Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 879: Grab news

Chapter VIII, grab the news

Zhao Tiezhu always feels that he is not a fickle person. Of course, if others think of it, he can't control it, but Zhao Tiezhu thinks that since it is a famous device, this stuff is very rare, right? Since it is rare, but people appear in front of you, that is fate, you say so? Since it is a fate, if you miss this fate, you have to be thunderous, is this right?

Therefore, Zhao Tiezhu’s itching is still understandable, right? No matter who you are, such a tempting thing is in front of you, you have to say that it is not a heart itch, then you are not a man. Now, this year, even Liu Xiahui is arrogant, let alone others, right?

However, Zhao Tiezhu is also a principled person, such as a girlfriend. Until now, Zhao Tiezhu recognized that there is only one Su Yanni. Of course, Cao Ziyi is a fairy-like character. Zhao Tiezhu Baba wants to be with others, but Cao Ziyi is a bit like oil and salt. Zhao Tiezhu can only come slowly. As for Li Linger and Lucy, it is a bit far away. Now everyone is just better, and Linda and Red Rhyme, that is quite In the role of a lover, Zhao Tiezhu, this other person has no other advantages, that is, he has a sense of responsibility. Of course, he can also say that he is selfish. He will not marry every woman of his own, nor will he let his own woman make a difference to himself. Good thing, this is the simplest principle of Zhao Tiezhu.

And a little further, such as Lin Si or Su Shi, who has come to the city of Fi, Zhao Tiezhu thinks that these can be developed, but they can only develop, and the ultimate goal of development, that is, at most, lovers. A man can have a lot of women, but it doesn't necessarily need to put every woman in the house. There are so many confidantes outside. Isn't this life very pleasant?

Since Zhao Tiezhu had experienced Lu Xiaoman’s last time, he felt that after picking up the girl, he still insisted on not hurting others to deceive others. Therefore, when Lin Si asked Zhao Tiezhu what he said, Zhao Tiezhu said honestly. .

"We are talking about the famous thing!!" Zhao Tiezhu said seriously.

"Famous device?" Lin Si frowned, he grew so big, heard the artifact of the artifact is too old, but he has not heard of this device, so all of a sudden, Zhao Tiezhu raised a curiosity.

"Well, famous, men and women, each has ten famous devices, more famous, men, such as Qinglong, women, such as white tiger, these are all in the top ten." Zhao Tiezhu explained.

Even if I don't understand this anymore, I heard the man Qinglong, the woman Baihu, and I understand the meaning of the name. Lin Si is still a pure girl after all, and the university is in love with the mouth. It’s not like that before, so I’ve heard that Zhao Tiezhu’s blunt words say that Lin Si’s pretty face is dark.

"Nervous disease." Lin Si looked at Zhao Tiezhu and said.

"Hey, I kindly give you doubts. Do you still swear?" Zhao Tiezhu said with dissatisfaction, buddy, this is hard to avoid lie, once you are jealous, it seems that this year, not only good people can not do it, the truth can not say what!

"Is there such a thing? What are these things in front of girls, isn't it a neuropathy?" Lin Si's face was even more contemptuous. "I have to hang this kind of thing all day long, and I don't know where you read it."

"I don't agree with this. Who can say that this can't be said when reading a book? Heavenly people have been talking about thousands of years. How can they not say it now? And now the textbooks of primary schools still teach this. Is it true that those who write this book are neurotic? And those who are in the Publishing Department are also neurotic?? And I just explain to you what is a famous device, is there a display device for you to see? Is it not? Ask me what is the meaning of strong j, I said that strong j is that I am forced to have **** with you, and then people also yell at my neurosis? Say I have this sexual relationship on the mouth?" Zhao Tiezhu said dissatisfied.

"Hey, can you tell me this?" Lin Si squinted at Zhao Tiezhu. "Then we don't say what you just said. What the two of you told me earlier, isn't it a neuropathy?"

Zhao Tiezhu stunned, indeed, he did follow his own master before telling people that the mouth of the people is a whale sucking hole, which is the top ten!

"Oh, it's a bad decision!" Zhao Tiezhu sighed proudly. He didn't expect that he wanted to tell the truth at the moment. He even led to so many troubles, and he was still despised.

"Is nothing to say? In the face of a girl's face to face a girl, it is rude in itself, and what you said is still so filthy, this is simply a rogue behavior, you are still very embarrassed to tell me about heaven and earth. What?” Lin Simei had a smug look.

"Gangster, don't talk to this female doll. Didn't the jade foot say it before? This female doll is the host. You talk to the host and look for abuse?" the thunderstorm whispered.

"That's really true!" Zhao Tiezhu was originally a little dumbfounded by Lin Si. After listening to the thunderstorm, he thought that the other party was the host, the host, just like the cross talk, that They are all playing with their own skins. Although they can talk about it, but if you compare it with the host, you really can’t see it!

So Zhao Tiezhu chose silence.

"Oh." Lin Si snorted and held his head proudly, like a winning cock.

Zhao Tiezhu lowered his head at this time, and the originally thin body seemed even more cumbersome.

"Well, iron pillar." Lin Lei walked out of the compartment. At this time, Lin Si had put on a skirt covering the calf. The upper body was a simple long-sleeved t-shirt. The whole person looked very good. Pretty.

"Hey, how do you lower your head?" Lin Lei saw Zhao Tiezhu and asked a thief who had stolen the underwear of the girl to be found in public. He looked down curiously.

"Nothing." Zhao Tiezhu stood up. "Let's go, have a meal together, and then you can collect the news you want in the afternoon."

"News?" Lin Siyi heard the news, his eyes lit up, pretending to ask casually, "Lin Lei, what news do you want to collect?"

"Oh, it's just some small news." Lin Lei said, but did not say the content of the news, which made Lin Si curious.

"Small news? Let's listen, I can't grab your news, you say yes?" Lin Si asked with a smile.

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