Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 2691: plot

"Iron column. For a while, I didn't see you!"

Wen Changlin, who walked beside Zhu Yeqing, said with a slight smile on his face. "In the past half a month, the whole Shenzhou has become a little bit stormy because of you."

"This, Uncle Wen, are you praising me or yelling at me?" Zhao Tiezhu said with a shy look.

"The thing you did is not something that ordinary people can do." Wen Changlin shook his head and said, "Even if you are jealous of you, that is to praise you. In this year, there are several people who can truly influence one person. The country? Today, the Shanghai Composite Index fell below the so-called diamond defense 2000 point mark, and the source of the stock market crash, which is caused by the collapse of the stock of Liu Tianbao and the company held by the old money, now, you almost It can be said that it is the devil in the hearts of the national stockholders. Of course, many people do not know that you have driven the Chinese stock market's plunge this time. Everyone has just thought about Liu Tianbao. They are good, they are both sides. It’s been smeared by your desperate, attacking, and you have to bear the anger of everyone, and the days are really not long!”

"This is also good!"

Zhao Tiezhu shook his head and said, "The main problem is that they themselves have problems. If Wen Changlin’s industry has no problems at all, then it is impossible for me to smear. They are also financial tycoons. If you do it hard, at least in the business war, I can't do it."

"There is also self-knowledge, I thought you would be blinded by the current things!" Wen Changlin said, "Young people know how to keep a clear mind at such moments, the iron pillar, I am coming The more I like you, the better, I will give you my home Wen Ting, do you small, how?"

"Ah?" Zhao Tiezhu looked at Wen Changlin and said, "What do you say about Wenshu?"

"My family Wen Ting is currently helping my company handle things, and the connection between Chen Meng and that is also less. This is a good thing. However, she is a girl, my family's industry, if she takes over, her The pressure is too great, so I think, iron pillar, you can take my family Wen Ting, and then, we are relatives, I am your father-in-law, will my industry be given to you in the future?" Wen Changlin tempted.

Zhao Tiezhu looked like Wen Changlin, who was like a quirky temptation to seduce a little girl with a lollipop. He shuddered decisively and said, "This... Uncle Wen, I still prefer women."

"I am grass, my daughter is not a woman?" Wen Changlin decisively broke a foul mouth.

Zhao Tiezhu smiled, although he did not speak, but his face is a daughter's expression is really not a woman's expression.

Wen Changlin just shook his head helplessly and said, "Tingting just hasn't found a man who can completely touch her heart. You, this is your big opportunity. It's a pity that you gave up."

"Thank you, Wen Shu loved me, but after half a month, I will be defamed. I will be heavy on my body. So, for my woman, I can do it alone, not abuse. Love." Zhao Tiezhu said seriously.

"I seem to have a lot of women? Chen Xinshan of Chen Xin's family, then Li Linger of Li's family, and Ouyang Ying of Chen Wei's country, and the daughter of the family of the United States, Lucy..." Wen Changlin started The finger said, Zhao Tiezhu is a cold sweat shouting, "Don't, Wen Shu, don't say it, don't mention it again, this is the site of the bandit brother, let's not leave people alone!"

After that, Zhao Tiezhu looked at the bandits for help.

As Zhao Tiezhu's future relatives, the bandits are still very kind. I saw the bandits saying, "You said that you, I think Wen Ting is really good, iron pillar, you can think about it."

Zhao Tiezhu did not squirt a blood.

After the jokes are finished, the faces of several people are a little more serious, because they are going to say something, but it’s not the kind of thing you take one shot, but One thing that can change the entire officialdom of China.

"Iron pillar, what we want to say next, if you feel that there is no interest, or you don't want to listen at all, you can leave now, we are still good friends, if you want to listen, then you have to talk to us. Cooperation, if you want to quit after listening, then don't blame my brother and the elder brother is embarrassed!" Tudor said with a smile.

Zhao Tiezhu snorted with both hands and said after a moment of silence, "I... I listen."

"Haha, iron pillar, you know that you will listen." The bandit said with a smile. "In the three of us, if you talk about the contradiction between spring and horse, should you still be the biggest? Looks like your brother, but let Ma Lele call The person interrupted his hand, and if Ma Spring has been staying in this position, then Ma Lele, you can never think about losing money for a lifetime."

"Oh!" Zhao Tiezhu smiled and did not say that there is a story between Wang Xiaoyue and Ma Lele. However, Zhao Tiezhu will not say this kind of thing, because there is no need.

"Then we have to think about it, how can we get the horse spring!"

The bandits said, "Ma’s spring home is the Red Army of the older generation. However, it’s almost dead now, and he started by relying on the relationship at home. When the old people in the family died almost the same time. Ma spring almost all walked to the present position by himself. This person, especially smart, is also able to carry out special handcuffs. After so many years, no one has been saved by his yin bones. Although there are some black materials for spring horses here, there is no such thing as a thick person with a thick waist. These black materials will not be of any use."

"What black material?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"It's just some of the things we've done for him over the years, and the benefits we've accepted. These things are big, big, small, and, if we take it out, there's a risk." So, I won't come up with these things without a full grasp!" said the bandit.

"Oh! Uncle Wen, what do you think? Here you are the most experienced, but also the most knowledgeable, you give us a clear road?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"This road is still there."

Wen Changlin said after a moment of contemplation, "In fact, although Ma Chun is a deputy prime minister, it is only a level. Compared with the real Central Standing Committee, it is still much worse. On the official level, at least My father, I can crush him. First of all, what we have to do is to decide and start the effort!"


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