Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 2657: Indiscriminate!

~ Date: ~ October 21~

The strength of Qinglong has really reached a certain peak. Otherwise, Qinglong will not enter the legend with such a general thing as force. Therefore, the strength of this foot is called a powerful force.

The stones instantly shattered the window and hit the head of the devil who drove the car. A burst of blood broke out. The people who drove the car almost killed at the same time, and the body went to the side, and the car followed and went to the side. Then the person carrying a car directly rushed into the side of the mountain, and then fell into the cliffs and the like. As for those people who fell into the cliff, would they pick up the 10,000 years of fruit or touch the hidden cliff? The self-cultivators, or directly through, these are not the concerns of Zhao Tiezhu.

The three cars that rushed over were three, and the drivers of the three cars were spiked by Qinglong, and those who didn’t have the car just rushed over were all stunned.

At this point in their hearts, there is only one such thought.

"I am grass, how is this person more abnormal than the two just now!"

So, based on this idea, these Japanese people want to run again.

Qinglong did not chase, but he continued to sweep the stone on the ground with one foot and one foot, and the stone shot at the Japanese who were running. Hey, a muffled sound, one by one, the Japanese fell.

Zhao Tiezhu said that he was quite happy about the obvious slaughter of Qinglong. This is also the most happy thing that Qinglong did to make Zhao Tiezhu.

Finally, Zhao Tiezhu did not have the Japanese figure in front of him. Qinglong was at the forefront and calmly opened the way.


Just then, a shot was heard.


Zhao Tiezhu's brow is tight and he wants to hide, but he found that his body is too weak, and he has no strength to escape. However, Sun Jiaying, who is holding his side, has no reaction speed.

However, Zhao Tiezhu is not in a hurry.

I saw Qinglong raise his hand, and the long sword in his hand appeared next to Zhao Tiezhu’s head.


A crackling sound, the long sword trembled a bit.

The bullets were so stopped by the long sword of Qinglong, and then they swept their legs, piu, and several stones shot.

Puff puff.

The muffled sound came.

Zhao Tiezhu believes that the sniper must be dead and can no longer die.

"Where to go next!"

Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Take you to hurt!"

Qinglong didn't have any expression, and didn't even look back.

Zhao Tiezhu nodded and finally turned his eyes and fainted.

I don't know how long it has been.

Zhao Tiezhu woke up in a faint manner.

This is a Japanese-style room.

Zhao Tiezhu lay on a tatami, covered in a quilt.

Next to Zhao Tiezhu, Sun Jiaying is sitting cross-legged on the ground and looking at herself.

Seeing that he woke up, Sun Jiaying shouted happily. "Iron column, you finally woke up!"

"Where am I now!"

Zhao Tiezhu asked in confusion.

“This is Shizuoka Prefecture in Japan.” Sun Jiaying said, “Mr. Qinglong brought us here!”

"Qinglong, then he is now." Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"He is now out, iron pillar, you have been sleeping for a full day!"

Sun Jiaying said, "You are not thirsty now, hungry!"


Zhao Tiezhu touched his head and felt a little pain. The wound on the body also made Zhao Tiezhu feel a pain in his body. However, despite the pain, Zhao Tiezhu felt that his strength was growing up a little bit, and the speed was very fast.

"How is the outside now?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Outside..." Sun Jiaying said silently, "outside, it has been messed up!"

In the next half-hour speech by Sun Jiaying, Zhao Tiezhu knew that it turned out that the outside was really a mess.

Not long after Zhao Tiezhu and others left the Yamaguchi group headquarters, the Japanese self-consulting team’s plane first came to the headquarters of the Yamaguchi group. When the people saw the dead body, they were immediately scared and thought that they immediately thought that Is the monster appearing, and quickly contacted, the comfort team headquarters contact, the people from the comfort team came back and forth, everyone who came here, all of them were shocked, this way, from the most From the outside parking lot to the entrance of the Yamaguchi group headquarters, there were people killed.

And when this road comes in, the road is actually unable to get through, because a corpse on the ground blocks the road ahead of the car.

Later, I finally came to the headquarters of the Yamaguchi group. As a result, I found that the boss of the Yamaguchi group had squandered himself. When the people from the comfort team went upstairs, they saw the body on the ground, Abe and the present, and the team. The people are breaking waves.

Abe and Tomih, the symbol of the invincible in the eyes of the Japanese, this person who is second only to the Emperor in Japan, has been mythical, and even his face is bleeding and lying on the ground without any vitality.

It is said that there were several members of the self-contained team who were Amateur’s **** fans, and they could not stand the crime on the spot.

Subsequently, this matter was reported to the Japanese government, the Japanese government was shocked, and the Japanese royal family was shocked.

Immediately, the Japanese Prime Minister ordered that the director of the Japanese Police Department, Conan, who is known as the detective, lead the investigation, and at the same time, the country entered the first-level policing state.

Conan, the head of the Japanese police department, mobilized elites from Japan, such as the gods master Jin Tianyi, Ghost Mountain, and Otaru Nami, to investigate the case. The results of the investigation were shocking. It was actually made by two people. By picking up the video materials on the spot, the Japanese police found that the two people who seemed to be Chinese people at the time went straight from the outermost to the innermost, and even hidden all the way. No hidden, let the camera record their figure.

Conan immediately began investigating two people on the video, and the results of the investigation quickly came out.

The two men, one of them was Zhao Tiezhu who led the team to win the World Military Championships last time. As for the other one, there is no information.

At that time, Conan asked the Japanese masters of the gods to go to Zhao Tiezhu and kill Zhao Tiezhu. However, after listening to the advice of the little cat Nami, Conan gave up the idea because the little cat Nami is like this. Conan said, "The martial arts of this branch is very strong. Although it is injured, any of us may not be his opponent. It is recommended that the national self-confidence team join the search operation and launch the Japanese nationals to help find these together. personal.

After Conan exchanged with the Japanese Prime Minister, the Japanese Prime Minister nodded in agreement. Therefore, Japan’s self-contained team cooperated with the Japanese masters to start the search for Zhao Tiezhu and Shi Haotian. At the same time, the Japanese royal family also issued a statement that the Japanese Royal Guard will also Join the team that was arrested.

Here, Zhao Tiezhu was arrested in the country, and on the other hand, Japan began to build momentum in the international community.



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