Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 894: Seeing the road

The VIIIth chapter of the road sees the injustice

"Zhao Ge, people, do you want it?"

The villa is full of extravagant screams, the collision of meat and meat, the blood pressure of more people to the top, with those pills, a group of people like the original beast, squatting, screaming, as if It is necessary to make the sea dry stone rotten.

Sogra is a normal person, so he has a reaction that can't be suppressed. But at this time, Sogra is drunk and sleeping, so no one comes to quarrel with him. Zhao Tiezhu is constantly resisting Xiaofeng's attack. .

Xiaofeng is the most beautiful woman among these people, and the woman who will use the most skill. At this time, she is attached to Zhao Tiezhu’s ear and bites the earlobe of Zhao Tiezhu. The mouth is a bit fuzzy but full. It is a tempting word.

"Oh, don't worry." Zhao Tiezhu smiled and placed his hand on Xiaofeng's chest. He grabbed two of them. "If you don't feel like this, if you break out, you will feel more and have more." Strength?"

"But, but people can't help it, you don't know people, you have already been flooded with Jinshan." Xiaofeng squatted almost tired of the eyes of the water, looking at Zhao Tiezhu sadly: "The people want it now." ”

"You, this person, is too unprepared." Zhao Tiezhu smiled and shook his head. "After a while, I think I can still control it now."

"Oh, iron pillar brother, why do you control it?" Xiaofeng reached out and pressed the trousers of Zhao Tiezhu and pressed it on the small iron pillar. "Hey, Zhao Ge, why didn't you react?"

"Cut, the first layer of the yin and yang of the buddy has already become a big one. If this little wind and wave has a reaction, then I might as well go to the milk to die." Zhao Tiezhu thought of it, but said it on the mouth, "I This stuff, but all with my heart."

"Oh? Really? Is it that you make him big, he is big, you make him small, he is small?" Xiaofeng asked curiously.

"That is natural." Zhao Tiezhu smiled proudly. "I am, but a famous device."

"What about the name?" Xiaofeng’s eyes began to blur again. "People want to try the power of the famous device."

At this time, in the room on the second floor, Lin Si was sitting in the room with a difficult time.

A few people downstairs, eating Viagra, and eating some drugs such as k powder, have already let go of mind and body, the sound of screams and screams, no disguise, Lin Si even if the door is closed, but also give the quilt I was covered in my head, and I was still able to hear the vague and screaming voice, which made Lin Si, who had never been moistened by men, feel ashamed and shy, while the body was slowly getting hot. It’s up.

No matter who, in their twenties, it is the age of bloody, no matter men and women, if you hear this bloody, if you don’t respond, then it’s not normal.

Lin Si felt that he was so shameful. He heard the sound of the group P in the downstairs. He even reacted, and the reaction was very strong. It was like a person who used to hide in the room to watch the love action movie. Although he tried to control it, he could not stop it. The surge of tides, of course, the tide is related to the moon, so Lin Si feels that he can’t control it, it should be normal, just...

"That Zhao Tiezhu, I will not do it with them below!" Lin Si’s mind could not help but Zhao Tiezhu was in charge of the body, and then the scene with a group of women, then the face became more flushed. "The bastard, actually brought me to this place." Lin Si whispered a curse, but forgot, but she strongly requested to come.

"Oh, it’s louder than before." Lin Si listened helplessly to the ecstasy voice, looked around in the room, finally found a pack of facial tissue.

In the downstairs, Zhao Tiezhu is still spinning around with Xiaofeng. Zhou Xing is in and out of a woman while watching Zhao Tiezhu and asking, "Zhao Ge, why not come together?"

"No hurry." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "I am very curious, look at it for a while."

"Xiaomei, Zhao Ge wants to see it, come, you face Zhao Ge." Zhou Xing told the woman under her body, the woman under her voice whispered, turned a body, facing Zhao Tiezhu.

"Hey, these people." Zhao Tiezhu sighed. He thought about it or was not as good as his family. It was just the act of this week's star, but it was the only hesitation of Zhao Tiezhu that completely dissipated.

Just when a few people are cool and happy.


A loud noise, the door of the villa was opened from the outside, and then a group of people wearing police uniforms rushed in from the outside, followed by a burst of flash!

"What's the matter!" Zhou Xing was shocked. Before he could react, he was given a positive impression.

"We are the police, some people report, you are gathered here yin chaos!" Director Wang's face with a look of righteousness appeared in the eyes of everyone, but everyone did not see, Wang's skin muscles, slightly The convulsions.

"Nima! So many people, ten women, five men, an average of two dozen!! Now the child, really his mother can play!" Director Wang looked around with a sigh of relief, because The speed of coming in too fast, and the people in the villa have taken medicine, so for a while, everyone still maintains a harmonious posture, and there is more intoxicating, and it is still swaying.

"Everyone has stopped for me." Director Wang saw that there are still people who are happy there. The secret buddies will come out to catch people at night, and they are exhausted and tired. You are here to be freehand.

"Who dares to take it!!" Zhou Xing's reaction was the fastest. He saw a policeman holding a camera in his hand, and another policeman was holding a video recorder. He pointed to the two people when he arrived. "You put things down and know." Who are we?"

"I care about you!" The director’s courage at this time, "I heard someone report, you gather here, gather people, these are the evidence, you press now Separate men and women, one side, all standing with both hands."

"Reporting!?" Zhou Xing was shocked, and immediately looked at Zhao Tiezhu, Zhao Tiezhu smiled and stood up, pushed Xiaofeng, who had been stunned, and whispered, "Sorry, I reported it."

"Zhao Ge, you...? Why?" Zhou Xing was extremely shocked. He couldn't understand why Zhao Tiezhu, who is a big man in Beijing, would hang them.

"No reason." Zhao Tiezhu shook his head. "I just don't like you to behave like this. It's the so-called road to help you. I see the phenomenon of not eating crabs. I like to take care of it."

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