Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 906: normal friend

Chapter 916 General Friends

"How are you here!" Lu Xiaoman said in a surprise, he saw Zhao Tiezhu hit by bullets that day! The blood sprayed from the waist of Zhao Tiezhu still remains on the fence!

"Oh." Zhao Tiezhu smiled a little embarrassedly. He came to Xiu Luo last time, but he was seen by Lu Xiaoman. Although he did not recognize it at the time, it was just a cover-up, but now the warden is here. Zhao Tiezhu does not know what to say.

"You... okay." Lu Xiaoman hesitated, looked at his uncle, she also knows what to say, what should not be said.

"Well, okay, the body is a bit imaginary." Zhao Tiezhu said.

When the warden saw that the two men were going to say something here, they wouldn’t be a light bulb. If their niece could wipe out some sparks with Zhao Tiezhu, would he be an uncle, could he not follow it?

When I saw the warden left, Lu Xiaoman stopped the battery car and walked over to Zhao Tiezhu. He said, "Are you really okay?"

"It's okay!!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded seriously.

"Show me a look." Lu Xiaoman couldn't help but say that he would go to Zhao Tiezhu's clothes.

"Hey, I said, men and women don't kiss each other!" Zhao Tiezhu was a flash, and he hid Lu Xiaoman's hand.

"You bastard!" Lu Xiaoman suddenly sighed, and the sly Zhao Tiezhu was a bit inexplicable.

"I... I thought you were dead!!" Lu Xiaoman's eyes suddenly turned red, and then punched in Zhao Tiezhu's chest. "Since you are still alive, why don't you call me! Then worry about you!!"

"This... I just woke up in recent days." Zhao Tiezhu didn't know what to do now. When he met Lin Silinlei, a woman who had a plan for him, Zhao Tiezhu could enjoy the game and enjoy the oil. Xiao Man’s kind of woman, Zhao Tiezhu really does not want to, no, not willing to go to her, said, Zhao Tiezhu is a person, he does not mind that everyone uses each other, you used me, I used you, this It is an exchange of equivalents, without feelings, but Zhao Tiezhu will definitely not have no purpose and no sense of debt. Zhao Tiezhu was originally out of selfishness and wanted to win Lu Xiaoman, but in the process of contact with Lu Xiaoman. In the middle, Zhao Tiezhu slowly discovered that this woman is a little childish, but she has her own obsession, and she can't afford to hurt!

It can be said that from Zhao Tiezhu’s voice to the present, Zhao Tiezhu feels that there is nothing to do with the woman, only a few, Lu Xiaoman, is one of them.

"When you wake up, you won't give it to me? Bastard, it hurts me to worry about you. If you die, what should I do!!" Lu Xiaoman cried, but the tears were falling down. .

What you said is like what I am doing to you. Zhao Tiezhu was a bit embarrassed and thought, but he said, "This is my fault. I have too many things to find dead. I forgot it for a while."

"In any case, you are a bastard. Why don't you die? So many bullets are on the body. People are already dead. How can you not die?" Lu Xiaoman glared at Zhao Tiezhu's chest, and Zhao Tiezhu felt that the faintness was a little painful.

"Well, I am a bastard." Zhao Tiezhu sighed, this love debt, it seems that it can not hide, Zhao Tiezhu stretched his hands, grabbed Lu Xiaoman's arm, and then calmly said, "We, just ordinary Friend, are you saying yes?"

"Ordinary...friend?" Lu Xiaoman stared at Zhao Tiezhu, then lowered his head and sobbed his shoulders. "Yes, we are just ordinary friends." Lu Xiaoman whispered, "I know, we are really just ordinary friends."

Zhao Tiezhu suddenly found out that his heart had actually hurt and it was getting more and more painful.

"Nima's, Lao Tzu makes you hurt." Zhao Tiezhu slightly exerted a force, the muscles of the body hardened instantly, and the muscles around the heart also hardened!

"Sorry, I am so excited." Lu Xiaoman looked up and looked at Zhao Tiezhu, revealing a self-deprecating smile. "I will not be in the future."

"Small Man..." Zhao Tiezhu looked at Lu Xiaoman and felt that he had to do something with Lu Xiaoman, that is, the beast, and if nothing happens, it seems that a little animal is not as good...

"Oh, I won't do this anymore." Lu Xiaoman stepped back and broke his arm from Zhao Tiezhu's hand. "I am very glad to meet you."

"I..." Zhao Tiezhu wants to say something, but Lu Xiaoman did not listen to him again, but walked to the battery car, pushed the battery car, and went to the prison. When passing Zhao Tiezhu, Lu Xiaoman did not Make a little stay.

"I am also very happy to meet you." Zhao Tiezhu sighed and said.

Lu Xiaoman’s body was a tremor, and he was later identified as going to the prison gate.

Zhao Tiezhu sat in the cab without saying a word, then drove to the center of fj.

On this road, the thunderstorm is hard to get a word, and Han Dali is looking at the front, just like a robot.

"Come on." Zhao Tiezhu took Han Dali to a new 5-star hotel operated by Xueshentang. "Strong brother, this is my industry." Zhao Tiezhu pointed out that this magnificent hotel, said to Han .

Han Dali seems to be afraid of being alive, and smiles in a distressed manner. He said, "Do you want to wait here to eat?"

"Yeah." Zhao Tiezhu completely suppressed the suppressed emotions, and brought a smile on his face. "Wait a few brothers will come over."

"This... it’s too expensive for you." Han Dali said with embarrassment, "I am a prisoner who has been released from prison. You don't have to."

"Strong brother, what you said, since we are roommates in prison, that is fate. Although I am not a lot of powerful people, it is still possible to have a strong brother to eat spicy and spicy."

"Thank you so much, iron pillar." Han vigorously bowed his back, thank you.

"Strong brother, come out to mix, you must straighten your waist and be a man, you can't do it." Zhao Tiezhu took a handful of Han's back with his hand. "It's quite straight."

Han was shocked and suddenly put his body straight.

"That's right, this year, rich and powerful, is the uncle, let's go." Zhao Tiezhu smiled into the hotel.

"You doll, stunned." Thunderstorm shook his head and casually followed Zhao Tiezhu.

“Hey.” Han vigorously watched the luxuriously decorated hall before the ***, and always felt that there was not a world with himself. He had been in jail for a few years. At that time, there was no 5 star hotel in fj. This makes it just a strong effort at the bottom of the society. It is a little bit of fear. Just seeing that Zhao Tiezhu has gone far, Han Dali can only bite his teeth and follow up.

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