Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 2711: big head


Zhao Tiezhu looked at Ye Shishi strangely

"I just said it casually"

Ye Shishi originally looked at Zhao Tiezhu’s eyes and quickly spread out. “I just had a little premonition but I don’t know what I expected.”

"The hunch of the iron column poetry is generally very accurate," said Shi Liuli.

"Well, I know," Zhao Tiezhu nodded and said, "I will remember this in my heart."

"This is good for Ziyi, you are going to go to Beijing with the iron pillar," asked Shi Liuli.

"What's wrong," asked Cao Ziyi.

“No” Shi Liu shook his head and said, “If you see Qingxia with the iron pillar and let her go, go back to the mountain and say that I miss her very much”

"Think my mom" Zhao Tiezhu looked at Shi Liuli with amazement

“The people at home like her very much,” Shi Lili said with a smile. “When your mother didn’t go down the mountain, we were the two pistachios in Shijia and Ye’s family. No one liked Qingxia.”

"We will remember," Cao Ziyi nodded and said.

Zhao Tiezhu, who was not warm and tempted by a meal, also thought about the powerful woman like Ye Shishi, who was able to wipe out the same powerful woman as Cao Ziyi, and the result was Ye Shishi. It turned into a white cloud floating in the sky. Generally, the whole person has been swimming for too much, and Cao Ziyi is smiling and talking about Shi Liuli and talking about himself. But there are also many sayings that the temperament has never changed from beginning to end. The speed is also the same as the whole person's performance is quite calm and normal.

However, Zhao Tiezhu always feels a little abnormal. The two women sitting together have nothing to do. This is not an abnormal thing.

I have to say that Zhao Tiezhu’s bad taste is really evil. I think that Cao Ziyi and Ye Shishi can do something. If two people are sympathetic, they can’t help but Zhao Tiezhu’s crying.

Here, the incident of the deputy director who was eating rice was quickly brewing.

The deputy director of the attack was so lucky that the bullets only broke through the body and did not hit people. But this incident directly shocked the SH city government.

This is the world’s blatant blatant attack on the government’s important personnel.

The SH city government couldn’t sit still anymore. The SH city government couldn’t sit still, and even the central government couldn’t sit still.

This is not a small matter. The deputy director of the second largest city in China has been attacked on the road. It is said that there is a sense of security for the nationals. This is for foreigners to see where the government’s face is going, especially now that the election is everywhere. It’s just that the situation of maintaining stability is simply to face the central government.

Immediately after the Ninth Standing Committee opened a meeting in Zhongnanhai, the spirit of meeting the meeting was quickly conveyed to the SH Municipal Committee.

"Please be sure to find out exactly who is organizing this attack as soon as possible"

This is the most important sentence in the spirit of the Central Committee.

At this time, the spring of the horse is a bit big.

Is quite big head

Originally, Ma received news that the deputy director appeared to have submitted a copy of the Sam case to the mayor of SH. At the time of receiving the news, Ma Spring did not care, but the news from the city government said that it looks like There is something about myself in that material.

Just now, the old mayor of SH is also calling the local mayor to let himself pay more attention to some of the things that are more concealed and cannot be known. Everyone is a mixed-use SH Mayor who knows his own broken things. There is no accidental feeling that the whole officialdom is actually more corrupt than many people who have come to the red fruit. In fact, everyone else knows that everyone who does not say it and who is caught will always be a loser of political struggle.

Then Ma Chun was thinking about what the deputy director knew. After some investigation, Ma Chun discovered that this deputy director seemed to have found direct evidence that he found it in relation to Sam’s death. In fact, it does not matter but let the horse Spring is surprised that this deputy mayor has eaten the leopard and dared to find the mayor to send these materials. Doesn’t he know that these materials are not useful to the mayor? Do he think that these things can be used to move himself? This idea can be described as silly and naive.

As a result, when Ma Spring wanted to give this deputy director a lesson, the deputy director was attacked.

This is a difficult thing to do because the deputy director has entered the central government and even the US government because he is responsible for investigating the case of Sam’s death. Is such a direct investigator actually being assassinated? People don't want to let this investigation go on.

Soon after, some people gradually rumored that this deputy director got the evidence related to the death of Sam in spring and then submitted it to the mayor of SH. The mayor turned the news to the party secretary Ma Spring and then the spring to prevent the truth. Arrange for the deputy director to do it.

Although this rumor is very funny, it is quite easy for a city party secretary to let a deputy director not say a word, but this rumor spreads at an extraordinary speed.

The speed of the spread is fast but it is also quickly suppressed.

When Ma heard this rumor, he was angry and got angry. He ordered the strictest punishment. If he dared to pass these rumors, he would punish the result. The news was only known in the SH Municipal Party Committee and the government. a gust of wind

However, the United States does not agree with this. The US government directly negotiated with the Shenzhou government that the case is not simply hoping to ensure the smooth conduct of the investigation.

On the other side of the central government, because of the pressure from the United States and the secret manipulation of some high-level people, they soon wrote a text.

The central government let Ma Spring explain this matter, and the central side also said that they also received evidence that Ma Spring was suspected of killing American businessman Sam.

This time, the horse was sitting in the spring and went straight to the center. This is not a good fight. It’s spring, and it seems that I’m going to have something to do this time.

The death of an American businessman is really nothing. But when an American businessman’s death has a relationship with the Chinese government, then what is there and the deputy director responsible for investigating the death of this American is actually being killed. What's the matter? If these three things are linked to the central factional struggle, then there is something very much.

To put it simply, there are a few big crickets in the center that have expressed a considerable degree of concern. I hope that the SH Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government can give an account to the American businessmen to give the attacked deputy director an account of the positive and positive face of the Shenzhou government.


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