Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 2634: Sun family change

"This, Comrade Tiezhu, don't need more information.--." Sasaki asked a little strangely.

"No need." Zhao Tiezhu stood up and smiled and said, "Our goal is to save both people. Other information is not important, but thank you!"

"This is what we should do. However, Comrade Tiezhu, I have information about the security forces of the Yamaguchi headquarters, and you always have to do it," Sasaki said.

"You even have this." Zhao Tiezhu asked strangely.

"The intelligence system of our National Security Bureau has always been the world's top." Sasaki's face showed a proud smile.

"Let's talk about it." Zhao Tiezhu suppressed his heart and wanted to go to the Yamaguchi headquarters immediately, and sat down again.

ten minutes later.

Zhao Tiezhu stood up again and said, "Thank you Mr. Sasaki!"

Wherein it is all done!

Sasaki nodded and said, "When you go out, Oda Eiichiro will continue to take you around. According to the rules of normal tourists, you have to visit two attractions. Oda Eiichiro will control the time. Ok, yes, this is for you!"

Say, Sasaki handed a pill-sized thing to Zhao Tiezhu.

"what is this!"

"This is a highly toxic cyanide. If you are captured and don't want to be abused, you can use this... after putting it on your teeth, you can break it, and it's inside," Sasaki said.


Zhao Tiezhu nodded his face in a strange look. He took it and said, "That's the first thing!"


After that, Zhao Tiezhu walked out of the k-room with Shi Haotian.

"That, Oda, is also yours!"

Shi Haotian asked curiously.


Zhao Tiezhu nodded.

"How come I don't know, I thought it was just an ordinary Japanese." Shi Tiantian said with surprise.

"We have a special whisper, this is something inside us." Zhao Tiezhu said, "After the visit, I will go to Mount Fuji, what are you going to do!"

"Of course it is with you!"

Shi Haotian said, "I am your younger brother, naturally I have to follow you. You don't want me to drag my old man, that's it!"

"You are a booster." Zhao Tiezhu said, "If you have the help, the success rate of our actions will be much higher!"

"You need me to do something." Shi Yutian asked.


Zhao Tiezhu glanced at the person who had already packed up and sat in the National Security Bureau. He nodded and walked out of the room and said while walking. "At night, see how many people you can kill, how many people will be killed. Our goal is to They are all killing!"

"All killing, this can be enough domineering, listen to the person who said that the total guard force of the Yamaguchi group on Mount Fuji is about 500 people. We are going to kill these five hundred people!" ”


Zhao Tiezhu nodded and said, "You dare not even!"

"Ha ha ha, what are you afraid? I just worried that it is not enough to kill. I didn't want to kill. When I came in, I didn't catch up, so I didn't do it. Now I have a chance. I suppressed it. After decades of killing, it can finally be completely erupted. At night, let's compare, who killed more people, how to raise." Shi Haotian asked.

"This is not the same as the officers of the two killing games of the Nanjing Massacre that year." Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"What, can't you!"

Shi Yantian asked.

"Of course, it is possible to treat the person with his own way. With the Japanese, there is no other thing to say. Anyway, killing is." Zhao Tiezhu shrugged and said.

"Really, kill it!"

Shi Haotian grinned and smiled. His face did not see the old state that was already seventy or eighty years old. Some were just excited.

And this time.

In Shenzhou.

"Sun, this heir, still have to be sure!"

In the old house of Sun’s house, the descendants of several grandchildren stood in front of Sun’s old man. One of the middle-aged people said, “When Leizi went, but our grandson’s family would not be ruined, this The heirs quickly set up, and the people below are also at ease!"


Sun Lao nodded and closed his eyes and said, "Our grandchildren, younger generation, the smartest is Leizi, but unfortunately... Zhao Jia...Zhao Jia,!"

Said, Sun Laojiao opened his eyes.

"Through my words, Li Sun Yang is the heir!"


The people around nodded.

"I am tired, I am going to sleep!"

Sun Lao stood up and said, "Let's go down!"


After everyone had retired, Sun’s old man trembled into the room.

A few hours later.

Sun Lao died in his sleep.

The cause of death is unknown.

By the way, the person named Sun Yang became the new owner of the Sun family, and the first thing that the owner took up was to strengthen the connection with the money family, and at the same time, increase the efforts to promote the two homes faster. Fusion.

Later, Sun Yang personally went to a money house.

In the old room of money.

"Thank you for the money!"

Sun Yang is a thin man, probably around the age of thirty.

"You just have to remember, who gave you everything you have now, don't say thank you, because your things are all given to you, so including your grandson, now is mine too!"

Money said.

"Yes, Sun, it will be yours!"

Sun Yang nodded in a hurry and said, "If it weren't for you, there would be no me. I will definitely let Sun's family fully integrate into our money!"

"Know it!"

Qian Lao nodded and said, "Jing Wei, you will give Sun Yang a military division in the future!"


A man appeared at the door, this man, was the last time he betrayed Zhao Tiezhu’s Sun Lei.

"Let's go down!"

Qian Lao waved his hand and said, "This thing, whoever is going out, will die!"

"Know it, money is old!"

Sun Yang and Jing Jing both nodded at the same time.

Therefore, starting today, Qian Jia, the family of Sun Family, began to swallow and digest in the true sense.

Sun Lao may not be able to make a ghost. The heir appointed by him is actually the person who came out of the money house. The money family will, in the near future, completely hold the grandson’s hand in his hands. Home, will become a super family in one fell swoop.

Sun Lei died and everything changed.

There are no friends who have always been, and as long as the interests are enough, anyone will betray you.

Even if Qian and Sun both, Sun Jia, it is considered a money family.

At this time, Zhao Tiezhu did not know that the country had actually staged such a stimulating drama. The new owner of Sun’s family would be the person of the money family. Zhao Tiezhu only visited the restaurant together with Oda Eiichiro and then returned to the hotel.

Not long after, two people left the hotel building from the window and then headed for the station.

Their goal is to go down the Mount Fuji, the Yamaguchi group, and see the first advertisement without adverts - -.

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