Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 2668: N fly?

"This..." Zhao Tiezhu looked at Sun Jiaying, Sun Jiaying was lying lazily on his side, seeing Zhao Tiezhu looking at himself, Sun Jiaying asked, "What's wrong!"

"Ying Ying is coming over..." Zhao Tiezhu whispered in the microphone. --.

"Ouyang Ying." Sun Jiaying asked.


"You haven't eaten someone." asked Sun Jiaying.

"Eat..." Zhao Tiezhu replied truthfully.

"It doesn't matter if you eat it. If you want to come over, come over. If she accepts it, don't let her come if she doesn't eat it. The province has defiled people..." said Sun Jiaying.

Zhao Tiezhu nodded and let go of the hand holding the microphone and said, "Then come over and come over, but...we have adult things here, Ying Ying, you are sure you are coming over!"

Ouyang Ying at the other end of the phone was silent, and immediately said, "Some people... people want to have a pillar of iron to sleep with others..."

"Then come over, **** road **** hotel in **** street." Zhao Tiezhu said, "Would you like me to pick you up!"

"No, I took a taxi myself, my brother, wait for me!"

After that, Ouyang Yingying hangs up on the phone.

Zhao Tiezhu put down the phone and smiled helplessly. He took a look at Sun Jiaying and said, "Ying Ying's temper is still very childish. When you come, you will all converge, but don't teach her bad.

"Cut, we will be more evil, let's rest assured. When she comes, let's go outside and watch TV. What do you want to do with this bad uncle, you will do it together, we will never Excuse me, but, iron pillar, you are too strong, we are just finished, you can immediately next." Sun Jiaying said with emotion, "I heard some of my sisters said, their boyfriends are not You are strong, yes, tomorrow they are coming to see me, iron pillar, you can accompany me to receive them!"

"They, who are all." Zhao Tiezhu asked Sun Jiaying and asked.

"There are some sisters, all in the entertainment circle. We have a good relationship. You know, I am in this circle. Friends are not a lot. They heard that I encountered something in Japan, so together. I came to visit me, "Sun Jiaying said.

"It is also a star." Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Well, they are very famous, you should know." Sun Jiaying said.

"I know one of you, the other don't know." Zhao Tiezhu shook his head and said, "Let's see it tomorrow, see if there is time!"

"Then you will take a look." Sun Jiaying said with a small mouth, "There is no time for someone to go alone!"

"Hey, look like this." Zhao Tiezhu shook his head and said, "I will accompany you tomorrow, when will you be tomorrow!"

"Take the airport to pick up the plane at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, then arrange for an afternoon meal and go to the spa for beauty in the afternoon. You can talk to their male partner about business or play golf. In the evening, go to the nightclub together. Many nightclubs are very good, but I listen to them. If they are not, I will never go to the nightclub." Sun Jiaying said.

"That's it!"

Zhao Tiezhu thinks that his overseas Abe’s money is still in the process, and he can’t go to his own name. He can’t use it himself. This war on the Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce can start completely after waiting for his own money, even though I haven’t been very busy recently. I have to go to the bandits again. I have to look at the unlucky ones, and I have to deal with some of the problems recently, but these things are It’s not so important compared to the situation of your own woman.

Sometimes Zhao Tiezhu is a man who has forgotten his life.

At this time, Chen Lingshan, who had already fallen asleep with her eyes closed, although her body is better, but because of her good health, Zhao Tiezhu’s strength under her body is much greater than that of Sun Jiaying, and the result is Chen Lingshan has not had much strength at this time.

Zhao Tiezhu used the quilt to cover Chen Lingshan's body, and then got up and dressed and came to the outside of the room.

"We are sleeping here. When Ouyang Ying comes, you will go to the next room yourself." Sun Jiaying asked tentatively.

"Well, look at her thoughts." Zhao Tiezhu said.

Just then, Zhao Tiezhu’s cell phone rang.

It turned out to be the phone call from Hongyun.

"Iron column children, I heard that you are back from Japan gloriously." The voice of Hongyun is as full of mature charm as ever.

"For the country glory." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

"That's the case, is there any time at night?" Red Yun asked. "I know that you must be outside, or drink or pick up a girl. At night, I am a bit dry, do you want to kill me!" ”


When I listen to the rhyme, Zhao Tiezhu is big on the spot. This is a place where there are too many bad women. If everyone is about to pay you at the same time, then it is better to be with whom, and it may be cold. That, but, you can't always call everyone together, and then get a big sleep, red charm seems to be not known with Sun Jiaying Chen Lingshan, and there is no friendship with Ouyang Ying, you can't let people come and play together. Although the four flying is definitely a man's dream, but this kind of thing can only be yy in the novel, to really change to reality, who has the ability, of course, spending money is not counted.

"How, you are not convenient." Red rhyme is convenient. When he heard the hesitation of Zhao Tiezhu, he immediately knew that Zhao Tiezhu might be something.

“It’s not inconvenient,” Zhao Tiezhu said. “I’m with Jiaying and Lingshan now, and Ouyang Ying will come over later...”


Red rhythm exclaimed, "Iron column, this one is flying three nights, you can do it!"

"This... okay." Zhao Tiezhu smiled and then tweeted. "If you want to come over, we can't fly!"

"Do you think so." Red rhyme whispered.

"Ah." Zhao Tiezhu was surprised.

"Four flying... This is what men dream of, a pro, a touch, a jealousy, a get...hey, don't want to, if you think, my sister is now, people are old, these things are actually watching Very light." Hong Yun said with a smile.

Upon hearing the red rhyme, Zhao Tiezhu swallowed under the conditions.

These four flying... Is it really possible to achieve it?

For a time, Zhao Tiezhu turned out to be in the spring.

People, it’s not easy to be content, especially people like Zhao Tiezhu, who have already played the double-flying horses. The next three flying and flying are naturally the target of Zhao Tiezhu, and it is very likely to accomplish this goal. Zhao Tiezhu can not be moved.

It seems that I also feel the heartbeat of Zhao Tiezhu. The red rhyme asks directly and plainly, "Which hotel!"

"xx hotel!"

"Okay, let's go right now." Look at the first advertisement without advertisment - -.

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