Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 897: Zhao Tiezhu’s bad heart

The 879th chapter of Zhao Tiezhu’s bad heart

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Zhou Qiang's phone to call Mr. Wang's phone.

"Hello, is the director of the king?" Zhou Qiang's voice was very soft and intimate.

"I am, who are you?" asked the director of the faint faint.

"I am Zhou Qiang, let's drink alcohol." Zhou Qiang said with a smile, "Last time at Director Li."

"Oh!! I remembered!!" Director Wang suddenly realized. "It’s Zhou Tingchang, Zhou Tingchang called so late, what's the matter?"

"This is the case, you seem to go out to catch people at night, right?" Zhou Qiang asked.

"Yeah, how did Zhou Tingzhi know?" asked Wang, curiously.

"This, there is one in the people you caught, my son, can you ask, what did he do?" Zhou Qiang asked.

"This, Zhou Tingchang, the action at night is relatively large. Therefore, there is a confidentiality mechanism in our company. This cannot be said. Of course, if you can come over yourself, then you will understand everything, isn't it?"

"Well, I am going now. I also ask Director Wang to look at my old face. I can take care of my son a little. If my son has committed something, I hope that Wang will be able to investigate it!"

"Our investigations are very careful," said Director Wang.

"That's good, I am going now." Zhou Qiang said, he hung up the phone, then got up and walked out of his home, went to the garage, drove to fj University.

It wasn't long before Zhou Qiang drove away from home. A white van followed up from behind.

Zhou Qiang holds a mobile phone in one hand and a phone call in one hand. When he encounters such a thing, the first thing to do is to pull a few helpers. Zhou Qiang is not stupid. When he hears Zhao Tiezhu’s fearlessness, he knows that Zhao Tiezhu estimates and Director Wang has a relationship, and a director of the king, Zhou Qiang is not afraid, but he is not afraid of returning. If the director of the king is really hard-hearted, he is the head of a court, and he can’t help the director of a police station. So, this week is strong, I have to find what I can do, but to say that the most able to manage this director, that is the director of the fj City Police Department, Li Gang.

"Brother Lee, it’s embarrassing to bother you so late." Zhou Qiang said respectfully.

"Nothing is ok, Zhou Qiang, what happened to you on this big night?" Li Gang asked.

"Nothing, just, my little star, may have misunderstood the fj area police station. Now I am being buckled by the people over there. I am not familiar with that, and it belongs to the police system. I am thinking about trouble. Look at Big Brother Lee." Zhou Qiang said.

"Oh? Little star? The child I have seen, quite honest, what has been done?" Li Gang did not say help or not, but asked directly what, this is the performance of people with high political intelligence, because There is such a saying on the officialdom, never say anything to death, everything must be done with force. If Li Gang says that he is dead, say that I help, when it is time to really kick the iron plate, then he will have to follow the bad luck. However, if you say that you are dead, you are too inhuman.

"I don't know anything. I don't want to say over there. If you can, you can ask Li, you can ask, huh, the director Wang said that it is a confidential mechanism." Zhou Qiang said.

"Secrecy mechanism? The case that the city bureau has not reported, can you keep secret? I will ask." After Li Gang finished, he hung up the phone and then called the director Wang.

"Xiao Wang, what is going on here?" Li Gang asked.

"Secretary Li, this evening, we received reports from the masses that some people were gathering in the crowd, and I took people over. As a result, I caught some better people. These people seem to be the children of many officials of our fj. "The director Wang said.

"Oh? What are the officials?" Li Gang’s voice did not change much.

"One is the son of the Municipal Law Commission, one is the son of the mayor of Sun, and the other is the son of the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Armed Forces." Director Wang said truthfully.

"You!!! You have nothing to do with those people?" Li Gang’s voice suddenly changed, and said with anger, "You have been kicked by your brain? Immediately let go!"

"Secretary Li, we don't know who those people are when we want to arrest people, so we took the reporters and passed the reporters." Director Wang said with a little embarrassment.

"What? The reporters photographed? You... I don't know how to say you, just stop the reporters, I will pass now. Don't let them pass things out!" Li Gang said, hung up the phone, then I went downstairs in a few steps and went to fj University.

After Zhou Qiang made this call, his heart was put down a bit. Since Li Gang had to call and ask, it would be estimated that they would be caught for a while.

Just when Zhou Qiangsong breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly, a white car shadow passed by, and when it was over Zhou Qiang, suddenly turned right and slammed into Zhou Qiang.

Zhou Qiang was shocked and rushed to the steering wheel. The body of the white van was able to pass Zhou Qiang’s headlights, and Zhou Qiang’s car suddenly deviated from the direction, slamming and slamming into the isolation belt. It’s not strange at speed, it’s just a front bump.

Zhou Qiang gasped and looked at the van that was rushing away. The shock was undecided. At this moment, Zhou Qiang’s cell phone rang.

"Zhou Tingchang, this big night, you can pay more attention to driving." Zhao Tiezhu’s voice came quietly.

"You!! You want to kill me??" asked Zhou Qiangqiang.

"I don't dare this. You are a national staff. I just want to remind you of it. Driving in the big night, if you don't pay attention, it's easy to get into the situation. If you hit yourself, it's OK, if you hit it. Others, that can't be said, is it?" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Where are you!" Zhou Qiang asked.

"I? I am here to send a mobile phone to the police station. You also know that when I smash my mobile phone, I naturally have to pay the public, right?"

"You are waiting for me!" Zhou Qiang said, jumped out of the car and looked at the front of the car. It seemed to be a little concave. Then he took a fire and could, then he opened the concave one. The car continued to go to fj University.

"Do you really want to kill him?" Lin Si asked in horror.

"What to say? Killing people is illegal!" Zhao Tiezhu frowned. "I am a bad person, but I don't want to take a gun."

"Then you still let people drive to hit him? That one is not good, that is, the car is ruined!" Lin Si said, his face was a bit red.

"Haha, my people, but all of them are calculated. Don't be afraid of life." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, then turned his head and looked at Zhou Xing, who was a few meters in front of him. He said, "Sorry, you Laozi." Offended me."

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