just as he rolled over and climbed up, Sun Lei was caught up.


First of all, the head is a knife.

The big machete did not cut off the head of the Japanese devil, but cut it toward Sun Lei’s head.

Sun Lei’s skill was completed, and he directly twisted his body. He directly hid this machete. Then, Sun Lei jumped to the side and tried to escape.

At this time, he has also refused to take the money that has not been climbed up on the ground.


A scream.

Qian Shuguang was the first to be cut a knife.

This knife was cut directly in the hands of Qian Buguang. Of course, there is a lack of ability. Therefore, this knife does not directly cut off the arm of the light, but let the money shine directly.

Sun Lei secretly said that when the brothers came to help you revenge, he wanted to continue running. However, it is obvious that these people are very prepared for this evening. At the moment when Sun Lei is about to run, these people have already surrounded Sun Lei. Inside.

"My grass!"

Sun Lei clenched his fists and looked at all the retreats that had been sealed. He didn't know what to do. He was not Zhao Tiezhu, and there was no such thing as Zhao Tiezhu. He was just a man with the strength of the end of the Tigers. Ordinary people only, and the strength of the Tigers, at the moment, does not seem to make much sense, the other person is so much, and the skills are not weak, unless you have the strength of the Dragon List, otherwise there is absolutely no way to resist these people.


I don't know who it is, and I screamed. The people around Sun Lei were almost at the same time and rushed toward Sun Lei.


Sun Lei screamed, since he can't escape, he can only use hard resistance! ! ! ”


A muffled sound came out of the crowd, and what we could see was just a knife and a stick.

Soon after.


Zhao Tiezhu shouted with a mobile phone.

At this time, just after the shower, the task of protecting Professor Tao Tao has already been taken over. Zhao Tiezhu is a little easier, and Chen Lingshan is going to visit her grandfather Chen Daoling tonight. The night market, originally Chen Lingshan is coming to participate in the celebration of this century-old celebration, but Chen Daoling had to let Chen Lingshan with him, then Chen Lingshan can only accompany his grandfather.

Zhao Tiezhu naturally knows that this is Chen Daoling in order to protect Chen Lingshan, because today is the day when Lao Tao announced the research results, and it may not happen. Although the probability of occurrence is not high, it is not afraid of 10,000.

Therefore, after Zhao Tiezhu separated from the white sheep of the night, he returned directly to the dormitory. Now, Zhao Tiezhu received a call from his own son.

The news on this phone shocked Zhao Tiezhu very much. This is a real shock.

Zhao Tiezhu absolutely did not think that Sun Lei, even on such a night...

Was hacked to death by a knife!

Yes, Sun Lei is dead!

The special ugly death!

It is said that dozens of knives in the body have been cut into meat, and the money with Sun Lei is also a knife in the body, but the money is not dead, just serious injuries, and now in the hospital to rescue.

"how is this possible!"

Zhao Tiezhu's first reaction is impossible, Sun Lei, that is also a boss-level character, if in the game, it is also a boss that needs to be very serious before playing the ultimate boss, a kind of accident that may make you die. Such a person who has been blaming himself for a long time, and seems to be going on for a long time, does not know who was hacked to death, but also died so badly. This is like someone telling you that Qinglong drove a car accident and died. It is simply impossible things.

"Things have been confirmed!"

The voice of Zhao Ergou is very low. "Definitely is Sun Lei!"

"Who is that? This is sh, not the battlefield in the Middle East. Sun Lei is not following people, how can he be hacked!!" Zhao Tiezhu said.

"It is said that he was ambushed!"

Zhao Ergou said, "Now the entire Sun family has completely erupted. Sun Lao directly ordered the private arm of Sun’s family to rush to sh, and the sh municipal committee also set up a task force, and the head of the sh municipal party committee, Ma Chun, is the leader of the country. The Ministry of Public Security has also sent people to sh, this time the people in the Ministry of Public Security are directly led by the Deputy Minister of Public Security! The shrei district has already begun to intervene in this matter, now, the entire Shenzhou, at least white, all People, because of this, are busy."

"I am grass, this is dead, it is too stunned! I don't know who is the hand!" Zhao Tiezhu said with emotion. "The money is also a good life, not even dead."

Although he said that he was quite happy about Sun Lei’s death, Zhao Tiezhu was always very awkward. He prepared for a long time and wanted a good enemy to be killed by others. This gives people a sense of emptiness in their hearts. You put your girlfriend for a long time, and waited for him to get married when he got married. He found that he was actually given by others. This emptiness made Zhao Tiezhu feel uncomfortable.

"Iron column, you said, is this something you did?"

Zhao Ergou suddenly whispered.


Zhao Tiezhu shook his head decisively. "This thing has nothing to do with me. There is no relationship at all. I just went home directly, and I have time to ambush him!"

"I got the news, whether it is the working group in the central government or the local working group in sh, all of your suspects are listed to the maximum, and the Sun family is even more blunt about this. You just did it. The phone came over, let us hand you over and give them a copy of the grandson!" said Zhao Ergou.

"I am grass, are they brain-destroyed?" Zhao Tiezhu said with anger. "I haven't done anything, let the old guys hand me over? Are they stupid?"

"It must be stupid!"

Zhao Ergou said, "If you are not stupid, can you do something like this?"

"What do you say at home?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"Your grandfather said a word to him." Zhao Ergou said.


"Are you stupid?"


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