Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 2611: Li Longba

?李龙霸,. -<>-.

This is a name that almost everyone has forgotten.

He used to be the owner of the Li family, above the real people.

He once had countless wealth and glory, and his authority was in the sky. The Li family under his management was second only to Zhao in the entire capital. He brought countless problems to Zhao, and also let Zhao have eaten countless deficit.

Such a male figure, after Zhao Tiezhu’s last screaming in Beijing, completely faded people’s horizons.

He was under house arrest by Li Ziling in a small island under the name of Li in Europe.

"Li Longba,!"

Zhao Kunlun looked at his father with shock.

"Now, it’s almost time for Li Long to come out. Of course, it can be said that Li Longba has come out!"

Zhao Bao said with a smile.

"Li Longba wants to come out!"

Zhao Kunlun said with amazement, "Is Li Longba not under house arrest!"

"Do you really think that a small Li Ziling, you can put Li Longba in a lifetime!"

Zhao Bao shook his head and said, "Li Longba, this is a character who is not inferior to me, son, you will watch it, Li Longba returns to people's vision, not far away!"

Zhao Kunlun nodded and his face was full of admiration.

At this time, somewhere in Europe.

This is a sea.

On the ocean, a small island stands alone.

This small island has more than an hour's journey from the nearest mainland. The local residents nearby will send supplies every month. They only know the island owner of this island, a businessman from the magical east, that The businessman seems to be surnamed Li.

There is a manor on the island, and the manor looks magnificent.

At this time, in the manor.

A middle-aged man is holding a bucket of watering flowers.

The middle-aged man’s face is not sad or happy, and the hand holding the bucket is very calm.

The sun sets.

The afterglow of the setting sun shines on the water, and it seems that a rainbow has formed.

If it is not a man's hand with a bracelet and an ankle on his foot, this will definitely be a very beautiful picture.

About five meters away from the man, there are several men in black suits, these men with weapons, and some even holding ak47.

The men’s faces all have a very relaxed expression, and the eyes occasionally conceived that the man who watered the flowers was quite disdainful.

How can you be romantic in the past, and now it is not just a man who eats and eats.

Li Longba, now it is just a prisoner.

"Give, smoke and smoke!"

One of the men took a pack of cigarettes from his arms and gave them to the people around him.

"Hey, you said that this Lilongba is really pitiful. It was sold by his own son. The result is that you can only pour flowers here and read books. The one who was so powerful in the past is now like this. !"

A man took the cigarette and said with emotion.

"What is the world's thing, who is right?" Right?"

The man who smoked the cigarette said with a smile, "The world changes too fast, hey, come, click!"

Speaking, the man who smoked took out a lighter from his pocket and gave it to the people around him.

"Yeah, change too fast!"

Someone squirted the cigarette while igniting it, then took a deep breath and said, "It may not be a day when our boss is not happy, he has not even poured flowers!"

"This is true!"

The man who smoked the cigarette nodded and his body took a step back.

"How come you don't smoke!"

Someone asked.

"I, I don't smoke!"

The smoker shook his head.

"Cut, you don't smoke. You smoked yesterday. You took me a cigarette yesterday." Someone snarled.

"I don't smoke until I have to do anything!"

The man said with a smile.

"Before you do things, what to do." People around are puzzled.

"When I kill, I don't smoke!"

The man who smoked the cigarette said with a smile.

"Kill... people, ah!! Head is so dizzy!"

Those who smoked after listening to the words, just wanted to ask why they wanted to kill, and suddenly they felt a dizzy burst of their heads.

The expression of the smoker's man, in their eyes, suddenly became confusing.

"There is medicine,"

Someone said, quickly picked up the gun and pointed at the man who was smoking.

The man who smoked the cigarette smiled and stepped forward, and the cold mang with the sunset was flashing.

The man with the gun fell on his neck.


Suddenly there was a burst of gunfire in the villa.

Soon, the roar, the wailing sounds into one.

The sound came quickly and went fast. The man who drew the flowers, from beginning to end, did not look around. He just lowered his head and patiently watered the flowers and plants.

The man who smoked the cigarette threw the pack of cigarettes on his hand and looked at the men who had smoked their cigarettes and stunned. Instead of talking, they took another pack of cigarettes from their pockets and took one out. , fell on his mouth, and went to the person who watered the flowers.

"My family lord said, you have to stay here, it is not good!"

The smoke-dividing man walked in front of the middle-aged man and said with a smile.

The middle-aged man smiled and said, "Zhao Bao, how are you doing recently!"

"My prince is very good, he said, this is not the stage of the dragon tyrants, you need you more in the capital!"

The smoker man said with a smile.

The middle-aged man, Li Longba, smiled and put the bucket on the side, turned to look at the man who smoked the cigarette, and said, "Zhao baby, this is going to use me!"

"My family, Wang Ye said, he can't dare to use your thoughts!"

The smoker shook his head and said, "He just thinks you are here, a little pity!"

"So let you come!"

Li Longba asked with a smile. "From the first day I came here, I saw you, until now!"

"My family prince didn't let me go back, I didn't dare to go back." The man who smoked the cigarette smiled.

At this moment, a small group of people quickly rushed out from the surroundings, and these people also had traces of blood on their bodies.

One of the men walked in front of the smoker, and he bowed and said, "Everyone, all annihilated!"

After that, the man handed a key to the man who had the cigarette.

The man raised his hand and grabbed the bracelet of Li Longba, then opened the bracelet with a key.

Later, the man bent over and opened the ankle of Li Longba.

Li Longba lowered his head and vaguely chopped a slap in the face of a man's neck near the shoulder.

It is a purple dragon.

"Hey, Zhao Bao even let the Zilong Wang, one of the four dragon kings, come to save me. This money can be big enough!"

Li Longba said with a smile.

The man who separated the cigarette opened the ankle and stood up and said, "The Dragon King is the name given to us by outside. You can call me Azi!"

"It is said that the Dragon King of the Big Dragon King, although in his forties, looks like it is no different from the 20-year-old. This rumor is really correct. You look at it, it’s really young, hahaha!"

After Li Longba finished speaking, he walked aside with a smile.

The Zilongwang, one of the four dragon kings, did not allow Li Longba to look at it a bit. See the first advertisement without ads. -<>-.

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