Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 831: tyrant

Chapter 831 tyrant

"How, my master, is it famous?" Zhao Tiezhu asked a little curiously.

"I know that in the mercenary world, there is a person who is called a tyrant by other mercenaries, and his own name is called thunderstorm!" Cao Ziyi said with a slightly serious look.

"Tyrant? My master? Looks like it! Although sometimes the temper is not very good, people are greatly embarrassed, but in general, it can be regarded as amiable, you said, it is estimated to be the same name as my master. After all, when this year comes out, it will always have a name that can shock people. The name of my master sounds very deterrent." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Look at it, you will know!" Cao Ziyi no longer said anything, but his face has always been a bit strange, or can be said to be doubts.

"Hey!!" Suddenly a loud noise came from the door. Zhao Tiezhu’s face was black and shouted. "Master, have you still not learned to knock on the door?"

"Oh, my apprentice, come, let me see, how is the injury!" A heroic voice came from outside the door, only to see the white-haired man who had appeared before, appeared at the door. Only at this time, the white-haired man's sunglasses have been picked up. On the face, there is a knife of about ten centimeters. From the forehead, it goes straight through the eyelids and extends to the cheeks.

"Tyrant!!" Cao Ziyi looked up and looked at the majestic man and spit out two words.

"Hey? Who is this beautiful female doll? I know the name of Lao Tzu!! Hey, his mother, iron pillar, this is your wife? It is much stronger than my devil wife!!" It was imperial to go to see Zhao Tiezhu. After seeing Cao Ziyi, he stared at Cao Ziyi and didn't turn his eyes.

"This, Master, this is my woman, Cao Ziyi." Zhao Tiezhu touched his head and said embarrassedly.

"My grass, your little son, when you were a master, I was abroad, although I also had a woman who was extraordinary and beautiful, but no one can compare with this female doll. I guess, too. As for the apprentice of the old woman who never goes down the mountain in Kunlun Mountain, it is possible to compare it with this female doll!!" Thunderstorms hold the chin by hand, seriously looking at Cao Ziyi, completely forgetting that his land is on the side It is.

"Master, you, are you looking at me?" Zhao Tiezhu said with a black line.

"Ah, yes, yes, hey, you blame me for this memory, people are old, that's it, often forget things, iron pillars, come and tell me, who hurts you? Revenge for you!" The thunderstorm said as he walked toward the bed of Zhao Tiezhu.

"Yes..." Zhao Tiezhu just came out with a word. He saw the thunderstorm suddenly turning his head and looked at Cao Ziyi. He said, "Whose child is this girl? Ordinary people are born with such a female doll. And I see you, um, it seems that there is no spirit, just like a clean water, but the momentum is natural, you female doll, no, better than my apprentice!!

Zhao Tiezhu is also a black line. His own master, who used to be a very casual character, did not expect that it would still be like this. Without saying a few words, he was ignored by him.

"I am a Zhao family." Cao Ziyi said calmly, but his body was slightly tilted. In this way, if you wait for this thunderstorm to suddenly make something, Cao Ziyi will have the fastest response speed.

"It’s a little bit fixed, you girl, really, I am the master of the iron pillar. You protect your man and don’t protect it. Iron pillar, come, I will show you.” Thunderstorm said, I sat down. Zhao Tiezhu’s side, then extended his hand and said to Zhao Tiezhu, “Give me the hand.”

Zhao Tiezhu handed the hand to the thunderstorm. The thunderstorm grabbed Zhao Tiezhu’s hand and placed his finger on Zhao Tiezhu’s selling door.

"This..." Thunderstorm frowned slightly, and after a moment of indulging, said, "What is your name, this girl?"

Zhao Tiezhu is completely speechless.

"Cao Ziyi." Cao Ziyi was also a bit funny by the thunderstorm's nonsense.

"Oh, oh, Cao's name? Well, now this surname, in our country's big family, there are really few people. Oh! I remembered it, more than ten years ago, um, almost ten years ago, in There is a Cao family in the province of Dh, but it was a pity that it was later destroyed. Oh, at that time, it was miserable. The family was old and young, and all of them were killed. It almost caused the local political turmoil." Thunderstorm said, And Cao Ziyi is as usual, as if he did not hear the general.

"Master, can you seriously point me to me?" Zhao Tiezhu said with sorrow.

"Oh, you yell at me, I forgot, really, I looked at your pulse, and the overall situation is still stable, but now the internal injuries are more in the eye, the lack of gas, good training for a while!!" Thunderstorm Seriously said.

"Well, I know!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded.

"Well, tell Master, what is going on?" Thunderstorm looked at Zhao Tiezhu's eyes. "Who hurts you? Don't say dead, it is dead, I have to dig out his grave."

"This, Master, is because of some national affairs." Zhao Tiezhu hesitated and said.

"Country?" There was a dissatisfied look on the thunderstorm's face. "You are now selling for the country?"

"This is not the case, just that I need to have an identity and then do something I want to do." Zhao Tiezhu explained.

"Talk about it, how have you been recently?" asked the thunderstorm.

Zhao Tiezhu simply said something about his return to China, including his own unification of the underworld, and also said with the thunderstorm.

"White Tiger? Well, I have heard this name. It is said that it was also the number one character in the past. Unfortunately, after I got down to the place, I didn't think about making progress. I knew that this goods would be engaged in the whole day, and the martial arts would be abandoned. Otherwise, he would be ten. Years ago, if you still have to work hard, you can already enter the list of gods!!" Thunderstorm said, then looked at Zhao Tiezhu, seriously said, "If you want your martial arts to go to another peak, Well, these miscellaneous things are best left to your people, otherwise you are not destined to become a true master."

"I know!!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded and immediately asked, "Master, you have disappeared for so long, how come this time suddenly appeared?"

"What do you say, what do you say? It seems like I am dead. I am going to fj this time, there are some things to do." Thunderstorm laughed. "Look at you by the way."

"Oh? What is it?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"Find an old friend." The face of the thunderstorm, a rare shyness.

"Oh, it must be a woman!!" Zhao Tiezhu smiled.

"That is of course, male, I am not interested." Thunderstorm is proud.

"Then tell me, which beauty is it? I can send someone to find her."

"This, in fact, I only know that she is in fj. As for the fj, I really don't know. You really have to help me find it. Her name is Suzaku." Thunderstorm said.

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