Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 904: Frequent means

Chapter 904 means frequent

Early the next morning, Zhao Tiezhu was awakened by the phone of the iron hand.

"Iron Tie, I have a bunch of white-haired devils today, saying that it is yours. What is going on?" asked the iron hand.

"Oh? Are they all in the country?" Zhao Tiezhu squinted his eyes and said, "You put them in place, and then let them group themselves. Those people are the talents that I cultivated when I was abroad. You put They are scattered into our gangs and let them perform their duties. It will be fine."

"There are more than 30 people! Are you training?" the iron hand asked in surprise.

"Yeah, when I made money abroad, I invested the money and got an organization around the world to train talents. Now these people are trained at that time, and their abilities should be Not bad, my heart is not a problem, yes, you better bring a cannon together, he is much smarter than you, and should be able to do this well." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"That, I am looking for a cannon." The iron hand said, and hung up.

"Call, it’s finally coming." Zhao Tiezhu started his body, and the snobbery he had cultivated abroad in the past was completely transferred to the country. This was after he swallowed the vertical and horizontal gang, he started doing something. There are martial arts masters, financial elites, and good at conspiracy. Zhao Tiezhu was abducted and deceived, and a lot of money was thrown. These people were finally trained, and because these people were trained by Zhao Tiezhu, they had nothing before. Or people who have been beaten into the bottom of their lives, so in this aspect of loyalty, Zhao Tiezhu does not have much worry. Simply put, these people are the same as the ones in the same year.

After Zhao Tiezhu put on his clothes, he opened the computer and then went to a relatively large forum in China. On the homepage of this forum, Zhao Tiezhu’s post was posted, the content of the post, and what I saw last night. That is also the same, so Zhao Tiezhu did not look at it any more, just the reply below the post, much more than yesterday.

Zhao Tiezhu shut down the computer. After going downstairs, he turned on the TV, and then looked for the second station in fj province. Because Zhao Tiezhu was defamed, it will be broadcasted in the "Hundreds of People's Livelihood" column of the provincial two, and this column The host is Lin Lei.

Hundreds of people's livelihood is a news program about people's livelihood. Of course, this news class is to add a quotation mark, because he broadcasts every day, who is the gas leaking, who is the chicken who made it? The duck then gave birth to a goose egg, such a thing, so it was placed in the provincial two provinces that favored entertainment.

Because today is a weekend, Li Linger did not go to class, sitting in the nightdress next to Zhao Tiezhu.

"Iron brother, what are you looking at?" Li Linger yawned and asked.

"Haha, watch me on TV." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

By the time of twelve o'clock, "Hundreds of People's Livelihood" will be played on time.

In the picture, Lin Lei stood in a straight suit and skirt and lived. The camera gave Lin Lei a full-length image, so Lin Lei’s thin black silk wrapped jade feet, completely through the camera, showed in thousands In front of the audience.

"Oh, this host's legs, so beautiful!" Li Linger exclaimed.

"That is natural, this is a famous device." Zhao Tiezhu smiled.

"What is a famous device?"

"It is a famous appliance..." Zhao Tiezhu explained casually.

Lin Lei on TV first reported some of the dynamics of the leadership. In any news, it is necessary to broadcast first. After the leader has finished broadcasting, it is the right news of the people's livelihood. The first one is Zhao Tiezhu. News.

TV has reported Zhao Tiezhu’s news for a long time. Zhao Tiezhu, who was in front of the interview, seems so sorrowful and helpless, and Lin Lei’s commentary has been followed up with the news reports.

"In an era like this, if you still need to bear such a big burden in doing good things, I feel that this is not only the sorrow of one person, but the sorrow of the whole moral system and the sorrow of the whole society."

At the end of the news, Lin Lei’s heavy heart was summed up with such a sentence.

After the news was broadcast, together with the news on the Internet last night, it immediately had an explosive impact.

Numerous enthusiastic audiences called in to support Zhao Tiezhu, and countless news media also acted in a flash. Zhao Tiezhu’s cell phone, after ten minutes of this news broadcast, kept ringing.

Zhao Tiezhu can still pick up a few at first, but after a few picks, Zhao Tiezhu found that this phone is really not a moment, it is not sound, simply shut the phone, and with the broadcast of this news In the midday news of a noon province, Lin Si also reported a thing that seems to be inconsistent with this matter, that is, the **** police station, reported by the masses, captured a group in the **** high-end villa area Gathering people in the chaos, and then criticizing and educating, in this news, only one person’s name, Zhou Xing, and the reporter who made this news, also specially gave the villa that Zhou Xing and others rented at the West Lake Villa. I took it in and said that it was here that the crowd gathered in the crowd, and then Zhou Xing’s BMW x6 was also photographed. At the end of the news, Lin Si also said that in such an era when everyone’s life is getting better, It is not necessary to pay more attention to the construction of spiritual civilization, and do not let this thought of warm thinking and yin desire spread in society.

This piece of news seems to be very ordinary. At most, it reflects the extravagant life of a few rich second generations. But with the help of the people, not long after, the news broke out. This is called Zhou Xing. In the previous news of Zhao Tiezhu, the son of Zhou Qiang, the president of the third court of the fj first court, and then some people questioned. This is the president’s salary of more than 3,000. Why can I afford the villa and the famous car? !

This time, more and more people are beginning to question!

The power of the Internet is strong. It is not long before the photos of Zhou Qiang’s mistress have been published in the upstairs. Coincidentally, this week’s mistress is also living in the **** high-end villa area, and Zhou Xing was arrested. Place is a place! And this mistress is just a college student at school. The family conditions are also very general. It is impossible to buy a villa. Then, these two villas, a BMW x6. Where did it come from?

More and more people, under the instigation of those who are concerned, the emotions began to slowly become excited and develop in an uncontrollable direction.

At this time, Zhao Tiezhu made a phone call to Socrata and asked him to give a speech to the provincial government. He could press this news appropriately, so in a whole news at 3 pm, the provincial station will be noon. This news was put down, and then Zhao Tiezhu’s going to the water army, it suddenly fell into disuse.

The emotions of the vast majority of the people have been slightly relieved, but at this time, something happened that was unexpected to Zhao Tiezhu!

The first court of fj issued a statement. This is called the president of Zhou Qiang. It is actually a temporary worker...

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