Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 812: Zhao's industry

Chapter 821, Zhao's Industry

"Now we have Zhao's industry in the whole province of fj, there are 45 listed companies, including 10 of the top 100 companies in the country. These companies are mostly directly affiliated with our Zhao family. The legal representative is also our Zhao family. The son of the company, now, the boss of these companies, you only have the iron column alone." Zhao Daniu said with a smile.

"Not mine, it is Zhao's." Zhao Tiezhu said seriously.

"Ah, yes, it is Zhao's." Zhao Daniu smiled and looked at Zhao Tiezhu and said, "In addition, we have no listed companies in Zhao, there are 234 companies in fj province. Some of these companies are direct Zhao. Internal control, some, is affiliated to our Zhao family name, of course, I said that these 234 companies have annual profits of more than 100 million!! Those tens of millions of small companies I didn't count it in. The companies are all used by Zhao Jiazi. For example, when I was in Zhaobao Pavilion, it was also for me to practice. Basically, now that I have been through so many years, I have not seen a Like Zhaobaoge, it has been huge since childhood!! It’s huge to hear clearly! It’s still big, it’s still there, but even if it’s big, it’s basically tens of millions of annual profits, nothing to look at. ""

Zhao Tiezhu could not help but scream, thousands of millions of companies, even just to give their own children in the family, Zhao, it is really rich and rich! ! !

"How, do you feel scared? Haha, the invisible assets of our Zhao family are far more than that!" Zhao Da Niu said with a smile, then pulled Zhao Tiezhu to the side where no one was talking, saying, "Actually We are some of the largest companies in the fj industry in Zhao, and some state-owned enterprises."

“State-owned enterprises?” Zhao Tiezhu said slightly, “Does state-owned enterprises not be state-owned?”

"Haha, it is the state, it is the state, it is not, nor is it." Zhao Daniu said, "For example, the current mobile boss, that is, our Zhao family, is my cousin, of course, this is not ours. Industry, but my cousin spoke, but it is more than the CEO of the bosses in fj, and there is still strength."

"According to what you mean, many national enterprises of fj have people who are Zhao family?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Yes, the state-owned enterprises and state-owned enterprises are talking about the state enterprises. And this country is not the people of Zhao Qiansun Li's family in Friday? The domineering point, this country, is not the Zhao family, but now It is a new era and a new society. Although we have the authority to control the sky, the core leaders of the country cannot be our people. We can only be half-baked."

Zhao Tiezhu understands Zhao Da Niu’s words. Although Zhao’s family is very bullish, the current society is not the kind of society in ancient times. At that time, if a family is strong enough to reach the apex, it can directly overthrow the royal family and then change the dynasty, but Now, the opposition of the class has been broken. Although it is undeniable that the class system still exists, what we are talking about is socialism. Socialism will not allow this class to exist. Therefore, the Zhao family can no longer Put your own people in the core leadership, or else people will say, is this country, the people, or your Zhao family? This is not only not conducive to the unity of the country, but also easy to be grasped by the caring people. At that time, there is a lot of trouble.

"The CEOs of these state-owned enterprises are also listening to me?" Zhao Tiezhu is most concerned about this point. Think about it. If the provincial mobile bosses have to listen to their own words, then they will call later, but they will not have to spend money. This is how cool it is.

"That is of course, just the iron pillar. I told you, those people, how to say it, they all have their own arrogance. If you use them properly, there is no problem, but if you are a master. Going to see them, they don’t even see you, we are Zhao, although Zhao is the main pulse, but there are still many people who have a lot of weight in the branch, even Zhao Lao is very difficult to move.” Zhao Daniu Said.

"For example, Da Niu?" Zhao Tiezhu asked with a smile.

"What am I supposed to be! My mom is still the sister of the old man. Our pulse can be regarded as the closest vein to the main pulse. We can count half of the main veins. Naturally, we are all completely Standing on the side of the old man!!! Otherwise, the father will not put me down to help you, right?" Zhao Daniu said.

"This is also true, haha, that big uncle can tell me, how many of our Zhao family's branches are more powerful?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"This, I am not convenient here, and it is complicated. There are many things that I don't understand. You have the opportunity to go to Beijing and ask your father, and the father can see more than we can see."

"That's alright!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded, then seemed to think of something like, and asked, "Zhao Ming, what are you doing recently?"

"You said my rabbit scorpion? I asked him to go to yn and mix with the small b." Zhao Daniu said, "You were a little misunderstood."

"Oh, they are all family members. I don't know what misunderstandings will not be misunderstood. At that time, I didn't know that Bao Dabai was his person." Zhao Tiezhu said with apologetic apologetics.

"That kid, I think that his old man is very arrogant, and he likes to force it everywhere. I will let him go to yn to exercise this time. If it is not a thing, then it will only let him go abroad to harm foreigners." Zhao Da Niu laughs Road.

After talking about it for a while, Zhao Daniu had something to leave first, saying that he was going to sort out the information. Regarding the Zhao family’s industry in Fj, Zhao Tiezhu did not say anything more, but said Zhao Da Niu gave it. Got the boat.

“How do you feel?” asked Cao Ziyi.

"This Zhao Daniu, I always feel that there is a weirdness, it may be that this person is too smart and smooth." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Oh, Zhao Daniu is the best person in the Zhao family. If he can support you, then you will be much simpler in the future." Cao Ziyi said.

"That is also true." Zhao Tiezhu nodded, then said with a smile, "Go, I will take you to the show."

"Okay." Cao Ziyi nodded with a smile, and Zhao Tiezhu lifted his hand to the side. Cao Ziyi shook his head helplessly and walked forward, holding Zhao Tiezhu's hand.

"You are the long house of my Zhao family. Now it is a family that knows your identity. When the province is full, the flies are always pestering you." Zhao Tiezhu said as he walked along the direction of Ling Xue with Cao Ziyi. go with.

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