Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 891: Director Wang’s opportunity

Chapter 891 The opportunity of Director Wang

The former director Wang said that he is just a department-level cadre, and he was assigned to a remote suburb of fj University. He is almost certain that Wang has no backstage.

In Shenzhou, you have no backstage in the official. The only result is that it is marginalized. The director Wang is better. He is also a director of the police station. He has the right hand, but this life wants When I entered the city bureau, I really had to count on the favor of God. And the director Wang had already planned to appoint it. Anyway, now I can’t eat and drink myself. From time to time, others are a little filial. Buying a car to buy a house is basically not a problem, and then maybe waiting for retirement. When I see if I can mix the sub-level treatment, I did not expect that Zhao Tiezhu actually called himself at this time!

Director Wang knows that the date of the general election is not far away. If he does not go up this election, then he does not know how many years to wait. The years are ruthless. Director Wang sometimes feels that he is really back. Yes, but the birth is not good, the whole life can only be in the suburbs as the director of the police station. Therefore, Zhao Tiezhu’s "self-person" three words directly put the ambitions of Wang’s long-cherished heart that has almost disappeared. The spirit of plucking is rejuvenated.

"Iron column, where is the location?" Wang said with a red eye.

"You take a few reliable people and go outside the West Lake apartment. I will send you a text message when I arrive." Zhao Tiezhu said, he hung up the phone.

"Where, what's wrong with this?" A small policeman looked curiously as if he had become the king of the estrus bull.

"Nothing, Xiao Li, immediately call me Xiao Chen Xiao Zhou Xiaolin, let's go out and do something big at night!!!" Director Wang said loudly.

This was called a policeman named Xiao Li, and immediately said, "Where is the king, is there a big gamble?"

"Haha, it is much bigger than this." Wang’s eyes looked a little confused and looked at the front. He said, "This gambling game, if you win, you will have a bright future. If you lose, you will have nothing!"

"We are really playing group p, are you sure you want to follow?" In the car, Zhao Tiezhu smiled and asked Lin Si.

"You... really want to play?" Lin Si's face is very weird.

"Of course, if you don't get into the tiger's hole, you have to win the trust of them, then you can catch them? And the best way to win them is to play with them." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"How, so corrupted? The children of the national cadres are collectively yin chaos, this... If you say it, you may have to make a fuss!" Lin Si is doing news, naturally knowing the influence of such things, no It will be inferior to Zhao Tiezhu’s good deeds.

"Cut, or you say that corrupt officials are so greedy for so much money, what are they doing? Not for a better living environment for future generations? This is understandable." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.


"Nothing, if the official is not good, who wants to be? Don't say these people, your father, I believe his foundation is not clean enough."

"What! You are less filthy to my father, my dad has never received anything from people!" Lin Si said seriously.

"That's what you didn't see." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"You!! You dare to filthy my dad, I am not finished with you!" Lin Si was like a savage little wild cat, staring at Zhao Tiezhu.

"Haha, don't say it, don't say it. Actually, now, the lower level of officials, the less things he cares about, the more things he can play, such as the county level, the county leaders can openly Mercedes-Benz BMW is swaying through the city, but at the city level, almost no one dares. Because the position is high, there are more people staring at it. Maybe some problems are not problems, they are in the eyes of others, that is, the problem. Therefore, the higher the level of cadres, the less they play. The official second generation like Zhou Xing, his father is not a big official, it is almost the same as the county level leader, so naturally Can play like this, if it is Socrata, do you dare to play like this?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"I have to dare to play like this. I don't need others to expose me. I have to interrupt my three legs. I want to talk about being an official. My family is also a cadre at the provincial and ministerial level. So I know what I am here. At that time, I am the deputy *** of the provincial party committee of hb. My cousin’s life is really quite normal every day. Although I make a lot of money, I play with more layers and will not be criticized. These children," said Sogra.

"The more the bottom layer, the more red fruit. You just have to remember this, you can." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Cut, you know what you are doing." Lin Si snorted and grinned, but did not say more.

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and drove the car, and did not say anything.

Not long after, the car of Zhou Xing and others came to the outside of the West Lake apartment, and then punched into the West Lake apartment, and went around in the West Lake apartment. During this period, Zhao Tiezhu’s home was passed, and Zhao Tiezhu looked at the house with lights. I was thinking that Li Linger was at home and smiled. "It is really exciting to play this kind of thing by your own home."

Ling Xue’s home is next door to Zhao Tiezhu’s house. When Zhao Tiezhu passed Ling Xue’s home, he accidentally saw Ling Xue, who had just returned from the outside. Ling Xue’s whole walk was a bit crooked and seemed to be drinking. . Then stood at his door, as if to open the door.

Zhao Tiezhu shook his head. This woman is too cold. Otherwise, this figure is a face. It is a enchanting character on the bed.

The West Lake Villa was very large, and after a few laps, several people stopped in front of a villa that was smaller than Zhao Tiezhu’s family.

"West Lake Villa 109?" Zhao Tiezhu looked at the house number and remembered it silently.

"Zhao Ge, Su Ge, arrived." Zhou Xing ran to Zhao Tiezhu's car and leaned over.

"Well, this place is quite good." Zhao Tiezhu said.

“Oh, the West Lake Villa is in the top villa area throughout the fj. Many merchant politicians have bought a house here.”

Zhao Tiezhu nodded with a smile and stopped the car. He got off the bus.

"Let's go, everyone goes in." Zhou Xing greeted everyone and entered the villa together.

Not long after Zhao Tiezhu entered the villa, thunderstorms appeared outside the villa.

"Bad boy, say what is afraid of causing people to be alert, I will not let me follow, dare you are here to play this good thing, hey, I have to follow you well." Thunderstorm screamed, body movement, it has Disappeared under the night.

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