Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 837: Madden news

The 867th chapter of the news

"The desire of you and the two uncles is actually the same. It’s just that the second dog was only half done in the same year. You haven’t done half of it until now." Cao Ziyi laughed.

"Oh? Which half is my dad doing?"

"Beauty is around, the two uncles have done it, everyone is happy together, and the two uncles have not done it."

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and said, "This, maybe my mom is more powerful."

"Auntie is indeed the most powerful woman I have ever seen." Cao Ziyi's face was a rare adoration, and soon returned to normal. "Sister's coffee house is here."

"Here?" Zhao Tiezhu looked at this coffee house, which looked like a little petty bourgeoisie, asked.

"Well, come in." Cao Ziyi led the way in front and opened the door. Then Zhao Tiezhu followed and walked in.

In the coffee house, there are only two people, one is a thunderstorm, and the other is a middle-aged woman who looks a little bloated, with a slender woman smoke on her mouth and curly hair on her hair. The body is still wearing pajamas.

"Thunder, you can't change the problem of bandits in your life." The woman looked at the thunderstorm and said a little disdain.

At that time, the thunderstorm, which was known as the mercenary king of the mercenary, was like a child. He said with a smile, "How can I get rid of it? I wear it today. You see, it is an international brand!! "As I said, the thunderstorm jumped in front of the woman. "Besides, I brought a few younger brothers to tell you, now fj, but my apprentice has the final say, that is equal to what I said." Count, do you know? I am still a bandit, then there are few fj, not a bandit."

"You, you always need to use foreign objects to upgrade yourself. If you don't change this, you can only be a bandit for a lifetime." The middle-aged woman said, looking at Zhao Tiezhu and Cao Ziyi, laughing, "Zi Yi, this It’s the son of two dogs.”

"Yeah, yes, the iron column, called the sister," said Cao Ziyi.

"Hello, Mr.." Zhao Tiezhu said respectfully, this is the respect of his father's generation, and should be respected.

"Well, polite child, watching you and your master, not like!!" said the sister, "Your master never knows how to write the words of politeness."

"Oh, my master is not informal." Zhao Tiezhu argued for the thunderstorm. "A man like my master is so bold, he is taking the unrestrained route. If you follow the idol route like me, it will be a bit awkward."

The thunderstorm originally heard Zhao Tiezhu open the solution for him. He was very happy. I didn’t expect Zhao Tiezhu to have any words behind him. His face was black and asked, "That is to say that your Master is not handsome enough?"

"This, the style is different." Zhao Tiezhu touched his head. "Some people don't need to be handsome. He is completely temperament, and this temperament will also make countless women's heart. Master is this. people."

"You can talk, um, this Suzaku, when I was a confidant, I was a confidant. You will be able to give her half a teacher's gift to her, do you know?" Thunderstorm snarled.

"Lei Tu, what do you say?" Suzaku's brow screamed, "Who is your confidant? I am similar to the two dogs who are confidants, but, strangely, how do you go to be the master of the two dogs? I I haven't heard any winds."

Zhao Tiezhu also looked at the thunderstorm very strangely. Since the thunderstorm and the sister of the bird were so familiar, and the sister of the year and his father claimed that the capital was four, the mutual communication circle should have a great relationship.

"Right!!" Zhao Tiezhu thought that this Beijing city is less, this is the reaction, the sister, but the woman, since it is a woman, how can it be called less?

"This, iron pillar, you should be glad that you have a good old man." Thunderstorm said after a moment of indulgence, "In fact, it is you Lao Tzu let me teach you."

"My dad?" Zhao Tiezhu said in amazement. "Master, do you have a good relationship with my dad?"

"This..." The face of the thunderstorm suddenly showed a sly look. "Our relationship is actually very complicated."

"Cut, you dare to do it that year, but dare not say it now?" Suzaku's face was full of disdain, and then looked at Zhao Tiezhu, but whispered, "Iron pillar, thunderstorm more than 20 years ago, is also in The capital circle mixed, and later, he liked a girl. As a result, the girl already had someone she liked, so she refused him, but she did not expect this bandit to use the most bandit method. Looking for a man's man's duel, at that time, the name of Lei Tuyu, although not very big in the capital, but in the mercenary world, is still very famous, squatting with his own skills, it is completely complete The man of the girl looked in the eyes, and the result, um, thunder, what happened?" The sister looked at the thunderstorm.

The face of the thunderstorm was even more embarrassed. After hesitating for a long while, he sighed and said, "In that year, I found the man’s house and wanted to single out with him. As a result, he was interrupted by four ribs. He was interrupted by his hands and feet."

"I wipe, who is so capable?" Zhao Tiezhu asked in amazement. Although his master had not yet become a soldier, it should have a very weak fist.

"This, that person, is your father, two dogs, the amount, that is, what we said in Beijing and Tianjin, Xuanwu." Thunderstorm was embarrassed to touch his head.

"That... that woman...will not be!!!" Zhao Tiezhu’s face was full of surprise.

"This, that woman, is your mother. I was the most beautiful woman in the north. I sent Ye Qingxia, who was named "Fairy"." The thunderstorm was even more embarrassing.

I rely on! ! ! His own master, turned out to be the rival of his own son, and was interrupted by his own son, this...

Zhao Tiezhu suddenly felt that there was a burst of hair. When he encountered a thunderstorm, if the thunderstorm was still vengeful, then at that time, he really did not know how to die.

"Oh, that's all the old things going on." Thunderstorms are not going back.

"Cut, this is only a little bit, it is a man's words, then you go on." said the sister, disdainfully.

"This, still not to say, are afterlife, to say something, where is my old face?" Thunderstorm sneered.

"You old face? As early as that year, you have no face, iron pillar, I told you, later, after this bandit injury resumed, I began to pursue another woman, and that woman, that year, is you Old lady's lover."

"I xxx, this is too hot!" Zhao Tiezhu was directly stunned.

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