Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 925: The wisdom of the iron column brother?

The ninth and twenty-fifth chapter of the wisdom of the iron column brother?

"Oh! Iron column brother!!!!!" Thirteen follow the sound, I saw a dissatisfied Zhao Tiezhu, hurriedly shouted.

"You are chasing a girl running in the big night, what do you do?" Zhao Tiezhu asked with a frown.

"This...this is not to bring a few rookies out to learn." Thirteen is a little embarrassed to say, "When we are mixed, there must be a mix of samples?"

Zhao Tiezhu sighed helplessly. Thirteen said, he also agreed. After all, if there is no gangster in the mix, they all think of being the boss. Then he is still the boss. Therefore, Zhao Tiezhu had to wave his hand toward Thirteen and said, "You will brighten your eyes later. This is my friend. Fortunately, you just followed, didn't do anything. Otherwise, it is clear to help you?" Said.

"Ah? Iron column brother, this girl, do you know?" Thirteen, this is a little scared, and the girl who just swayed on the side of the road, even knows the ultimate boss of her gang, it is like when you were bullied in elementary school. Ordinary people, then the man told you that I am the headmaster of the principal, this is simply luck back home!

"Otherwise?" Zhao Tiezhu said dissatisfied. "Where are you going to go?"

"Oh, I can't help you, I don't know this girl, ah, no, this lady knows you, I will leave, let's go." Thirteen said, with a few new people Going to the side, while walking, nodded and nodded.

"I will send you back." Zhao Tiezhu looked at the face of a suspicious Lu Xiaoman, said.

"You... how do you know this gangster?" Lu Xiaoman asked.

"It's just knowing." Zhao Tiezhu smiled, he couldn't say that he was the boss of this gangster, that is, a big gangster?

However, Zhao Tiezhu looks like this in the eyes of Lu Xiaoman, but it is a guilty look, and Lu Xiaoman has had such a speculation through Zhao Tiezhu’s last time in the prison, this mix, Isn’t Zhao Tiezhu specially invited? Then Zhao Tiezhu can just be a hero to save the beauty, and then he is grateful to Dade, and he will hang on to death, and then he will feel at ease, or accept it with compassion.

Lu Xiaoman is more and more likely to think that he is more likely to look at Zhao Tiezhu’s gaze, and he is slowly getting more alert.

"I will send you home." Zhao Tiezhu did not think that Lu Xiaoman's imagination was so rich, and some things that could not be compared with each other could be thought of so many things, so he kindly sent out an invitation.

Lu Xiaoman wanted to refuse it directly, but Li Linger, who was sitting in the back row, also called it. "Small man, it’s not too late, let the iron pillar brother send you back, so it’s safe."

"That's okay." Lu Xiaoman thought that this was really late, and there were no taxis around, so he agreed to it, opened the back door and sat in it, and made up his mind, he must not hang it. Must not be posted.

"Thirteen brothers, who is that person?" Thirteen with a few rookies have been walking far away, this stopped, the former confession called Adong asked.

"Who can be? It is the ultimate boss of our Blood Soul Hall, Big Brother Zhao!" said Thirteen.

"But, how do you call him the Tiezhu brother?" Someone asked.

"Of course." Thirteen proudly said, "I was the first to follow the Iron Pillars, and only those of us are qualified to call the Iron Pillars. You later are not qualified."

"Thirteen brothers, you are really strong." Adong took a thirteen.

"That is, just the night is really unfavorable, and it is hard to see a beautiful woman, it is actually a woman of the iron column brother, hey, really unlucky." Thirteen faces full of annoyance.

"This, thirteen brothers, you just sang the woman of Zhao Da Ge, Zhao Da Ge will not..." Adong said with a word.

"No." Thirteen shook his head. "Who is the iron column brother? This little thing, how can he remember to hang on his heart? And you see me just now, did you really touch the woman? Let's help, Still take care of us, do you know? In the rules, let us not use strong, on the other hand, it is to restrain us, on the other hand, it is also to protect us. Sometimes, if you really come across me, the rhetoric of speech Compared with the manual hand, it may directly affect your future. You think, this woman in the evening, if it is not a woman of Zhao Da Ge, but a woman who is officially awkward, let us speak in the language, the other side looks at the soul of blood. On the face of the church, at most, it is a slap in the face, and then we are smashed, but if we move our hands, it may not be shackled, but it will be abolished. Even if people abandon us, the gang will not be able to For us to come out, for any big sister, a woman can count as one of the counter-scales. Second, we are guilty of helping the rules, so we can’t cry when we get there. The place is crying.

"There are so many roads here!" said Adong. "Fortunately, we have 13 brothers to teach, otherwise we can all understand nothing."

"Haha, that's of course, confusing, but it's much more than just what you think, and, according to my guess, this night, maybe it's the intention of the iron column brother." Thirteen whispered.

"What do you mean?" Everyone is puzzled.

"You didn't look at the appearance of the iron pillar brother just now? It seems that the beauty will be there, and the beauty seems to have grievances against the iron pillar brother? I guess, maybe she and the iron pillar brother A bit of contradiction, then the iron column brother wants to let the beauty suffer a bit, then we just appeared, helped the iron column brother, gave the iron pillar hero a chance to save the beauty, you think, we have not gone yet In the distance, did the beauty go to the car of the Iron Pillar?" asked Thirteen.

"That's true!"

"So, haha, maybe we can still get the award of the Iron Pillar!" Thirteen said with a smile.

"Thirteen brothers, I think there is still a possibility!" said Adong.

"What is it possible?"

"That is the iron column brother does not know the woman, but when the iron pillar brother passed, fancy the woman, and then the hero saved the beauty." Adong said.

"That's also possible!! Hey, anyway, no matter what, the wisdom of Tiezhu brother is definitely not what we can compare. You rookie, mix it well, and after you become a veteran, there is also a chance to call Zhao big brother. Iron column brother." Thirteen smiled.

"Well! We will work hard!" A group of rookies burst into full light, Zhao Tiezhu did not know, under his hand, there are countless people working hard, just to qualify him to call the iron column brother.

The gang culture of Xueshentang is slowly maturing, and Zhao Tiezhu is gradually pushed to the altar. One day, Zhao Tiezhu will become the **** of the whole Blood Soul Hall.

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