Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 2663: Returning to China

After a few hours of sailing, Zhao Tiezhu finally returned to sh. --.

This time, Zhao Tiezhu came back by boat, because the corresponding inspection by the ship was relatively loose, and if it was a plane, it would be stricter. Moreover, Zhao Tiezhu came back with a part of the Shenzhou expedition. The inspectors went to Japan. The so-called investigators, organized by many countries, some people go after a period of time, and they leave the ship that is also sitting.

Although the strength of Japan’s arrest of Zhao Tiezhu has weakened a lot, it is still being caught.

When Zhao Tiezhu’s foot was on the land of Shenzhou, Zhao Tiezhu suddenly had the feeling that a hero would return to his hometown.

Although many people do not know that the return of the squid island is basically a large part of the merits of Zhao Tiezhu, but Zhao Tiezhu does not matter, anyway, things are done, this is good, as for everyone knowing, can you get that glory That is all virtual.

I have to say that sometimes Zhao Tiezhu is still very patriotic.

Of course, Zhao Tiezhu admits that he is patriotic and does not love d.

There were not many people who came to meet Zhao Tiezhu. However, in those people, Zhao Tiezhu unexpectedly discovered a heavyweight figure.

Municipal Party Secretary Ma Spring.

Ma Chun was very low-key and brought a secretary to come over, and then simply greeted the team.

"Welcome our hero Zhao Tiezhu to return!"

When Ma Ma saw Zhao Tiezhu off the boat, he immediately came over with a smile.

Zhao Tiezhu is a bit strange to the spring enthusiasm of the horse, but people come to pick you up with enthusiasm, but also call you a hero, if you are too cold, then there is a problem with IQ.

Zhao Tiezhu quickly went up with a smile.

"Hello, Ma Shuji." Zhao Tiezhu said one step ahead.

"Haha, iron pillar, hello, haha." Ma said as he slammed Zhao Tiezhu's shoulder. "This time, let's give us a light in China, hahaha!"

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and didn't answer the words. Some things, everyone knows it, no need to say it.

"The municipal government has prepared a welcome dinner for you, go to my car." Ma asked spring.


Zhao Tiezhu also thought about taking Sun Jiaying and Chen Lingshan to sit together. I didn't expect Ma Spring to have a banquet to entertain himself. This made Zhao Tiezhu somewhat surprised.

"I have a personal award issued by the head of the number one!"

Ma spring whispered.


Zhao Tiezhu nodded and looked at Sun Jiaying and Feng Gang, and said, "Let me go with me at night,"

"I am fine!"

Feng Gang shook his head and said, "I have to go and see my tapes. Those can't have anything!"

"I will accompany you." Sun Jiaying said with a smile.

"That's it, director Feng Gang, Jia Ying first borrowed me for two days, only a few days before going to work, no problem." Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"This person is yours, you are also her boss, saying no problem, then naturally it is no problem, don't say a few days, it is a few months, no problem." Feng Gangxi smiled.

Zhao Tiezhu smiled. After talking with Feng Gang, he took Sun Jiaying's hand and sat in the car arranged by Ma Spring. The group went to the sh city government. As for Shi Haotian, he left after leaving the ship.

The dinner was not held in the city government, but in a hospitality hotel next to the city government. However, Zhao Tiezhu was not taken over by the horse spring, but directly into the city government building. It is said that a brief report must be opened. Will be embarrassed.

I have to say that the habit of Shenzhou’s love for meetings has never changed. Zhao Tiezhu does not know what he can report. It’s hard to tell people **** in Japan. How to fight Abe and **** people.

However, this report will obviously not intend to let Zhao Tiezhu say much in the spring, but simply introduces the advanced deeds of Zhao Tiezhu's contribution to the country, and then begins to announce the central government's award to Zhao Tiezhu.

The name of this award is very inexplicable, and it rewards Zhao Tiezhu's contribution to the long-standing friendship between China and Japan.

Zhao Tiezhu’s face is strange. He went to Japan to kill so many people. Now he is engaged in a contribution that has a long history of friendship. This is really... a bit of a Japanese face.

However, this award is also quite a force, directly promoted Zhao Tiezhu as the rank of lieutenant general. At the same time, the welfare of all aspects has also improved a lot. However, these things are dispensable for Zhao Tiezhu. The most crucial one is The central government rewarded Zhao Tiezhu with a medal.

Heroic and fearless medals.

This medal is made of pure gold and has a cross shape. It looks very beautiful. It is said that this is one of the highest level of medals awarded by Shenzhou. When the old Zhao family once got one, it is still War time.

Although this medal is worth a lot of money if it is calculated, its significance is quite large. This is the number one director personally ordered the award to Zhao Tiezhu, and then contacted the head of the No. 1 to let Qinglong save Zhao Tiezhu. Here, It is not difficult to see that the head No. 1’s concern for Zhao Tiezhu is still quite large. Of course, Zhao Tiezhu does not rule out the shadow of Gu Yuehong here. Because Gu Yuehong has a good relationship with the reluctant, The head of the number said good things in front of him.

In any case, Zhao Tiezhu must be grateful to Gu Yuehong, even if Gu Yuehong really did not do anything, but the son of the No. 1 head of the family, this identity is placed there, others can not find a chance to close with him, I have such a good opportunity now, I don’t have to use it, but these have to wait until I have a chance.

After finishing the report, after the award was over, Zhao Tiezhu was taken to the hotel by Ma Chun, and then it was a good dinner. During the period, Zhao Tiezhu and Ma Chun called a friendship, if there was Ma Lele is so a thing, outside with Zhao Tiezhu to use it to deal with the Wen Chamber of Commerce, Zhao Tiezhu may still be able to be a friend of Ma Spring.

Different positions can only be doomed to Zhao Tiezhu and Ma Spring can only become friends on the face.

It’s eleven o’clock from the city’s hospitality hotel. Originally, Ma Spring insisted on staying in the hotel, but Chen Lingshan called Zhao Tiezhu and Zhao Tiezhu missed her heart. Naturally, she refused the good intentions of Ma Spring. Then came with Sun Jiaying to the door of Danfu University.

Chen Lingshan was not seen for a while, and Zhao Tiezhu clearly felt that Chen Lingshan was a little thin.

Chen Lingshan saw Sun Jiaying around Zhao Tiezhu, but there was no other emotion. After smiling and saying hello, he took Zhao Tiezhu’s hand and asked Dong to ask the West. Seeing the first advertisement without advertisement, please go to --.

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