Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 938: Love history

The ninth thirty-eighth chapter of love history

"Iron column, talk about how you know the red rhyme!" asked the old cow with a smile.

Zhao Tiezhu shyly bowed his head and said, "I am young and young, and then I walked down the street on a certain day. When I saw me, I wanted to be with me. I was helpless and had to give in."

"Ha ha ha." A group of people around him was amused by Zhao Tiezhu.

Hong Yun glared at Zhao Tiezhu and said, "Who is dead and white? Is it good for you to die?", I was a family teacher of Gege before I saw it, and then I liked it after I saw it. I did, and later said that if I didn't promise him, he would go on a hunger strike, and I was helpless, and that promised him."

"Hey? Really?" Zhao Tiezhu looked at the red rhyme with his eyes.

"Don't you be true?" Red rhyme also looked at Zhao Tiezhu with squinting eyes.

"Haha, I know it, no one of you is true." The old cow laughed. "Red rhyme, you will be smart at the university. I didn't expect it to be so smart now, I found a boyfriend." It’s also so savvy, you two are together, can’t you be intrigued?”

"As far as he? I am still inferior to my intrigue." Red Yun proudly said that women generally like to show strong control over their other half in front of others, in order to satisfy something similar to vanity. Red rhyme is no exception.

Zhao Tiezhu naturally knows the rhyme of the red rhyme, and does not come with Hong Yun just, just said, "Really, I was counted by the red rhyme all day, I did not have much confidence in this society, hey, I am young. The soul, but it is really hurt enough."

"Oh, red rhyme, this is what you are wrong." The old cow said with dissatisfaction, "You look at the iron pillar, look at how you are six or seven years younger than you, the so-called female big three holding the bricks, that are A girl who says that she is older will take care of the person. You can take care of the iron column, but you can't just use him as a tool."

"What tools?" Red rhyme said a little puzzled.

"It is a tool to meet certain needs." Xu Wei said with a smirk.

"Ah! You two bastards, they are all so big, not serious!" Red Yun suddenly thought of what the two said, glaring at the two said.

"Hey, you two can be considered right." Zhao Tiezhu also did not follow this product, "Red Yun she... Hey, she is what I use as a tool, every day, I will call it." Go, I don't have any personal dignity."

"Zhao Tiezhu, where are you no one to dignity with you!" Red Yun glared at Zhao Tiezhu. "You will co-operate with my classmates to deal with me?"

"Oh, this is where I dare!" Zhao Tiezhu said with aggrieved, "If you go back tonight, if you don't let me sleep, can I not die?"

"Haha, iron pillar, red rhyme, she did not let you sleep before?" asked the old cow with a bad smile.

"Of course, from 12 o'clock in the evening, until the next day's six or seven o'clock, hey, the next day I can't get out of bed, I can't go to school, I can only rest in bed, then I will weigh it. Directly lost four pounds!!" Zhao Tiezhu said, in order to convince Zheng Tiezhu, Zhao Tiezhu also stood up and patted his body, "Is it not? I am so thin! They are all crushed by the red rhyme."

"Ha ha" all the people laughed again and again.

"Zhao Tiezhu, do you have that stamina?" Red Yun also knows that Zhao Tiezhu wants to take advantage of himself in front of his friends, and he can't say that he has launched a counterattack.

"I have it, are you not the most clear?" Zhao Tiezhu does not swear red rhyme.

"Haha, iron pillar, in fact, you are still a blessing." The old cow smirked, "Red rhyme, that is all the dream lovers of all the boys at that time, and only you can kiss Fangze, Jealousy envy hate ah!"

"Old cow, what do you say!" A long, very good woman suddenly appeared behind the old cow.

"Oh, my wife, how come you? Didn't you go catching fish with them?" The old cow seemed to see the cat's mouse, shrinking his neck, a little fidgety.

"Hey, you yin thief, are so old, still so serious, not afraid to teach others?" The woman asked the old cow's ear.

"Oh, I am afraid, I am not all going to those?" The old cow bargained.

"Haha, Qiao Qun, you have to take care of your old cows, don't like the university at that time, and meet the girls who are going to call the people's phone."

"I know, but little red, I haven't seen you for so many years. You are still like the water spirit of the past!" The woman named Qiao Qun released the hand that was holding the old cow's ear and walked to the side of the red rhyme. Going down, I took a red rhyme and said: "Little red, do you want Jin Jinjie?"

"Oh, you two, you are still the same as before, the old cow likes to play girls, you also like to play girls, you both husband and wife, are still wonderful." Red rhyme laughed.

"It’s okay," said Qiao Qun shyly. "I can still remember what happened to me and you that day."

"Haha, I remember, that day, it was really amazing." Red rhyme said with a smile.

"What?" Zhao Tiezhu asked curiously.

"Want to know?" Red rhyme eyebrows picked and asked.

"Think!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded seriously.

"Then you said, are you chasing me or am I chasing you?"

"Yes... I am chasing you!" Zhao Tiezhu hesitated and said, anyway, it would not be pregnant if he suffered a loss, it does not matter.

"Haha, have you heard it? I am chasing me!" Red Yun said proudly, then looked at Zhao Tiezhu and said with a smile, "The things of the year were amazing. At that time, I was still a freshman. Then I was looking for a class at school. Then the old cow, I came to talk to me, saying that I was looking for a communication address. At that time, there was no mobile phone, so everyone wrote a letter, that is, the same The school is also popular to write letters, because at that time the social atmosphere of everyone is that everyone likes some literary things, then I will not give him, and then the old cow will die and follow me, this is gone. How long has it happened, I have encountered Qiaoqun, Qiaoqun is also a new student. When I saw the old cows follow me, Qiaoqun came up. I also thought that she was going to fight against it. I didn’t expect Qiaoqun to stop me. Communication address, then I was stunned, the old cow also smashed, and then the old cow and Qiao Qun because I blame, then the two bet to see who is going to my mailing address first, the result is that you come to me Also, it’s a spark, it’s big On stage together, it has been up to now. "

"This... is really amazing!" Zhao Tiezhu said, but the figure of the underwear thief Chen Meng appeared in his mind.

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