Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 922: The same thing different results

Chapter 192, the same thing, different results

"This is no longer necessary." Zhao Tiezhu refused. "I just happened to meet it."

"Hey, this can't be said. Now, how many people can help a stranger so unselfishly this year? And since that few cases have been made, no one has helped others, you have helped me. Dad, that's also taking risks, let alone you have encountered that thing a few days ago. And, listen to the doctor, you still give my dad a blood transfusion, iron column, anyway, you must let me please once in the evening. We, the whole family, would like to thank you."

"That... okay." After Zhao Tiezhu hesitated, he agreed.

"Thank you, yes, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Wang Danqing. I am at Shangri-La Hotel in the evening. I have booked a place there. Right, what girls were you before? Are you friends?" The man, Wang Danqing asked.

"Well, yes, they are all my friends." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"That's good, then please bring them with you, Babe said, it is all the sisters who chat with him, he will not be afraid."

"Well, ok, I will tell them when I get there."

"That's good, at six o'clock in the evening, our family is waiting for your visit at Shangri-La Hotel." The middle-aged man said, he said that he had hanged up.

Zhao Tiezhu said that the mobile phone was collected, and Li Linger, who was sitting in front of the computer, said, "Linger, someone will treat you at night, go together."

"Who?" Li Linger asked.

"It is the son of the old man in the morning." Zhao Tiezhu simply said Wang Danqing's invitation.

"Hey, Tiezhu brother, isn't it a good thing to leave a name? How do you still let people treat you?" Li Linger asked with a smile.

"Oh, actually, this feeling is still very good." Zhao Tiezhu shyly bowed his head. "At last, in this society, not all of them are wolves."

"That is of course." Cao Ziyi walked over from the side. "The hearts of the people are long, the most insidious, the heart, but the most pristine, but also the heart."

"Well, Ziyi said yes, this is a chance for people to repay their favors, haha, good things, in fact, it is quite good." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Cut, you are beautiful, this is not only done by you alone, I have to do it!" Li Linger said with a wrinkled nose, "Don't take all the credit to you."

"Haha, divide you half, if you go at night, eat more." Zhao Tiezhu smiled.

A noon time, it has passed.

At five o'clock in the evening, Zhao Tiezhu Li Linger Cao Ziyi, the dress was all dressed up, and then Zhao Tiezhu also specially opened the No. 25 Audi car, a group of people went to the Shangri-La Hotel.

After parking the car in the parking lot, Zhao Tiezhu walked to the door of the Shangri-La Hotel and saw Wang Danqing.

"Iron column, welcome." Wang Danqing enthusiastically stepped forward, holding Zhao Tiezhu's hand in both hands, and Zhao Tiezhu took a few people to go upstairs.

Wang Danqing’s location is just an ordinary private room, but the Shangri-La Hotel is a five-star hotel. The consumption of each private room is not low. After entering the private room, Zhao Tiezhu saw the old man in the morning. Wang Danqing’s wife, Beibei, and Zhao Tiezhu’s surprise was that Wang Danqing even invited Lu Xiaoman.

"Oh, I have heard from the doctor, it is the guarantee that Miss Xiaoban gave you the iron column, which can give my dad blood." Wang Danqing saw Zhao Tiezhu a little surprised, explained.

Zhao Tiezhu nodded and looked at the old man and asked with a smile. "Father, can I be discharged so soon?"

The spirit of the old man looked very good, his face was no longer pale in the afternoon, it looked a bit rosy, but his forehead and nose tip, all with some scars, it was in the morning. The old man’s face said with a comfortable smile. “I’m actually quite good. But it’s also possible to lose the blood of young people and give me more energy. Haha, even doctors say The speed of my recovery is too fast."

Zhao Tiezhu’s heart moved, and he suddenly understood the reason why the old man could recover so quickly. It is estimated that he has to be related to his own blood. Because his body has taken many of the best medicines, this way, his blood, how much There will be a little potency in the inside, although these effects are very small, but for an old man, it can be counted as a tonic, so the old man will recover so quickly.

Zhao Tiezhu is very happy in his heart. If you give yourself some medicine, then you will not become Tang Yan? Your own blood drink makes people prolong life, but also beauty and beauty, and you can just sell your blood for a living. You can sell it once a month, a bag of 10 million, which is better than anyone else.

Zhao Tiezhu yy, while sitting down on Wang Danqing's instructions, Cao Ziyi was sitting next to Zhao Tiezhu, and Li Linger was sitting next to Cao Ziyi. I don't know if it was a coincidence or something. Lu Xiaoman actually sat. Zhao Tiezhu is around, which makes Zhao Tiezhu somewhat uncomfortable. Zhao Tiezhu has been in love for a few months. Among the women he met, apart from Cao Ziyi, he really didn’t feel so embarrassed.

"Follow it." Zhao Tiezhu can only feel a little secret.

The wine and vegetables soon came up. Wang Danqing did his best to the landlord, and he was toasting Zhao Tiezhu. It was also a dish of food. It was a point where Zhao Tiezhu was flattered. Zhao Tiezhu was busy not to be so enthusiastic, but Wang Danqing said, " Your help today may be to save my father's life, no matter how, I can't repay your kindness, these are all right."

Zhao Tiezhu is not cool at this time. This person and man is nothing compared. The last old woman, the enemies will report, this time the old man is trying to repay his grace. Zhao Tiezhu’s mood is unprecedented.

Lu Xiaoman sneaked a sneak peek at Zhao Tiezhu, who was shy and grinning. He felt that he was so angry and funny. This Zhao Tiezhu could be like a stranger for a while, but it was so cute and lovely, Lu Xiaoman felt I feel more and more confused about Zhao Tiezhu, and Lu Xiaoman’s curiosity about Zhao Tiezhu is getting bigger and bigger.

Although Zhao Tiezhu and Wang Danqing are talking about drinking in the wine, but the attention is a large part of Lu Xiaoman's body, seeing the increasingly curious curiosity in Lu Xiaoman's eyes, Zhao Tiezhu helplessly sigh A sigh of relief, my buddy has been in the past few months, is it really going to be a peach? Heaven, I have tried my best not to owe debts, why do you want to do this to me.

There was a huge thunder suddenly sounding outside the window. It seems that God is angry at Zhao Tiezhu. The goods have even been cheap and sold. Zhao Tiezhu shrunk his head, but he dared not say anything more.

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