Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 804: Banquet scene

The eighth hundred and four chapters of the banquet scene

"Zi Yi, you are also." After Socrata and Zhao Tiezhu finished greeting, he nodded at Cao Ziyi with a smile.

"Oh, hello." Cao Ziyi also nodded in response.

"Sogra, you told me, what did I just say, what is it?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"It's not easy. In this year, whose head is the greenest? It's not a ninja turtle, but someone who finds a female star as a girlfriend as a wife. These people's heads are usually the greenest." Said with a smile.

"How to say?"

"You think, who wants to act now, don't sell meat? Although there are some things that are not needed, but the little star wants to go up, how can you not sell meat? You find someone to be a girlfriend, but you don't have that strength. People are good at home, then people can only go to sell meat, you say yes? For example, the opposite." Sogra said, pointing to a beautiful woman who was squatted by a man, not far away, said, "The man is now There is also a husband, and I show love on TV all day long. You see the one around her. It is a very well-known director in our country. Let’s fj, there is no female companion here at night, a phone call, you are married. I am still coming over, knowing why so many stars are married and not leaving now? No man can stand up to his own woman by another man, and you can’t do anything, so I said, look for a woman, thousand I can't find the inside of the entertainment circle, because you can never know how many green hats you have been wearing."

"Hey, what you said, there is really a point!" Zhao Tiezhu said.

"That is of course, we Sujia, a big industry can be in the entertainment circle, right, last time Dafen company, I have already beaten them for you, of course, I did not propose to you, Just let them converge, if they don't understand anything, then don't blame me," Sogra said.

"Oh, thank you, I will not say it." Zhao Tiezhu said, "However, the green hat problem you said, I think that in a woman, it will not appear."

"Do you mean Sun Jiaying?" Suegra laughed.

"Positive solution, Sun Jiaying is not talking about jade girl?" Zhao Tiezhu said.

"That is also, Sun Jiaying, this woman, is already strong enough that no one dares to rule against her. That is the human-type printing machine. Whoever dares to rule on her, it is simply not responsible for his own pocket. When people leave, the loss is still you," Sogra said. "It’s just that I’m temporarily out of the entertainment circle recently, really..."

"How is she now?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"It's not very clear. It is said to be hiding. Hey, the baron, it is really a cow. The backstage boss of Sun Jiaying is afraid to say anything and can only ignore it."

"It is indeed a cow, haha." Zhao Tiezhu could not help but appear in the mind of the weak figure who was taken medicine, then shook his head, he is not a savior, nor can he meet the individual himself to go to rescue, people have their own lives Rich in the sky.

"Let's not stand outside here, go in." Sogra greeted.

"Where are you going?" Zhao Tiezhu is puzzled.

"I just went into the main hall. Here are some people who compare, the amount, and the identity is not enough. Let's go into the main hall. When the people in the main hall are almost there, these people can enter. This is all diving. Rules, at which banquet, this is the case!"

"It's really a lot of rules!" Zhao Tiezhu said with emotion.

"Our real high society in the country, there is still a lot of attention, some people say, we are now moving to the level of the upper class in Europe, in fact, those people do not know, in the age of our nobility, those red-haired devils in Europe, They are also some unconventional people, the real aristocrats, but in our state!! Our attention is far from being comparable to those of the red-haired devils." Sogra said, taking the lead to the middle of the cruise ship. Going to the hall.

Zhao Tiezhu naturally also keeps up.

The people around him saw that Zhao Tiezhu dared to enter the main hall so directly. Many people began to have great interest in Zhao Tiezhu. Those who dared to enter the main hall either had enough status or were not knowing anything. Zhao Tiezhu looked at it, although it was no different from the bandits, but where can Cao Ziyi be such a fairy-like character to follow, where can I go?

The main hall is obviously much colder than the outside, but it looks very magnificent.

"I didn't expect Chen to order a soldier, but he also played this high-end banquet, haha." Zhao Tiezhu smiled.

"This is a must. The military needs to protect the country, but the officers also need to hand over the characters. This will always be beneficial. This cruise ship, do you know who it is?" Road.


"It is the richest man in fj, it seems that Chen Shiling and his personal relationship are not bad." Sogra whispered, then suddenly bent down slightly, then smiled and walked forward, said, "Lin, Lin, hello."

"Oh, Xiaosu, you are also in fj." The one who was called Lin Zong was a fat man with a full body, and there was not much hair on his head.

"Yeah, hey, my father is coming to fj to do things, Lin always looks like the spring breeze, the recent business, certainly very good?" Sogra said.

"Fortunately, it's okay, just eat it."

Zhao Tiezhu looked at Socrata and the people patted each other, and looked at the surroundings with this empty space.

This whole hall is very large, there are about 30 people in it, but among them, the female companions are really a guest, and there are more than ten. In this, Zhao Tiezhu actually saw a few. A familiar figure.

One is Li Xu, the female companion who followed Li Xu, made Zhao Tiezhu a little surprised. It turned out to be his high school classmate, that is, his girlfriend, Su Yunze, the former high school squad leader, Zihan.

Zihan apparently also saw Zhao Tiezhu. After a slight mistake, his face showed a sense of superiority, and then the body leaned closer to Li Xu.

Li Xu also met Zhao Tiezhu and smiled and nodded, as if Zhao Tiezhu was an old friend.

Zhao Tiezhu did not have much affection for this Li Xu, and Li’s industry had to withdraw from fj. This Li Xu naturally had to go, so Zhao Tiezhu just nodded and did not have any extra moves.

In a more partial place, Zhao Tiezhu also saw an acquaintance, Ling Xue who only saw it last night!

Ling Xue was wearing a gorgeous evening gown, and the diamond necklace on the neck was shining. The temperament of the whole person was completely different from that of Cao Ziyi. Cao Ziyi was plain and dusty, while Ling Xue’s temperament was cold and proud. Beside Ling Xue’s side, there is a male companion. It looks really good. It’s a good candidate to be “accepted”, and that person’s temperament is also very good, and Ling Xue has said Laughing, it seems that this person is the boyfriend in Ling Xuekou, no doubt, just the body of two people, but there is no contact.

"Interesting." Zhao Tiezhu smiled slightly. Self-speaking.

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