Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 2648: Devil!

Here, I have to explain that Zhao Tiezhu and Shi Yutian have already come to the front of the yard, and the front of the yard is a large concrete floor. The concrete floor is for the cars that come in. Because it is possible to drive the car to the inside, it belongs to the big scorpion level. If you stop directly on the mud, it will not look good, and if it rains, it will be muddy in front of the door, which is not good. --.

Zhao Tiezhu’s punch on the ground is almost a punch of all the power of Zhao Tiezhu. Before a long time, Zhao Tiezhu could punch the ground out of a pit, and Zhao Tiezhu at this time was completely It is enough to give you a small earthquake in a small area.


A loud noise.

The cement board on the ground spreads out radioactively. Originally, Zhao Tiezhu could only blast a broken belt with a diameter of about one meter. Now Zhao Tiezhu is able to blast a broken belt with a diameter of five meters.

The fist went down, and the whole ground even shook, and the concrete boards and pieces were arched out of the ground because of the huge force.

This arch, a lot of people's feet suddenly is a period of instability.

It’s like an earthquake, and Zhao Tiezhu’s smile is awkward. He pulled his hand out of the ground. Many people here are not stable and can’t shoot. Zhao Tiezhu seems to be a ghost. .

Puff puff.

The sound of the knife into the meat kept ringing.

It took almost less than three seconds, and Zhao Tiezhu was cleaned out of a vacuum zone, and then Zhao Tiezhu rushed to an armored vehicle.

The machine gunner on the armored vehicle was now focusing on Shi Langtian, and he did not see Zhao Tiezhu jumped up.

I heard a bang.

Zhao Tiezhu was already standing beside the machine gunner. Then, Zhao Tiezhu grabbed the machine gunner's head and twisted it.

The machine gunner was killed in an instant.

Zhao Tiezhu threw away the body of the machine gunner, and he grabbed the heavy machine gun.

"This is how long it hasn't touched this stuff!"

Zhao Tiezhu touched the hot gun handle that had been caught, and turned the gun head at the people around him who were firing in the sky.


The heavy machine gun spit out a strong flame tongue.

Puff puff.

Those who did not have any precautions were instantly beaten into honeycomb coal by the bullets of heavy machine guns. At this time, everyone discovered that the comrades who were not far away had all died under the hands of Zhao Tiezhu, and Zhao Tiezhu’s hands Heavy machine guns, but like a sickle, are harvesting life.

"Ah, the devil!"

Finally, someone collapsed. An old man here, who came and went, had at least five guns hitting him on his side, but he couldn’t even hit it. On the other side, the young man only took less than ten seconds. Time has killed at least ten people, and now I am carrying heavy machine guns to harvest human life. This is simply not a human being. How can this be? This is a real society. How can there be such a pervert? People, this speed, this reaction, is simply not what humans can have. I have seen hiding bullets, but whoever has seen it can always hide bullets.

"Amazing God, save us!"

Someone simply fell to the ground.

This is someone who takes the lead, and there are people who follow.

All of a sudden, all the Japanese devils began to collapse and fled.

Only, they can escape before, but now they can't escape.

Why, because Zhao Tiezhu has a heavy machine gun in his hand.


The driver under the armored car did not know what happened. When he saw that the heavy machine gun on his head was shooting at his own person, he finally reacted. He took the pistol and rushed out of the car. Zhao Tiezhu fired two shots.


Two gunshots hit the head of Zhao Tiezhu directly, and Zhao Tiezhu’s head went out and went out.

Many people have seen this scene, and the heart that has already collapsed has suddenly recovered completely.

God, the Almighty God, the devil is finally dead.

This is the only thought in the mind of almost all Japanese at the moment.

However, the next scene that happened, the Japanese devils who recovered so hard, once again collapsed, and this time the collapse was more thorough.

I saw Zhao Tiezhu’s head straight and straight.

Zhao Tiezhu’s face hit by a bullet, there was nothing at all.

Completely, there is nothing at all.

"Not at all!!" Zhao Tiezhu grinned and pointed the gun at the man who shot at himself and pulled the trigger.


The bullets that poured out made the person under the body a honeycomb coal than the honeycomb coal.

This scene makes all Japanese people cry out.

"Mom, I want to go home!"

Some Japanese simply squat on the ground with their hands on their heads, while others yelled and wanted to run to the side. However, these people were quickly beaten into honeycombs by bullets.

The time is not long, it is about 30 seconds.

All the Japanese who were present were the souls of Zhao Tiezhu’s guns.

Zhao Tiezhu did not know how many people were killed. Anyway, he only knew that he must die a lot.

Of course, for the river crab, what is the truth of the scene, it is hard to say here.

Zhao Tiezhu jumped from the armored car and looked at Shi Langtian, not far away, and cried, "This is definitely what I won..."

Shi Haotian looked at Zhao Tiezhu a little helplessly and said, "You... you are cheating!"

"Can kill a devil, it is not cheating." Zhao Tiezhu patted the dust on his body and said, "Go, go in!"

"Hey, lost and lost!"

Shi Haotian seems to have some dissatisfaction. He put his hand in his pocket and spit on the side of the mouth, then followed Zhao Tiezhu and walked into the door.

"Abe...Abe, they...they have broken through the heavy fire defense, and entered... into the yard!"

"I know!"

Abe nodded to this day and said, "Report the loss!"

"We... our own death... 213 deaths... injured, 0..."

The devil said with a trembling voice.

"Oh, go on, remember, cut your belly!"

Abe said today calmly.

The devil's body trembled fiercely, just like the **, want to say something, but did not raise his courage, after hesitating for a few seconds, the devil sighed, back a few steps, then Stand up and walk away.

"Waste, there is no need to stay in this world!"

Abe and Ming Ming looked at Sun Jiaying and said with a smile, "Zhao Tiezhu, than I thought, it is very powerful. When he arrives here, you can leave!"

Looking at Abe’s smile, Sun Jiaying nodded unconsciously, her brain, and it’s a mess for a while, seeing no advertisements at the start-up--.

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