Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 847: Playing the queen?

Chapter VIII chapter playing the queen?

"This, I will learn about Uncle Benshan. Are you a little humorous?" Zhao Tiezhu saw that there was no one around him. He just looked at himself with a black line, even the waiter, so he laughed.

"Haha, iron pillar, you are very interesting." Hong Yun grinned.

"You can put this wine here, you go out." Zhao Tiezhu said.


After the waiter left, Zhao Tiezhu asked, "Red Rhyme, what did you laugh at?"

"Haha, nothing, I am laughing at you. Since you want to be a nouveau riche, don't ask the price of people's wine, the real upstart, but what to buy, never care about the price."

"Cut, I am a nouveau riche with connotation!" Zhao Tiezhu said as he filled the red rhyme cup and then looked at Ling Xue and asked, "Do you drink?"

Ling Xue shook his head. "I never drink."

"That's with you." Zhao Tiezhu also filled himself up, then touched the cup with the red rhyme, and drank it.

"Wine, it is necessary to slowly produce, Lafite in 1993, but you are not so bad." Ling Xue looked at Zhao Tiezhu.

"Drink and not drink, less in that, men drink, the woman is quiet and staying on the side." Zhao Tiezhu also looked at Ling Xue with contempt.

"You!!" Ling Xue is still a word you haven't finished yet. Zhao Tiezhu has turned his head and looked at the red rhyme with deep affection. "After you drank the wine, it was even more beautiful."

Ling Xue took a deep breath and suppressed the entanglement in his mind, but then he started to use his brain. Zhao Tiezhu obviously did not have the right path with her. How can Zhao Tiezhu give up such an opportunity to suppress himself? If you are in love with a woman and you are broadcasted by Zhao Tiezhu, with the human face and ability of Zhao Tiezhu, Ling Xue believes that if one day, his own affairs will be known to the whole fj, and then he will be really I want to die.

"You are getting more and more handsome." Red rhyme's face is slightly red. She is the kind of person who will be red when drinking a face. At the moment, Zhao Tiezhu is very excited.

At this moment, Hongyun’s mobile phone suddenly rang.

"It's Gege's phone, Ling Xue, I went out and took a call." Red rhyme said, stood up and walked outside the box.

In the whole box, Zhao Tiezhu and Ling Xue were left at once. Zhao Tiezhu held the glass in one hand, held the wine in one hand, added the wine to the third position, and then gently shake the glass in his hand. The eyes looked a little bit fascinated by the wine in the glass.

"This, the iron column." Ling Xue finally waited for the time when the two men were alone. After brewing for a while, they opened up.

"Well?" Zhao Tiezhu sighed, but did not speak again, just staring at the wine in the glass, staring seriously, as if this wine is more tempting than a big beauty like Ling Xue.

"Do you know Chen Meng?" Ling Xue asked softly.

"Well, do you know that Chen Meng?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"This, I know." Ling Xueyu nodded, but the cool color on his face was still full.

"What do you want, say." Zhao Tiezhu said faintly.

"This, now only you and I know this, so I hope that you can help me keep it secret." Ling Xue took a deep breath and asked.

"Why should I help you keep it secret?" Zhao Tiezhu finally left his eyes from the glass and watched Ling Xue.

"Because, you are helping me keep a secret, and I won't lose anything, right? Helping people to be happy, isn't it?" Ling Xue said.

"I will not suspend this." Zhao Tiezhu put the wine glass on the table. "I was helped by the last time, and I was stunned. I have to go to the court in a few days. So, this helps people, really. It shouldn't be."

"But... this is as simple as you can't say it." Ling Xue looked straight at Zhao Tiezhu, the little bit of praying in the eyes, and then matched her former Queen Fan, this one The extreme contrast makes Ling Xue look like a temptation.

"You are a businessman, I am also a businessman. Do you think that businessmen will do this kind of thing that is not good?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"That... what good do you want." Ling Xue took a deep breath and asked.

"I want the benefits, you can't give it." Zhao Tiezhu's mouth smirked a smirk.

"Even if you kill me, I won't be like you said." Ling Xue said coldly. "You ask for other requirements. We are all businessmen. Everything can be negotiated. What do you say?" ?"

"Sorry, I am not a businessman now. I am a black-skinned person, and we are all black, and the most favorite thing to do is not to reason or discuss." Zhao Tiezhu shook his head.

"You!!" Ling Xue seems to have been mad at Zhao Tiezhu. He just wants to attack, but Zhao Tiezhu has caught a small scorpion. He has to breathe quickly, trying to get all the bad smells in the chest. Off, the shoulders of the stalwart followed her breath and looked tempting.

"Actually, you misunderstood my thoughts." Zhao Tiezhu and other Ling Xue gasped, and said with a smile, "I like women, but I will not use strong women."

"Well, I agree with you." Ling Xue nodded.

"So, let's talk about it, about the sealing fee." Zhao Tiezhu smiled and took a cup from Ling Xue's desk, and then added a full glass of wine and handed it to Ling Xue.

"This is?" Ling Xue looked at Zhao Tiezhu.

"Do you guys negotiate, don't you like to talk about it first? Come, you drink this glass of wine first." Zhao Tiezhu smiled and looked at Ling Xue, and saw Ling Xue's helpless tangled look, Zhao Tiezhu's heart was cool. Turned the sky.

The small sample, you have to play the queen, but also score the object, the buddy will not wait to see a woman who is too proud!

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