Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 2646: Master of quit

The smell of this monk is as sudden as it came, and it seems to be a cold water in the head. It’s covered with a direct slap, and it’s not a chance to guard against it.

The sweat that quits the whole person is suddenly erected, the fine hole of the whole body is instantly opened, and the body is adjusted to the best state in an instant, ready to cope with the next challenge.

Poorly smothering the two women around me, before the strong momentum of smuggling and smuggling, it is only aimed at killing one person, and the counterattack to quit killing is indifferent, so the two beautiful women around me feel that One suppressed to the extreme, and people were afraid of the extreme breath, suddenly shrouded in their own body, one of the beautiful women shaking, originally had a lot of wine this evening, the bladder has been a bit up, this shaking, It’s good to hang without shaking out the liquid.

However, the resistance to quit is coming fast and going fast.

Almost just in the moment of counterattack, the smothering of the body will dissipate the momentum of the whole body. Immediately, the face of the smuggling has a strong smile. This smile is very kind, just like swearing to see Zhao Tiezhu.


Killing and turning around, looking at a monk wearing a plain gray coat, not far away, cried in surprise

The monk was ugly with a look, and the foot suddenly stepped on it. The whole person seemed to be flying up and rushed to kill.

"Master, what are you doing?"

Killing and rushing to push the two women around, and then raise your hand

The monk slashed one hand and slashed it in the hands of the smuggling. The killing hand was supported, but the foot was soft.

With a bang, the killing is on the ground, and at the same time


The sound of a slap on the bullet _ bubble & book &

"do not"

Screaming and screaming

A few men in black suits and murderous men pulled out their hands in their arms and pulled them out.

"Just kill brother"

One of them called

"do not move"

Killing and biting his teeth, resisting the powerful force that this stunner has uploaded, he said, "This is the master of Laozi."

The people around him looked at the killing and the monks in amazement. The hairstyle of this monk is the same as that of his own brother. Is the hairstyle the same as the master?

"Master, you...what are you doing?"

Screaming and shivering, a face has become red

"You, long-term"

The monk sighed and shrank his hand back, turned around and turned his back to kill.

The smuggling was so squatting on the ground, but did not stand up, but said with a look, "Master, I..."

"This flower world, after all, is your eyes," said the monk. "I thought that if you reported your family's hatred, you would return to the mountains, accept my **, and pass on my clothes. Just, I didn't expect that. You have fallen into this red dust, you can't extricate yourself. Last time you told me that you should follow others and practice martial arts. I believe it is true. Now, what you call the rivers and lakes is to eat, drink, and play. Said

"Master, I... I..."

I didn’t know what to say when I quit. I personally went to the door of this person for revenge. I became a monk and learned the martial arts. My own master also taught myself with my heart. It is said that I will pass on my clothes to myself in the future. Since I came out of the society and met Zhao Tiezhu, and then Zhao Tiezhu helped to kill the white tiger together, my heart changed. In fact, it is not said to change, but after the great hatred, the friendship with several people of Zhao Tiezhu makes Killing does not want to go to the mountains

I went back to the mountain and talked to my master last time. I want to talk to people outside and look at the world. If my master doesn’t say anything, let me not let the practice go, and always hang the Lord in my heart. What

I thought I would do the same thing, but the red dust world is harassing, too many things can confuse people’s eyes, screaming and following Zhao Tiezhu, and smashing out a world of their own in the underworld, he likes this. Life, results, and spiritual practices are slowly forgotten. At present, my master suddenly appears, and when I quit, I think of it. My martial arts seems to be a long time, and no progress has been made.

"You have been confused by the world, and you have already abandoned the Buddha, and you have already quit, you are too disappointed."

The monk said


I really don’t know what to say when I quit. It seems that I am very embarrassed about my own master. However, this kind of life is what he wants. The contradiction between them makes it impossible to stop talking about what to say.

On the one hand, it is Master's inheritance, on the other hand, it is the brotherly love and the world of flowers and flowers. It is difficult to choose to quit.

"Do you think that with your current achievements and the inheritance of the teacher, you have no problem?"

The monks turned back and watched the killing. "Do you think that now, rich, powerful, powerful, and everything, is no longer important?"

If the heart of the smuggling is struck by lightning, the whole person is stunned.

"I know that Zhao Tiezhu, who you follow, is not weak," said the monk. "Maybe you think that the strength of the division's list is different from that of Zhao Tiezhu. At your level, the strength of the division is not enough."

"No, Master, I didn't think so."


The monk sighed. "In fact, how is the Dragon List, and what about the God List?"

"Master, you?"

Killing and watching his own master, I don’t know what he meant.

"When I was a teacher, I returned from the Tibetan area, and built a mountain gate in our mountains." The monk said, "From now on, I have to go to the ranks of the Buddha, except for every few years, I have to participate in the rankings. I haven’t worked out for a long time."

"Master, what ranking?"

Ask to quit

"The ranking of the gods"

The monks put their hands together and said, "When the teacher was in the Tibetan area, he once took a person who was not a slap in the palm of his hand. Without thinking, the man turned out to be a **** in the list, so the teacher was inexplicable and went to God. List


Guarding the horror and watching his master, the master of the Longbang level he always thought was actually a person on the list of gods.

"When someone later found me, I realized that the person who died under my hand was the former, the fourth in the gods."


At this time, the squad has lost the ability to think. His master has actually killed the fourth list of the gods. Doesn't that mean, he is the fourth in the gods list, and now the fourth person in the gods list seems to be called...

Killing and staring at his master, just want to talk, the monk said: "In the Tibetan area, many people called me Dawei Tianlong Lama. However, when I established the mountain gate, I liked people to call me big. Wei Tian Long Monk"

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