Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 885: Lost the lawsuit, the iron pillar wants to worry!

The eighty-eighth chapter lost the case, the iron pillar wants to worry!

"Still, there must be a shady!" Yu Dayang angered.

"Haha, calm, we can appeal, do you say yes?" Zhao Tiezhu did not seem to have lost a little because of the loss of the case, and the plaintiff.

"Oh, the law is fair and just, and people who are not responsible for the people will eventually be retributed," said the old woman's eldest son.

Lin Si saw Zhao Tiezhu lose the case. It was a little bit gloating. It was just more, but it was exciting. After Zhao Tiezhu lost the news, this news has greater reportability. If Zhao Tiezhu wins, there is nothing to say. Anyway, if it is won, and Zhao Tiezhu loses, then when the report is sent out, then it can be added to the grievance to say that Zhao Tiezhu is filthy, and then cause dissatisfaction or controversy in the whole society. It can be fire!

Lin’s thoughts are the same, Lin Lei also wants to get it, but Lin Lei is more professional and has already taken the microphone to interview Zhao Tiezhu.

"Do you have any opinion on this judgment?" Lin Lei did not know Zhao Tiezhu, holding a microphone against Zhao Tiezhu, and Kobayashi and others have opened various devices.

At this time, Zhao Tiezhu, at once, played his acting skills.

Zhao Tiezhu’s face is full of grief and indignation. He said, “I don’t want to say anything to me personally, but I want to say that this is a kind of sorrow for the whole society.”

"Oh? How do you say that?" Lin Lei asked.

"Because, this judgment is another blow to the traditional virtues. This is another trampling on the people's little help. I will ask if I have to do this in the future." Who would dare to do good things? If everyone is not doing good things, then what kind of society is this society? It’s not that everyone has money or a river society. Everyone only cares for each other and helps each other. This is possible. It’s a river crab society. Today’s verdict is not only cold, but I believe that it’s the heart of most people in the whole society. I will definitely appeal, and I will definitely get back a fair!” Zhao Tiezhu is in anger and anger. It has a firmer taste in it.

"In fact, what we have just seen is that you have an advantage here, but the final judge has sentenced you to lose. For this, what do you want to say?" Lin Lei asked.

"There is nothing to say, justice is self-contained. I think that if the person who swears is a knife, then the presiding judge is the knife-handler. If there is no such thing as his last slap, the knife is sharp again, and only It is him, the thorough spinal cord has passed on the traditional virtues of thousands of years, we are not afraid of being defamed, as long as the law treats us fairly, if that is the case, even if it is shackled all day, what about it? It’s a pity that the original It should have been our strong backing law, and the judge has become the current executioner." Zhao Tiezhu’s face is full of helplessness.

"Then ask you to come across this kind of thing in the future, will you still do it?" Lin Lei asked.

"Oh, don't do it." Zhao Tiezhu suddenly had a feeling of ambiguity. "I have experienced it once and never want to experience it for the second time. Maybe I will not encounter this kind of person for the second time, but the third. The fourth time, and before doing a good job, we must think about whether it will be deceived. Is this still a good thing?"

“Thank you for accepting our interview.” After Lin Lei finished speaking, he turned to the camera and said, “In such an era when people’s moral quality is declining, things that are deceitful are becoming more frequent. When blaming more and more people for turning a blind eye to illegal phenomena, should we think about it, what is the cause, and lead to the indifference of human feelings? Is it really fear of being retaliated by people? I don’t think so, I think more People, not afraid of the wrongdoers, but afraid of the people they help, no one knows, they will not bite you in the next second! No one wants to do it when they do good things. Behind this increasingly frequent phenomenon, who is indulging in the end? Or who is not doing it? Want to come to everyone, there is a scale! This is this reporter Lin Lei, from fj A court report."

Lin Lei said that when he was not doing it, Kobayashi took the camera lens at the right time and pointed it at the big balance in the center of the trial court, as if to say that these people were not ordinary.

"Well, now I have to go back and edit it, and I can get the evening news at night." Lin Lei said.

"Well, that is bothering you." Zhao Tiezhu nodded. "I have to do something, or I always feel like bullying."

The old woman who won the case, looked at Zhao Tiezhu with disdain, randomly followed two sons, and a group of relatives and friends, and left the court together. These people did not lift their heads because they won the case.

"Who is the winner?" Zhao Tiezhu sighed.

"This lawsuit has no winners." Sogra appeared next to Zhao Tiezhu and said, "They won, it is the lack of public morality, they lose, this is missing, but it will not make up for it, even if you finally won But the wounds caused by such things in people's minds are hard to heal, and no one wants to get into trouble with their own good results."

"So I want to kill the chicken and see it for the monkey." Zhao Tiezhu’s eyes burst into a killing effect, but then it quickly dissipated. "I must let those who are conscience eaten by dogs in the world understand." The dog must bite Lu Dongbin, and it must pay the price. In this way, there may not be so many people who will do this kind of thing."

“Do you want to change society?” Sogra asked strangely.

"It’s all right now, why don’t I try it?” Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. “Maybe only a small number of people can be changed, but after all, it’s changed, isn’t it?”

"...I didn't expect you to have a sense of social responsibility, it's amazing." Sogra's expression, seemingly ridiculed, but actually has a little admiration.

"Haha, the sense of responsibility of the social fart, what kind of thing do I count? At most, it just changes something that I can't understand. You know, if I don't understand it, it will be very uncomfortable. I can be considered this. Let yourself not be uncomfortable."

"Haha, come on slowly," said Sogra. "Many people change this a little, and there is no way to do it."

"Oh, next, I have to play well with these people, and the judge, hey, these people, one can't escape." Zhao Tiezhu's eyes flashed with a fascinating light.

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