Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 818: Block road

Chapter VIII Chapter Guarding the Road

From the pier to the city center of fj, it is necessary to take a relatively dark national road. Zhao Tiezhu did not go far into the aisle. He saw that a white van was parked not far away, blocking the road for more than half. Outside the white van, there are ten or so strong men standing on the hands of these people with choppers and iron bars.

Zhao Tiezhu slowly stopped the car and did not get off the bus. Then he looked at the white van in front, and the Audi behind Zhao Tiezhu went straight ahead. After surpassing Zhao Tiezhu’s car, he stopped. .


A few sounds of closing the door, several men in suits walked down from the Audi. There were four people in total. The whole one looked at the evil, the eyes were gloomy, and people looked at them. Easy to hair.

This person is awesome! !

I didn’t go to see the van not far from the front, but went to Zhao Tiezhu’s side and bent down and said, “Is it, I’m going to deal with it?”

"Leave the headed person, the other, throw it into the sea." Zhao Tiezhu said faintly.

"Okay," he said, straightening up and walking forward.

"Hey, have you got two big fish at this moment?" In front of the van, a bald-headed man said with a smile, holding a knife that was more than a meter long in his hand, and the blade was shining in the moonlight. , bursting with silver.

"Hurry up and finish." He didn't even care about the bald-headed man, but told the three men around him, and the three people around him answered in unison, and then went to the opposite ten.

"Hey, willn't you four want to hit us ten? Hey, when you are Huang Feihong or Ye Wen?" The bald-headed man smiled, but he made a look at the person beside him. The people around them raised their hands and rushed to the shackles and other people. The brawny man with a machete was proud of his hands and chest. These brothers were all retired, although they looked It’s quite a slap in the face, now, but it’s also done with the whole country walking around the country, and it’s hard to look at it. If anyone dares to despise them, then it is really a word of death, not to mention the second time.

When the people here are walking across from each other, these people are not slow on their hands. They have come out from behind and found a guy who is using them. It’s just that these people use it, not a chopper, but a handle. Ribbing the army.

The brows of the bald-headed bunny trembled twice. The general fights used chopper sticks and the like. However, there are two kinds of people who use the army thorns. One is to force men, if it is such a man. The bald-headed man can guarantee that they will die very badly. The army thorns are not for anyone. The three-legged army thorns are hard to master as the leader in the army spurs. Therefore, if they are laymen, it is not as good as using the army thorns. With a kitchen knife, at least you can cut it off with a deterrent.

And if it is a connoisseur, it can be a bit of a hassle. The good guys who are stabbing in the army are generally some of the most savage people. They pay attention to it, and they will open a big hole for you and then pull it out. Basically, you basically It was not saved, because the three-legged thorns, the most scary, and the most deadly, are the three deep bloodletting grooves.

This kind of bloodletting trough, although it is very inconspicuous, is a big killer. If you cut it in, your flesh will be opened with a mouth that is difficult to sew, and then the blood will be sprayed out like no money. At that time, I am sent to the hospital, and you can't save it.

Just now, the bald-headed man can only hope that these few people wearing suits look at the bulls, it is forced to force.

However, what God likes most is to backfire.

The two parties soon came into contact.

Zhao Tiezhu here, the fastest is the rush, three people faster than others, just in front of the other party, the other person thinking about you since you ran so fast, then the buddy will send you to see Mr. Marx first, Naturally, I waved my knife in my hand and squatted.

The whole person’s body suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

A glimpse of the people around you, this book is not a power novel, you can not teleport?

However, 蛤蟆 is not disappearing, but the whole person at that moment, the body is difficult to complete with an ordinary person, telling the whole body to bend down.

This bend, in a moment, everyone's attack is hidden, and the sly hand is dissatisfied. When the body bends down, the arm is forwarded, and the three-legged thorns plung into one of the abdomen. Then, when I turned back and smoked, when the other person had not responded, I went forward and plunged into another person’s stomach.

At the moment, two blood columns were ejected.

When the arm was turned, the three-legged army stabbed a trick on the hand, and the body went straight back to a small step backwards. They didn't look at it, and said that the three-legged army stabbed behind him.


It is as if the basketball has been punctured, and the blood is spurting, as if accompanied by a leaking sound.

These few times, but did not live these people! After the three tricks, the moves are old, so these people simply did not go to see their accomplices, but the more powerful copy guys want to kill.


Puff puff.

It is three sounds.

The other three people who were a little slower, also arrived at the same time. Three voices, three people fell, and three people who had fallen before the squatting, the other party fell down six people at once, and now four people on their own side. There are only three people in front of him, and the bald-headed man standing far away.

"You guys," said a grin. "Maybe you don't know who you are ambushing, who is it?"

"Come back!!" The bald-headed man screamed and wanted to let the three people left behind here withdraw, but the three men not only fight but can’t beat others, even the running is a little worse, so they haven’t run a few Steps, he was given a chrysanthemum, and fell to the ground to spurt blood.

"Who are you guys!!" The bald-headed man is completely stunned. This kind of skill, I have only seen it in those tiger list masters. Is it that these few people are masters of the tiger list?

"Who are we, not important, what is important, who are you?" He placed the three-legged army thorns behind him and headed for the bald-headed man.

"Dear friends, today, I will plant, how do you want to do it, I will recognize it, but if I don’t send the hospital to my brothers, I will hang it. You don’t want to die here. Is it better to let? After I took my brother to the hospital, I told you all about it, how?" said the bald-headed man.

"Oh? You are also a smart person!" He smiled.

"There are few people who have come out of the mix!"

"Hey, send these people to the hospital." Zhao Tiezhu pressed the window and said faintly, "At night, you ask things, I will ask you tomorrow."

"Know it!" He nodded.

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