Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 2777: Zhao Ergou

Zhao Tiezhu’s first child, Zhao Gangyu, was finally born, but this time it turned out to be a bit unusual.

Wang Lao left a step in Zhao Gangzhen's body, but Zhao Tiezhu is still not clear about it. However, Zhao Tiezhu knows that Wang Lao will definitely not hurt his children.

Not long after Zhao Gangyu was born, Zhao Meifeng and these people also came to visit Zhao Gangyu.

"Looking at the eyes, this eyebrow is the same as the one printed on the iron column." Zhao Meifeng looked at Zhao Gangyu on the bed and said with delight.

"That is, this is the first child of our iron column." Zhao Ergou said on the side.

"This kid is good."

Zhao Chun said with his hands on his chest and said, "The future will definitely be simple."


At this time, Zhao Tiezhu still only knows how to be a straightforward person. Looking at his own child, Zhao Tiezhu’s mood is still calm.

This is my own blood.

From the body of Zhao Gangyu, Zhao Tiezhu felt the feeling of blood connection.

This kind of happiness for the first time, so that Zhao Tiezhu's blood has been boiling.

In the evening, Zhao Lao appeared in the delivery room.

Next to Zhao Lao, Wang Lao’s hand was holding Zhao’s body. Zhao’s face was very gray, but he could see it quite happy.

"This is my great grandson."

Zhao Lao reached out and touched Zhao Gangyu's face gently. At this time, Zhao Gangyu, who was already asleep, raised his hand and waved. He seemed to want to drive away the hand that only disturbed his sleep.

"Ha ha ha."

Zhao Lao smiled happily, then retracted his hand and said to Zhao Tiezhu, "Iron column, here I will take care of you, all of you, go with me to the ancestors."

Zhao Tiezhu looks a glimpse, he knows, Zhao Lao wants to announce that it is enough to influence the Zhao family, and even the entire Beijing and Shenzhou pattern.

The people around him seem to feel something, and they all look at Zhao Lao quietly.

Zhao Lao did not talk more, but trembled out of the delivery room.

After an hour.

The Zhao family, almost all of whom are in power, appeared in the ancestral home of Zhao’s family outside the capital.

The last assassination did not seem to bring any harm to this ancestor, or as calm and solemn as ever.

Everyone came to the front of the ancestral tablets, Zhao Meiqin, Zhao Meifeng, Zhao Dong, Zhao Chun, Zhao Ergou, Zhao Tiezhu, all the people surnamed Zhao, all bowed in front of the ancestral tablets, and in the forefront, Zhao Lao It is standing straight.

At this moment, Zhao Lao seems to be no longer the old man who is late, but an ancient pine, so vigorous and powerful.

Zhao old eyes looked at the ancestral tablet in a confused way. After a long time, he turned around and said calmly. "Today, my fifth generation of the Zhao family is finally born."

"Congratulations to my brother."

Zhao Meifeng said first.

"Oh, the fifth generation was born, but it was considered to be a matter of my heart." Zhao Lao smiled and glanced at Wang Lao.

I saw Wang Lao walking to the side of a cabinet, then opened the cabinet and took out a booklet from inside.

This booklet Zhao Tiezhu saw last time, that is, the book that Zhao Yan took when Su Yanni Cao Ziyi and others entered the genealogy.

"I Zhao Wu... I stayed for a few decades in the position of the Zhao family." Zhao Lao took the booklet and said, "In these decades, the Zhao family has been ups and downs several times. Every time, we are the strongest. It’s the only thing that faces me to face anything, and I always regret it."

Said, Zhao Lao looked at Zhao Ergou and said, "That thing, let me Zhao family master two dogs have to leave China, this has always been a stem in my heart, fortunately, the ancestors bless, two dogs safe Back to Zhao."

"My Zhao family's training, this master's position, has always been served by the main pulse people, the performance of the two dogs home this time, I want to come to everyone to see, two dogs with our Zhao family, stand Li family, Qian home Sun Jiasan, everyone at the same time, made great contributions to the other side of the territory. All this shows that the two dogs are a capable person, and I am already old... I know, my days are running out, so, I I feel that it is time to give the position of the Zhao family to the next generation."

Zhao Lao’s voice just fell, Zhao Meiqin’s voice rang. “Younger brother, don’t say such unlucky things, you are still in your prime. You see me, bigger than you, I think I can live a few more. Years old."

"My own body, I know it myself." Zhao Lao shook his head and said, "I have no way to control the Zhao family. I don't want the Zhao family to follow me down the road. Let the young people take the helm. , lead us to continue to sail."

"Little brother…"

"Don't say it." Zhao Lao said, "Things are so decided. From today, Zhao Ergou, the fourth generation of my Zhao family, is responsible for all matters of my Zhao family. Anyone must Zhao Ergou’s will is the center. Anyone must obey Zhao Ergou. This is the last order of me, Zhao Wu and the third generation of Zhao’s family.”

When Zhao Lao’s words are finished, the entire Ancestral Hall is the silence of death.

Many people are surprised to see the old man before the sign, although Zhao Ergou is inevitable, but... it’s so simple to let Zhao Ergou go up, it looks like Zhao Ergou is only 40 years old this year. It looks like Zhao Ergou’s home is not more than a year. The location of the Zhao family is also too fast.

Regardless of the expression of the people around him, Zhao Lao directly opened the booklet, and then took a brush that had already been inked. In the main column of the Zhao family, he wrote the name of Zhao Ergou.

Since then, Zhao Tiezhu's Laozi Zhao Ergou will officially become the owner of the Zhao family, and Zhao Lao, is also officially relegated to the second line.

Zhao Meiqin gloomy face, watching Zhao Lao write everything, but did not say a word, and Zhao Meifeng's eyes are full of joy, as Zhao Chun and Zhao Dong, these two men have not been very happy, of course, As a partner of Zhao Meiqin, Zhao Dong still looked at Zhao Meiqin a few times. He saw that Zhao Meiqin had nothing to say, and Zhao Dong did not speak.

"Two dogs, come up."

Zhao Lao looked at Zhao Ergou, who was kneeling on the ground, and said.

Zhao Ergou stood up and walked to Zhao Lao’s body.


Zhao Lao said.

Zhao Ergou stretched out his hand.

Zhao Lao grabbed the hand of Zhao Ergou and took a needle from the side and stabbed it on the wooden of Zhao Ergou.

A drop of blood appeared on the thumb of Zhao Ergou.

Zhao Lao grabbed the finger of Zhao Ergou and pressed it on the three words of Zhao Ergou on the booklet.

Everything seems to be a foregone conclusion.

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