Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 882: crazy

Chapter VIII Chapter Lost Heart

Zhao Tiezhu was very surprised. He had just lost consciousness in a moment. Although he could feel what he was doing, he had no way to control it. It was like he was hypnotized by himself. In life, but never happened!

"Let me go!" Lin Lei saw Zhao Tiezhu stop the action and screamed out loud.

"I'm sorry." Zhao Tiezhu hurriedly released his hand. "I just didn't know what happened."

"You are far from me." Lin Lei leaned against the elevator wall and watched Zhao Tiezhu with anger and anger.

"Really, sorry, just now, I can't control myself!" Zhao Tiezhu said sincerely.

"Does every strong j say that I didn't mean it, wouldn't it be okay?" Lin Lei said coldly.

"I... well, I said, I didn't mean it, believe it or not, follow you." Zhao Tiezhu was also troubled by his sudden loss of control. Since Lin Lei did not intend to listen to him, he would not bother to explain. It is.

Zhao Tiezhu tried to think back to everything just now. When he came in the elevator, the whole person seemed to be inexplicably excited, and then his body slowly controlled without consciousness. Until the end, he touched Lin Lei for the first time. The abundance of the buttocks and his own consciousness will almost completely dissipate. After Lin Lei’s slap in the face, his own desires are mixed with some enchanting anger, and his consciousness is destroyed in an instant.

Zhao Tiezhu looked at his hands, his hands were particularly red, and many blood vessels were inflated.

"In the end, what is going on!" Zhao Tiezhu was completely ruined by the whole person. Suddenly, a fierce stun came.

When Zhao Tiezhu felt that the ground was shaking, the whole person fell to the ground.

Lin Lei was very angry, because in her opinion, Zhao Tiezhu can occasionally eat tofu to take advantage of it, but the essence of things can not be touched. I did not expect Zhao Tiezhu to intend to use her strong, This made Lin Lei’s only good feelings towards Zhao Tiezhu disappeared all at once, only the anger was full, but when she saw Zhao Tiezhu’s whole person suddenly soft on the ground, Lin Lei was panicked, she was in her twenties. In my life, I have never encountered such a thing. For a while, I don’t know what to do.


The elevator door was opened and the first floor arrived.

The thunderstorm was originally a smile, standing outside the elevator and waiting for his apprentice. Although the thunderstorm is a very vulgar person, it is not a person who does not understand the style. Therefore, he just walked down the stairs and went down the floor. However, there are more than 20 floors. The elevator has to go to the first floor. It takes a lot of time. During this time, it is enough for the apprentice to do something. The speed of the thunderstorm is not slower than the elevator, so wait. When the elevator arrived, he smiled and wanted to see the look of his apprentice and the female doll. He just didn't expect the elevator to open, and he saw his apprentice fell to the ground, and the female doll was standing next to him in horror.

"What happened!" The thunderstorm shouted and rushed into the elevator.

Lin Lei originally saw thunderstorms, and there was another feeling of finding the backbone of the heart. Just wanted to say something, but it was suddenly shrouded by thunderstorms. The whole person’s legs were soft in an instant.

For the first time, she felt that death was so close to her. This middle-aged man who looked a little embarrassed, at this moment, like a demon head, Lin Lei can be sure what he is doing now. Excessive reaction, this old man will kill himself without hesitation!

Lin Lei is extremely sure!

"Iron column!! What's wrong with you?" Thunderstorm will lift Zhao Tiezhu, and several of his learned points, Zhao Tiezhu still has no reaction.

"What happened!" asked the thunderstorm.

"I don't know what's going on. The iron column suddenly made a mistake, and wanted to swear by me. Then after I slapped me, it seemed to wake up, but in a few seconds, I passed out." Lin Lei said with a trembling voice.

What happened in the elevator room quickly attracted the attention of many people. When the thunderstorm picked up Zhao Tiezhu, he went out and saw the people around the circle. The thunderstorm shouted, "All of them are going away."

The sound of thunder, shaking the people around me with a tinnitus, they spread out.

The thunderstorm rushed out of the province with Zhao Tiezhu and was looking for a car. Zhao Tiezhu was faintly woke up.

"What's wrong?" Zhao Tiezhu looked at him with a strange thunderstorm and shouted. "I wipe, Master, you won't be the lovable apprentice who wants to go to the beast!"

"Hey, are you awake?" Thunderstorm also looked at Zhao Tiezhu.

"Oh, yes, I remembered it. I just passed out!" Zhao Tiezhu suddenly realized, "Master, let me down first."

The thunderstorm put Zhao Tiezhu down, Zhao Tiezhu knocked on his head, and said with confusion, "There is a little dizzy, what is going on here?"

"What happened?" Thunderstorm looked at Zhao Tiezhu seriously.

"I don't know what's going on. The whole person seems to have suddenly lost his heart and madness, and he is not under my control." Zhao Tiezhu said, "Then I woke up, but I suddenly felt whirl, and then I fainted." It is."

"Is it the sequela of your injury?" Thunderstorm guessed.

"Maybe!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded, but there was another guess in his heart. It seemed that he had fainted before he got the hardening function last time. It will not be this time, is the x factor evolving? Has it evolved?

"Oh, it's okay, no matter what." Zhao Tiezhu shook his head. "First, let's finish the afternoon. I am going to wait until my dad is back, and I will naturally know."

"You, you, as rough as I used to." Thunderstorm shook his head helplessly.

"Well, let's go, Master, go eat first, and you have to fight a hard battle in the afternoon." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.


The two said, they are leaving.

"And me." Lin Lei’s voice came from behind the two.

"You? You still want to be together?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Of course, we are comrades-in-arms." Lin Lei wiped away the tears that had been scared from the face because of the previous incident, and said seriously.

"Haha, there is courage, I remember you, hit me three slaps." Zhao Tiezhu smiled, although as usual, but there is no such violent feeling.

"Hey, if you don't do that, I will slap you in the face?" Lin Lei snorted.

"Ha ha ha, then I have to find a time, and then make a mistake, and when I give you the Fa-rectification, I have an excuse."

"Cut, you can really think."

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