Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 845: Are rogue

Chapter VIII is a rogue

Next, it is natural that Zhao Tiezhu’s performance time, Zhao Tiezhu’s normal color and red rhyme chat, but also tweeted Ling Xue, there is no flaws in the face, the performance of his unclear truth, until Ling Xue got on the bus After a sigh of relief, Zhao Tiezhu also breathed a sigh of relief, and finally passed away.

A few people drove in the car and came to a private kitchen. In fact, it was a private kitchen. It was better to say that it was a private club. Because it was only for the reception of some members, many of the things inside were not open to the public. There is more than one private kitchen, and there are many things to play with, such as a foot bath sauna.

This private club is now under the name of Zhao Tiezhu, but Zhao Tiezhu is also here for the first time. He only has a porcelain white card, this porcelain white card, or the iron hand to Zhao Tiezhu, of course, this private club, It is also recommended by the iron hand when Zhao Tiezhu wants to bring a woman to eat. According to the iron hand, the private kitchen here is very good, and the threshold of this club is relatively normal, not too high or too A lot of fj's second-line rich and powerful, they like to come here, there are no low-level clubs, no ghosts, no senior clubs, so playing here is still very good.

After stopping the car, Hong Yun looked at the elegant and simple door decorated in front of her eyes. She smiled and said to Ling Xue, "This private club, have you been here?"

"I haven't been here, it looks pretty good." Ling Xue nodded.

Zhao Tiezhu walked to the door with two women. Since it is a private club, there are people who are naturally stopped.

"Sir, please show your membership card." A welcome lady wearing a cheongsam said with a smile.

Zhao Tiezhu handed the porcelain white card over, and the lady who was welcoming the guest changed slightly and said, "Welcome, come in."

Zhao Tiezhu took the card and walked directly into the private club.

What is the decoration of this private club, it is quite good, there is no lack of luxury in elegance, it is very appetizing to Zhao Tiezhu, and after entering, someone is waiting in the inside, and then the three are taken to a comparison. Small private room.

This private room is not a traditional room, but a whole area of ​​about 100 square meters. It is considered to be the opposite of this private room. The real private room is only a place of more than ten square meters in the middle. Some decors still have some flowers and plants, and they are quite refreshing and look like they will not feel depressed in the private room.

The most important thing is that in the back of this small room, it is open, there is a area of ​​more than 20 square meters, there is a big bed inside, there are all kinds of things that look very warm, the manager here. I am very thoughtful, and I am ready for the place where I exercise after dinner.

Apparently, Hong Yun also saw the big bed. He looked at Zhao Tiezhu with a look of enthusiasm. He took Ling Xue and went to the bed, while Zhao Tiezhu was sitting at the table and ordering food.

"This bed is really good, foreign brands, I have seen it on the Internet, a set of more than 100,000." Red rhyme said, the whole person lying down on the bed, the mattress is very flexible and soft Yes, the red rhyme body sinks on the top, Zhao Tiezhu sees the heart itch, this elasticity is so good, if it is here, it will be very comfortable, just like many people like the horse on the back. As long as the two enter it, then the horse will run with it, and it will be labor-saving and comfortable.

"My home is the bed of this brand." Ling Xue said with a smile, "My bed is much better than this."

"Cut, it seems that there is a fart, and it is good to use it." Zhao Tiezhu said, immediately thought of what he thought, laughing. "Oh, I forgot, your bed is just for sleeping."

"Is your bed not used for sleeping?" Ling Xue said coldly.

"This is not for sleeping, you ask red rhyme." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Hey, Ling Xue, do you want to know?" Red rhyme asked with a smirk.

Ling Xue shook his head and whispered to the red rhyme. "How do I feel like I fell into the trap of your two? You don't stand on your little lover, we are still good sisters!" ”

"Hey, good things, share them together." Hong Yun laughed.

Ling Xue’s face was reddish. “You two are rogues.”

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