Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 889: Official children who will play

The eighty-eighth chapter will play the official children

Sogra, that is the capital of the capital, to enter this circle of the second and third sons, it is really a matter of minutes, not long after Sogra, under the recommendation of a friend, through some coincidence to know this week, The identity of Socrata is also known to Zhou Xing. For the local second and third-rate sons, the level of Socrata is as high as they are, and they are willing to condescend to play with them. It is the best time to fish the dragon gate! So you are willing to do it. Without an hour, a group of people will be like a buddy. After Zhao Tiezhu came later, although Sogra did not mention Zhao Tiezhu’s identity, he only looked at the women who followed him. Zhou Xing and others know that Zhao Tiezhu is also a bully character, both fj people, naturally know that fj province is a master of the flower, is the woman Lin Si.

Lin Si was used by Zhao Tiezhu without knowing it.

Since Socrata proposed to play something more, then this group of people naturally had to work hard to meet, and Zhou Xing felt that if only ordinary drinking and fun to find a lady, it is estimated that Socrata and Zhao Tiezhu will not have any interest, only This multi-person group is likely to give them a little interest, and once they are interested, they will play with them, and the relationship between the people will have a rapid development.

And... Zhou Xing looked at Lin Si, when Zhao Tiezhu and himself and others played the unsettled conference, let the woman down and play with everyone, that is not much cool, but he knows, this Lin Sike is the daughter of the director of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection. If she can get on her, even if she is the third hand, it is worth showing off.

"Oh? Open a party? Is there a beauty?" Zhao Tiezhu asked with a smile.

"Yes, it's all local beauty, huh, huh, our girls are playing more, just the quality, I don't know if it will be worse than the capital. The two big brothers are all from Beijing, we come out of small places. I am really afraid of not being the mouth of your two." Zhou Xing said.

"Haha, it's okay, we are in the capital. In fact, we often open parties. Let's play together, how comfortable, right?" Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Oh, we think so too." Zhou Xing said, "Or, let's arrange for people to prepare now?"

"Go and go." Zhao Tiezhu waved his hand and Zhou Xing left the room with the fat man.

"A star, you said, these two people, reliable?" Outside the room, the fat man whispered.

"It is reliable and unreliable. These two people are all big and small in Beijing. Do you know that the five people in Beijing are not? Zhao Qiansun Li Zhou, this Zhao Tiezhu surnamed Zhao, and it seems that Socrata listens to respect him. It must be Zhao. The people who came out, and the family other than the five people in the capital, are the most fierce in the Su family. At the moment, these two people are playing with us! This is a great opportunity, we can only be in fj. If we can talk to them as brothers and sisters, then we can immediately become first-class. At that time, those who have looked down on us will have to be blessed to please us. As for their reliability and unreliability, we are against them. In other words, just like a cockroach, my dad is also a president. They both come out personally and can swear by my dad. What can they figure out? I think they may see them pleasing to the eye. This gives us the opportunity to honor them. You also know that not everyone is qualified to honor these real young and old." Zhou Xing said.

"That's the same, but, do we really want to play with them?" The fat man is still a bit awkward.

"If you don't play some excitement, can you get their appreciation? What have they not played? It is estimated that this kind of thing, they have not encountered it, after all, people like their level should not play this. ”

"How do we please them?" asked the fat man.

"You don't understand this?" Zhou Xing said with a little smugness. "They won't play. It doesn't mean they don't want to play. Sometimes they indulge. Far from fj, who knows? Right?"

"That is indeed, let's go, I am responsible for calling people, hey, this time I have to call out those who press the bottom of the box. Oh, I don't know if Lin Si will go along with it. If there is a chance to kiss Fang Ze, Zhou Xing, you have to let me." The fat man said.

"Let you let you, I won't grab you." Zhou Xing said with a smile, but the psychology is scornful. "If you are not older than my son, I will let you have such a fat pig?" ”

About half an hour or so, Zhou Xing and the fat man returned to the room.

"All are ready, let's go?" Zhou Xing asked.

"Well, where?" Zhao Tiezhu said.

"In the West Lake villa area, huh, we rented a villa for a long time, just can play." Zhou Xing said.

Zhao Tiezhu looked at Zhou Xing in a quiet manner. As far as he knows, the rent of the West Lake Villa is a hundred thousand in a month. This group of people is really rich in money. It seems that these people’s Lao Tzu, there is no one **** is clean, the so-called official does not make money, why do so many people test civil servants every year?

"Iron column, what do you want to play?" Lin Si looked at a few people looking strange and wretched, asked.

"Play group p." Zhao Tiezhu put his face in Lin Si's ear and whispered.

"What!" Lin Si screamed and saw the people around him look at himself and said, "Oh, you scare me less, I am not afraid of you."

"Oh." Zhao Tiezhu saw that they all noticed their side and did not speak any more.

"Suego, Zhao Ge, are you driving in the past, or am I arranging people to pick you up?" Zhou Xing asked.

"I told people to drive over, West Lake Villa District, I still know where it is, when you wait for me at the door." Zhao Tiezhu said, "Sogra, I am carrying you?"

"Well," Suegra said with a smile.

"That's good, let's go." Zhou Xing said, taking the road ahead.

On the way, Zhao Tiezhu sent a text message and told the iron hand to arrange for the individual to drive his No. 25 Audi.

Waiting for the downstairs, Zhao Tiezhu stood waiting for a few minutes, the 25th car was not far away.

Zhou Xing and others were accompanying Zhao Tiezhu and other cars. When I saw the Audi car with the No. 25 license plate of the provincial party committee, the eyes of several people were a fiery fire. These sons and brothers, the most powerful ones are the city level, even It is not the top of the city. It is much worse than Li Ziqi. So when I saw the license plate of this provincial party committee, Zhao Tiezhu’s position in the hearts of the people suddenly rose a lot.

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