Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 850: Ling Xue was drunk

The 850th chapter Ling Xue was drunk

Red rhyme came in from the outside and said as he walked. "The restroom in this place is really hard to find."

Zhao Tiezhu said to Ling Xue about a helpless look, and then whispered, "People are coming, and I will tell you again."

"You!!" Ling Xue looked at Zhao Tiezhu, and looked at the red rhyme again, but nodded helplessly.

Zhao Tiezhu turned around and said to the red rhyme. "I said how you have been going for so long. I am thinking about whether you have been seduce by a handsome guy."

"Go, when I am at this age, handsome and unskilled, are all clouds, and it is the kingly way to use it." Hong Yun laughed.

"Haha, that's also true. It's so handsome and easy to use. It's just a boudoir." Zhao Tiezhu smiled.

"Oh, iron pillar, Ling Xue is still here, hold a little." Red rhyme said, but then surprised to see Ling Xue, asked, "Ling Xue, how is your face so red? You also drink? ”

"Well, drink a little." Ling Xue smiled and looked at the red rhyme, but he felt that his head was a little dizzy, the wine's stamina was quite sufficient, and it might not be enough at the beginning of the meal. After a while, it was very sensational. It is.

Zhao Tiezhu saw that Ling Xue’s eyes had begun to become paralyzed, but he did not expect that this chick could not drink so much. It was really useless at night. I just thought that this chick always owes her to anyone. The way the money looks, she didn't want to bird her, but she was scorning herself all the time, which made Zhao Tiezhu, who is a fj 扛 son, very dissatisfied, knowing what is the shackle? It’s Laozi’s fart, this place has to be shocked. You are a female president, although it’s really beautiful, but can’t you look down on it? And the buddy industry, this achievement, can be really made out of their own, with what buddies have a good life experience, you first think that the buddies are eating home meals? Although there are pieces of the Zhao family, but the buddies are full of scars, not to joke with you!

It can be said that all the achievements made by Zhao Tiezhu are now replaced by Zhao Tiezhu. Therefore, Zhao Tiezhu thinks that you can not like me, but you are absolutely not allowed to look down on me, let alone take the lead in my relationship with the family. People are mixed together, Zhao Tiezhu at this point, the resentment against Ling Xue is very heavy, in fact, you can understand this, is a man, like to perform in front of the beauty, and Zhao Tiezhu these achievements, this can be used to show off the capital, but However, they were directly denied by others, saying that these are not your own efforts, which makes Zhao Tiezhu very entangled, and Zhao Tiezhu, this person, will not easily put the entanglement in front of people to see, so he intends Look for an opportunity to make this snow look good, buddy, not the second master of your imagination, the buddy wants you to go to the left, you absolutely have no chance to go to the right!

I have to say that Zhao Tiezhu is so embarrassed, although sometimes it is calm and has a good heart, but when he is denied, he will be like a child, and he is eager to prove himself. This multiple personality and personality are all in one, and probably why there are so many women who like him.

"Ling Xue, how much do you drink?" asked Hong Yun.

"Don't drink much, just 3 cups, oh, 3 cups of wine, it's hard to beat me." Ling Xue's words have become more, and the biggest performance of people who are generally drunk is more words.

Red Rhyme looked at Zhao Tiezhu and said, "You said that you are also true. Why do you let her drink so much wine? How long have I left? I will go down for 3 cups."

"This, I don't know if she can't drink it, and she wants to drink it. If I treat it, I can't stop her!" Zhao Tiezhu said with grievances.

"Hey? I said, you shouldn't be going to drunk her, and then go to achieve something you don't know?" Red Yun asked.

"Red rhyme, I don't like to hear you. I am such a person? Am I the kind of person who has no means to achieve it? You can make me sad because of this!" Zhao Tiezhu said, "I Although this person is not a gentleman, but what should be done should not be done, I still understand."

Ling Xue looked at Zhao Tiezhu with disdain. Are you not threatening your sister? Now that the red rhyme is coming, are you a baby? Is it true that my sister has to drink these three glasses of wine? It’s just that Ling Xue is dissatisfied, but he can’t say it on his mouth. Otherwise, if he is annoyed by Zhao Tiezhu, he is really a beast. He is now soft and his head is dizzy. It’s fast blurred. If Zhao Tiezhu is really a beast, he will not resist even his resistance.

Ling Xue shook his head and wanted to make himself more awake. It was just the stamina of this wine, but it was like a tidal wave. After a wave of waves, Ling Xue was completely framed, confused and confused.

"Hey, this thing is done." Red Yun looked helplessly at Ling Xue. At this time, Ling Xue, a blushing man, did not fall down, but stared at the table and looked for food.

"Ling Xue, eat less, are you not losing weight all day long?" said Hong Yun.

"Nothing!" Ling Xue's tongue is a bit knotted, and the words are not very clear. "To lose weight and lose weight, you have to have a degree. You can't lose yourself and you are saddened. I have eaten so much this evening. Just eat it again, no problem."

"Iron column, let's send her back." Red rhyme said to Zhao Tiezhu.

"Okay." Zhao Tiezhu did not expect this chick to be really drunk, this is not Zhao Tiezhu's original intention, Zhao Tiezhu intended to let this woman drink more, the best drink she dare not drink, or drink, this can only It seems that she is supernatural, so that she will not dare to be self-satisfied in the future. She did not expect that the three cups will go down and she will fall.

Red rhyme set up Ling Xue, but this Ling Xue is very soft, which makes her appear to be much heavier than usual. With the power of red rhyme, it is impossible to put Ling Xue downstairs. Therefore, Zhao Tiezhu is naturally an unshirkable shot.

"I am coming." Zhao Tiezhu reached out and placed a hand on Ling Xue's armpit, but Ling Xue suddenly laughed.

"Don't touch me, I'm itchy!!" Ling Xue twisted. Said delicately.

"Iron column, or else you carry her, so save trouble." Red rhyme suggested.

"That's okay." Zhao Tiezhu walked over Ling Xue and squatted down, and the red rhyme pushed Ling Xue toward Zhao Tiezhu's back. Ling Xue's whole person was on the back of the poster, Zhao Tiezhu Standing up, hands back to the ring, then the palms on the full hips of Ling Xue, fixed Ling Xue on his back.

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