Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 816: Chen Meng's identity

Chapter 816 of Chen Meng's identity

"This coffee shop is what I always liked." After Chen Meng stopped the car, he handed the key to Ling Xue.

"You take it, anyway, this car will be opened to you later, you are responsible for taking me to work." Ling Xue sweetly smiled, there is no trace of coldness.

"Yeah. Thank you, Cher." Chen Meng looked at Ling Xue emotionally, Ling Xue slightly shy and bowed his head, this pretty appearance, so that Chen Meng this woman is very heart-warming.

"Sister, how are you here!!" A surprised voice came from the side.

Chen Meng stunned, and then a heart, it sank to the bottom of the valley, what is going on today, how is it actually unfavorable.

"I call you, my sister, what are you doing? This is??" The surprised voice said as he walked toward Chen Meng, Chen Meng slammed his head and did not hear it. Ling Xue is a little surprised to see this woman full of youthful energy, this woman is long, how is it like Chen Meng?

"You are???" asked Ling Xue.

"I am Chen Meng's sister, my name is Chen Lingshan." The person who came to see is Chen Lingshan in a sportswear. And Chen Meng, but looking around, said, "Snow, let's go in."

"Hey, I said my sister, although you ran out of home last year, but this is only a year, you will not forget your sister? And, what is going on here? How to dress up as a man?" Chen Lingshan Dissatisfied asked.

"This, Miss, do you admit the wrong person?" Chen Meng saw the doubts in Ling Xue's eyes and had to say it with a hard scalp.

"Cut, let's grow up with mud and grow up, I will admit you? There is a beggar behind your ear. I didn't say anything wrong? Really, it only came out for more than a year, I don't know my sister." Chen Lingshan said angrily.

"I said that you are such a strange person. I obviously don't know you. What are you talking about, and I am a man? How could it be your sister? Xue, let's ignore this person, let's go."

"Wait, show me your ears." Ling Xue said with his hands in his chest and said coldly.

Chen Meng double ru trembled, the dark road, "This is under."

The line of sight returned to the cruise.

"Li Xu, I didn't expect Chen Commander, please also ask you." Zhao Tiezhu said in front of Li Xu.

"Oh, although our Li family is not as big as the Zhao family, but it is also a big family with a head and face, this is invited, it is also reasonable." Li Xu said faintly.

"Why, still staying at fj? Didn't leave fj with your family?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"They took them, I stayed with me. We didn't have a rule at the beginning. All Li family had to quit fj? Could it be your Zhao family, would you like to be a land emperor here?" Li Xu asked.

"Don't dare say that." Zhao Tiezhu shook his head with a smile. "I just can't see fj in such a clean sky, there are some messy things."

"What a mess? Are you saying me?" Li Xu blinked slightly.

"Who answered, who I said." Zhao Tiezhu smiled and looked at Li Xu.

"Okay, okay, this hasn't returned to Zhao. It's so mad. When you go to Beijing, you go back to Zhao. When you get there, there is something to play in Beijing. I tell you, don't take yourself too much. When Zhao’s family, those of Zhao’s family, who have not stayed in Zhao’s family for decades? Your foundation is too shallow, so now you can only talk about Zhao’s tiger skin, Zhao’s family. Something, you can't touch much, I want to get you, it won't be difficult." Li Xu calmly looked at Zhao Tiezhu.

"You can try." Zhao Tiezhu slightly lifted his chin and said with a proud look.

Just as the atmosphere between the two was a bit arrogant, a ridiculous voice came from the side.

"Iron column, and Li Xu chat, is not bad?" Chen Weiguo appeared in the side of the two.

"Chen Commander." Li Xu nodded and said hello.

"Chen Commander." Zhao Tiezhu also nodded.

"Haha, you two, but Zhao Li and the two leaders, can communicate more and more, this way, Zhao Li and two, can be friendly for generations, so that the country is more stable and prosperous." Chen Weiguo laughed.

"Oh, I was just talking to Li Xu when I went to Beijing, I was looking for him to play." Zhao Tiezhu smiled.

"Well, if you are in the capital, you still have Li Xu, Sun Lei, and the people who are familiar with them. These people have grown up in Beijing since childhood, and they are called the children of the Zhou Dynasty. But if you go The capital, I really have to find them to play, they have more things to play."

"Chen Commander, are you yelling at me or boasting me?" Li Xu had a grievance smile on his face. "There are four little cities in Beijing. How do I feel that it is not a good name? It is like the evil in the old town."

"Of course I praise you, don't say much, iron pillar, come over with me and introduce some people to you." Chen Weiguo greeted Zhao Tiezhu and went to the side, Zhao Tiezhu followed.

From the beginning to the end, Zhao Tiezhu did not say a word with Zihan, even Zhao Tiezhu did not look at Zihan.

Zihan is a little lost, and she has such a handsome and identifiable boyfriend. Naturally, she hopes to have a good face in front of Zhao Tiezhu. I didn’t think that people don’t even bird her, even people are not birds. Li Xu.

"You classmate, it is really rude." Li Xu shrugged helplessly.

"He was like this from high school." Zihan said.

"You tell me about his high school." Li Xu's eyes flashed and shone, asked.

"Zhao Tiezhu High School, that is, a gangster, I only know that his parents died very early, and then he is with a few other people, provoke trouble, fight, basically in our school, then it can be counted as It was one of the best corners, but after graduation from high school, I have never seen him. It is only now that he knows that he will be a Zhao family."

“Just these?” Li Xu asked.

"Well, that's all, but Li Ge, I told you, oh, the woman next to Zhao Tiezhu, and the high school, our school, a woman, looks very much!!" Zihan said softly.


"The woman, called Si Ru, is a little smaller than us. At the beginning, but the school flower of our school, and later followed Zhao Tiezhu, which made us many people wonder if Zhao Tiezhu is strong against people and threatens others. I just didn't expect that when the girl was in high school, she killed herself. Oh, it's a pity. I think it must be something that Zhao Tiezhu did to others." Zihan said.

"Oh? Si Ru?" Li Xu's hole shrunk slightly, this name, he heard! !

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