Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 841: Ling Xue’s worries

The 841th chapter of Ling Xue’s hidden worry

"How to say it, hey, although she is not good, but it is always our stepmother." Chen Lingshan looked a little blank.

"Hey, my life, I am a mom, there is no stepmother, let's go, sister, we haven't seen it for so long, just go in and find a place to have something to talk about, I won't go back, don't say it again. Yes, that little singer has been awkward for more than a year."

Chen Lingshan’s face was dark, but then she smiled. “No, she, it’s good to me.”

"Yeah, that's good, let's go." Chen Meng said, pulling Chen Lingshan's hand and walking into the coffee shop.

Ling Xue sat in the speeding car, her face was full of indescribable expression. She persisted for many years and finally decided to give herself out. The other party is also a type that she likes very much. I did not expect that the person turned out to be a woman. And, everything in the head here may be that the person lied to himself, which makes it always very confident, taking the Queen-style Ling Xue, it is a bit unacceptable for a while, Ling Xue is not a lesbian, so she The things between women and women are very repugnant. When I think of myself and a woman who have been in love for so many days, Ling Xue will feel the goosebumps without any reason. Chen Meng, who is the most perfect boyfriend in her heart, All of a sudden became the most disgusting person in my heart.

"This is finished, he must have seen Chen Meng is a woman, no wonder that the laughter is so wretched, this will let me do, how can I do it!!" Ling Xue's heart, suddenly messed up.

Drive the car back to the West Lake Villa, Ling Xue looked at Zhao Tiezhu's villa, then immediately as a thief, gently and gently parked the car, then went into his house, went upstairs, lying in bed, only I feel that my heartbeat is abnormally fast.

"Bastard, bastard!!" Ling Xue's mind appeared Chen Meng for a while, Zhao Tiezhu, who had a smirk at the moment, and his hatred of Zhao Tiezhu, suddenly developed in a geometric way.

After lying for a long time, Ling Xue stood up and walked to the balcony of the room opposite him.

From this balcony, you can just see the balcony of Zhao Tiezhu’s room.

"I must not let him tell people out!!" Ling Xue looked at the lights of Zhao Tiezhu's room and said firmly.


Taking the thoughts out of the memories, Ling Xue sighed in a sigh of relief. I originally planned to find Zhao Tiezhu the next day and asked if he saw that Chen Meng was a woman. If she didn’t see it, then It is best, if you see it, you may have to take some effort to seal him, but I did not expect that since that day, Ling Xue can no longer see Zhao Tiezhu, let Red Yun call Zhao Tiezhu, Zhao Tiezhu actually Also did not pick up.

"Don't be this Zhao Tiezhu, was it killed by someone who killed the corpse? It saved a lot of things!" Ling Xue secretly thought, then he went and shook his head. "Good people don't live long, the scourge is thousands of years, that The scourge is sure to live longer than anyone else."

Ling Xue didn't know that the random speculation in front of her was actually almost correct. It was only Zhao Tiezhufu's big fate, and Cao Ziyi helped me, so I didn't hang it.

"Ling Xue, you are in a daze." A female voice came from the door, only to see the red rhyme of ol black silk, standing in the door, smiling and watching Ling Xue.

"Ah, red rhythm sister." Ling Xue said with a little surprise, "When did you come?"

"I have been standing here for a long time. I looked at you in a daze, I wanted to see, when can you stay in the daze, I didn't think I was standing at this station, it was ten minutes, I stood this foot, that acid. Ah." Red rhythm teased.

"Hey, I am a little tired recently. Red Yun sister, sit down by myself." Ling Xue sighed and said.

"Can you tell me what happened?" Red Yun went to Ling Xue and asked with concern. "Is it a fight with Chen Meng?"

The relationship between Ling Xue and Chen Meng, the red rhyme still knows, but when I saw Chen Meng, Hong Yun felt that the man’s cream was too heavy, and he didn’t like it very much. He still liked Zhao Tiezhu’s kind of bad. A bit overbearing and able to take care of people.

"I and her, it is over." Ling Xue did not know what to say, only to say so.

"Ah? Why? I see you both get along, not bad!" Red Yun asked strangely.

"Oh, this, in some respects, we have too many similarities. I like a little difference." Ling Xue can only say this, and she said, there is nothing wrong with it, the two are the same sex, this is the biggest one. The same thing.

"That's a pity, but I see that you are always in a daze, is it because of this relationship?" Red Yun asked.

"This is not, oh, I am fine, red singer, wait for work, what activities do you have?" Ling Xue asked.

"I? There is no activity, go home to eat, Gege went out to go outside for an outdoor class today, and I am alone at home, wondering if I am eating outside," said Hong Yun.

"Oh, that way!" Ling Xue nodded, but did not say anything, just then, the red rhyme phone rang.

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