Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 2686: War (2)

For the counterattack of Wen Tianhui Liu Tianbao and Lin Rong, Zhao Tiezhu had already expected it, and Zhao Tiezhu was not surprised at how quickly they could find themselves. Why, because Lin Rong nǎi products company’s location In his own control of fj, and, Lin Rong is also related in fj. When the event of recycling nǎi broke out, Lin Rong’s men had already gone to the relationship, but those relationships were none of them. So this is what happened this time. Uploaded by friends ==.

I have to say here that in the case of any accident in China, what the responsible person thinks at the first time is basically not how to deal with things, appease the victims, and then compensate for the apology, most of them One reaction is how to tie the relationship.

In the eyes of many people, the life of a fart is actually worthless. For example, if your product has a problem, nong has died several people. Well, compensation is second. The key is that I have to press down this thing, so, What you should do at one time is to manage the relationship, and you will be able to help those who may help you, and then consider the victim's business.

This is enough to see that in Shenzhou, the human life of the grass has become the mainstream of the society. The dead in the school, the first ten days after the family can know that the elevator on the construction site has fallen and fell to the dead. No news media can enter the interview, and a group of people are killed by the train. The first thing is to bury the train. When the truck crosses the bridge, the bridge collapses. If the person dies, the result is still being held accountable. It is said that you have overbridged the bridge and over one billion. The bridge can't even support a few big trucks. This is really enough.

In a society where life is no longer worthwhile, you can talk about human rights. This is a joke. When your life is guaranteed, let's talk about human rights. Don't want to fly without learning.

This time, the event of recycling nǎi, if there is no Zhao Tiezhu in the back cào, in the end it must be up and down, and then no longer, and the victims basically do not get any compensation, at most, give you a few boxes of cattle nǎi, then let You gave the previous nǎi back.

This is how a large part of the company in China works.

However, this time Zhao Tiezhu was behind the stalk, so this matter can not be pressed, and if it can not be pressed, people will go to check, why is it impossible to press, this investigation, we must know that Zhao Tiezhu is behind the cào It is not difficult.

Since I know who Cào did, and Lin Rong had a hatred with Zhao Tiezhu, the counterattack was very swift.

Even though Zhao Tiezhu broke the scandal of Liu Tianbao at the same time, the stock price of Liu Tianbao was going down. However, the Wenshang Association is not the Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce. They are a whole business alliance. Liu Tianbao and Lin Rong were attacked. Only one day, the entire Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce began to attack the industry under Zhao Tiezhu.

Several companies controlled by Zhao Tiezhu have suffered a fierce blow.

Numerous orders have been withdrawn, and countless businesses that have already talked about have also flown.

In less than a day, Zhao Tiezhu lost hundreds of millions of yuan.

However, these are all predicted by Zhao Tiezhu, so although his assets are rapidly evaporating, Zhao Tiezhu is not in a hurry.


Because Abe’s property was finally in the hands of Zhao Tiezhu.

Zhao Tiezhu immediately transferred a large sum of money to his account, and then let the solitary master control the money.

Solitary God did not let the money stay in the account to generate bugs, but quickly spread to various enterprises.

This is a protracted war.

Zhao Tiezhu is still with his nv people every day, and still attends classes after school every day. It seems that he was not attacked by the financial tsunami he directed.

Time has passed for a week.

In this week.

All the industries controlled by Zhao Tiezhu have officially started the war with the Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce. At this time, the strength of the Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce is gradually showing up.

Zhao Tiezhu’s enterprise has already experienced fatigue after this week’s war confrontation, and the Wenshang Association, like a generator that never knows the fatigue, has been working hard to put pressure on Zhao Tiezhu, even Their losses are several times that of Zhao Tiezhu, but their money is really too much.

Zhao Tiezhu took the price of their king down through negative news and pulled them back with money. As long as someone sold the stock, they took it all over and did not consider the cost.

Of course, in this process, the cào discs under the solitary kingdom are doing the same thing, and they are more secretive.

In this commercial war, the giant companies controlled by the Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce were probably sold by more than 10% of the stocks, and nearly half of the more than 10% of them were arranged by the Solitary King. The person gave it.

Don't underestimate this five percent. Through the previous Jiancang and other cào works, Solitary has already controlled a lot of stocks of many companies, and these shares add up enough to make Du Gu Huangtian become the major shareholder of these companies. .

Things didn't end there.

After a week.

Lin Rong, who was involved in the drug, was taken away by the people of the Ministry of Public Security.

Yes, Lin Rong was taken away.

The vice president of the Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce, because of allegedly taking si to transport and sell drugs, was also arrested by people in the Ministry of Public Security for allegedly evading taxes, tax evasion and other charges.

As soon as this news came out, the entire Wenzhou business would vibrate.

Few people believe that the vice president of the Chamber of Commerce will be taken away by people as simple as this.

The chairman of the Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce immediately expressed his protest to the provincial government, and the zj provincial government said that they were helpless. The Ministry of Public Security was directly down, and because of the principle of evasion, the Minister of Public Security only Can take the state of avoidance, there is no way to help anything, so the entire zj provincial government can only exert pressure from those outside the Ministry of Public Security.

How to put pressure is actually very simple. The person you took away is a big taxpayer. This is how much we lose in one day in ZZ province. Moreover, when this person leaves, the stock will fall down and fall. A chain reaction has taken place, and many companies around the company have also followed. You are trying to mess up our zj economy.

The Ministry of Public Security had pressure on it and directly took out the document issued by the head of the No. 1 department. Together with some evidence of Lin Rong’s involvement in the drug, it was sent directly to the table of the provincial party committee secretary of zj.

This time, the provincial government of zj, there is no voice,

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