Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 2628: Going to Japan

Chen Lingshan will not stop Zhao Tiezhu to save her woman, even if he is going to cross the ocean and travel to a foreign country.

Chen Lingshan knows Zhao Tiezhu. She knows that the opposite person is changing to herself. Zhao Tiezhu will also embark on the journey without hesitation. Therefore, persuasion has no meaning.

Therefore, Chen Lingshan simply said to Zhao Tiezhu that she paid attention to safety, and then she did not say much, although she was really worried about Zhao Tiezhu, although she really did not want Zhao Tiezhu to be in danger.

Zhao Tiezhu did not say goodbye to Chen Lingshan. He simply said a few words and then turned to the school gate.

Recently, the war between the Zhao family and the Sun family is still in full swing. Because of the sudden disaster of the Sun family, the Zhao family’s original attack on the money house has been moved backwards. Naturally, Zhao Tiezhu’s war against the Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce is also going on. Go on.

Of course, this shift is not necessarily a bad thing for Zhao Tiezhu.

At least, Zhao Tiezhu can start to prepare more information, and fight for a fatal blow. Zhao Tiezhu can also raise more funds. The amount of funds is large. It is more powerful to fight against these financial giants. It is better to bite off half of them.

This is a war without smoke but an extremely fierce battle, and everything in this war is still brewing.

For Zhao Tiezhu suddenly going abroad to go to Japan, Zhao Ergou did not say much, just let Zhao Tiezhu pay attention to safety, and come back as soon as possible, because the war between Zhao and Sun’s family is almost over, and Sun’s family is not Zhao’s. Opponents, although there are rich families to help, but Zhao also has Li family to help.

The Sun family has already appeared in many places. If it continues, it will definitely shake the roots of the Sun family. Therefore, the Sun family will not be so stupid to die with the Zhao family. They will be angry and attack the Zhao family, but they need it. A venting object, but also an attitude with the Zhao family, that is, I am not afraid of you, after the war stopped, it is wrangling, Zhao Tiezhu did not kill Sun Lei, Zhao family natural righteous words, and Sun Jia Sun Lei Being killed, firmly believe that it is under the hands of Zhao Tiezhu, this is also straightforward, then the next is to see who is capable of pulling the skin.

People can't resurrect, and Zhao Tiezhu can't do it anymore. It can only be as good as possible, and at the same time try to suppress Zhao.

At this time, Zhao Tiezhu has already arrived at the door of Danfu University.

Here, he met a person.

Shi Haotian, his newly received younger brother.

Shi Haotian came to Danfu University just after the end of Shijia’s trip. His goal was to find Zhao Tiezhu and then mix with Zhao Tiezhu.

Of course, this is quite a grasshopper, but Shi Haotian really thinks this way. In his opinion, he lost to Zhao Tiezhu, and naturally he would be willing to gamble and lose, be a younger brother, although he may be about the same size as Zhao Tiezhu’s grandfather. However, Wen Tie has a succession, Zhao Tiezhu is better than himself, that Zhao Tiezhu is his own big brother, this is a very simple logic, at the same time, Shi Haotian also wants to make it clear, Zhao Tiezhu, how to make his muscles become so Hard, and, how does Zhao Tiezhu become so profitable at such a young age, will there be any special tricks with the Famen, or does Zhao Tiezhu practice a martial arts that no one knows?

All of this makes Shi Tiantian, a man who is said to be a martial artist at Shi’s head, very curious. Therefore, for the case of being a younger brother of Zhao Tiezhu, Shi Haotian really did not have much negative emotions.

After learning that Zhao Tiezhu had something to go out, Shi Haotian immediately said that he would follow.

Zhao Tiezhu did not intend to let this person go, but when he thought of the strength of Shi Langtian, he probably had about 10 points in the list of gods. Zhao Tiezhu did not stop him, although he should be able to play Shi Tiantian now. But there is such a cow around me, so it’s much easier to do things.

As for the identity of the passport, Zhao Tiezhu called the previous person by phone, and then when Zhao Tiezhu drove from Danfu University to the airport, the problem no longer existed.

In the terminal.

A tour group is gathering.

This is the only one that has recently been sent to Japan for travel to Japan. Because the recent incident in the Eel Island is warming up, many people have cancelled their trip to Japan. This tour group is pieced together one by one. Not many, there are more than a dozen people, some of these people are going to Japan to find relatives, and some are going to Japan for business trips, but none of them really travel to Japan.

Zhao Tiezhu and Shi Haotian followed the tour group and boarded the plane, and then began a long flight.

And in another place.

A battlefield that seems to have been forgotten.

The fight against the axe by the Green Gang has come to the end.

Originally because of the help of Sun Lei, Zhang Long, who was greatly increased in strength, was in a desperate situation because Sun Lei and Qian Shuguang both died, one was dead, the other was seriously injured, and the two left. As a result, Zhang Long did not have a backup. Naturally, the powerful green gang began to slowly remove the residual forces of the axe.

Zhang Long, who was finally trapped in a villa.

This villa was still the old house of Zhang Long's family in the early years. Later, because it was a long time, and it was in the suburbs, it changed places.

There are not many people around Zhang Long who are willing to follow him. These people die and die, and they can basically be regarded as Zhang Long’s left and right cards.

At this time, outside the villa, there are several black cars parked.

There are some people standing next to the car. These people are indifferent, and they all have long choppers on their hands. Even some people still hold black cockroaches.

Simply describe the current situation, that is, Zhang Long was surrounded by people.

These people who surround Zhang Long seem to be in no hurry, just chatting and smoking in the same place.

Soon after, a big truck came over.

The car carries a bucket of things.

Those who were chatting were hurriedly annihilating the cigarette butt, and then went to the truck and unloaded the bucket of things. Then they walked into the villa with a bucket.

Zhang Long and his hand were all withdrawn to the second floor of the villa, and the entire first floor was empty.

Those who were carrying the buckets put the buckets on the ground, and then opened the seal and poured the liquid inside.


The thing inside is actually gasoline! !

Soon, the petrol was left in every corner of the first floor of the bedding, and then these people were withdrawn from the first floor.

Not long after, a man appeared in front of the villa.

He wears his eyes and looks very gentle, but his name is very domineering.

People on the rivers and lakes call him, "bandits."

(At two o'clock this afternoon, the city's great step, Qianfan will be a guest mobile live broadcast event, when it will interact with the readers, interested friends can go and see. The address is: ?rid=212. Or mobile phone user login:, old The book of step is quite powerful, you can go and see, there is a small gift to send)


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