Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 951: Xiao Shi

Chapter 951 Xiao Shi

In the business car, driving a long-haired brawny, with a cool look, like Stallone, the muscles are tight, the name of the person is dinosaur, and the front passenger seat next to the dinosaur is strong. Sen.

Sun Jiaying sat in the last row, Li Jie was sitting next to Sun Jiaying, and Zhao Tiezhu was sitting next to Li Jie. On the opposite side of Zhao Tiezhu, she was a short-haired brawny. It was also like a cool face with a pair of pants. Appearance, let Zhao Tiezhu think of Schwarzenegger, this man is called the wild wolf, next to the wolf, is a singular barbarian 2 meters tall and big man, Zhao Tiezhu looked at this person, and then made a Leizi In comparison, it was found that Lei Zi was a little less than this person.

Just at the same time as business Mercedes-Benz went to the province of fj.

United States

Los Angeles.

At this time, Los Angeles is the best time of the day, at 8 o'clock in the evening.

"Lucy, you are tonight, just like a pearl."

An open-air banquet scene, a bit of a feminine sound.

"Thank you." Lucy wore a luxurious evening gown, and a red hair roll was rolled up. The deep v-neck of the evening gown made Lucy's perfect figure looming and fascinating.

"Lucy, I heard that you are in China, have you danced?" A three-dimensional handsome blond boy stood in front of Lucy, and the tailored suit was worn on this person, which was very perfect and straightforward. Take the thin Zhao Tiezhu out of the stars so far.

"Well, that's my dream." Lucy's face kept a polite smile.

"What's good in Shenzhou? So poor and backward." The blond boy said a little disgusted, "Is there still a blind man?"

"Richard, please don't say that of the Shenzhou people!" The smile on Lucy's face disappeared instantly. "The present Shenzhou is gradually becoming strong."

"Oh? Going to the rich and powerful? Dear Lucy, please forgive me for taking the liberty. Since China has already become rich and strong, why are their people living so badly? I heard that people often have enough to eat, and the house is also Will be demolished, the relationship between everyone is indifferent, will not help each other, it is said that even people fall without help, and the labor there is very cheap, the most important, dear Lucy, I know a lot to hold us in the United States The Shenzhou people of the green card can be officials at home. The children of a state official actually take passports from other countries. Does this mean that the country is going down?" The blond boy, Richard, has a proud look on his face. .

"Don't take your shallow understanding of Shenzhou, what you said is only a part! I know the Shenzhou people, warm, friendly, maybe life is not as good as our Americans, but they have a kind of American Americans Spirit!" Lucy said seriously.

"Oh? What spirit?" Richard asked.

"They have their own goals in life, and they will fight for the goal!" Lucy said earnestly, but in her mind, there was a bit of a wretched figure. Is he still okay? Will you think about yourself? Lucy's face, reflecting the deep red wine on her hand, is even more rosy.

Richard snorted and said, "At night, when I was not talking about Shenzhou people, Lucy, I heard that your estate was hit by a hurricane this year. Is the loss small?"

Lucy’s face changed slightly and said, “It’s just a loss.”

"But I heard that your family seems to have mortgaged half of the family business?" Richard’s face was a pity. "Oh, with a Chinese sentence, it’s really skyless."

"The things of our family, you don't have to worry about it." Lucy said coldly.

"Oh, maybe. Play with fun." Richard finished, turned and left.

Lucy was looking at the sky with a little ecstasy, and her brow slowly wrinkled.

At this time, the capital of Shenzhou is the time of class.

Linda put the book in her chest with one hand, while the other hand, holding the mobile phone, texted while walking, saw the reply in the text message, and made a burst of laughter from time to time.

at this time.


Perhaps it was too focused on watching the mobile phone. Linda accidentally bumped into a person who was coming on the road.

Linda’s book fell to the ground.

"I'm sorry, sorry." The person who was hit by Linda first apologized, and immediately slammed the scorpion and helped Linda pick up the book.

"I am sorry to say that I am." Linda said, apologetically, "I walked and didn't look at the road and hit you, I am sorry."

"Oh, I am not attentive to walk." The opposite boy speaks politely, and the sound makes people feel very comfortable.

"Okay." The boy packed the books and handed them to Linda.

"I am really embarrassed." Linda said apologetically.

"Nothing, I didn't hurt any pain. Look at your books. Are you going to public education electives?" the boy asked.

"Yeah." Linda nodded.

"That's a coincidence." The boy smiled. "I also took this course, but I am too lazy to bring books, haha, don't mind going to class together?"

"Of course I don't mind." Linda said with a smile.

"How big are you?" the boy asked curiously.

"I am not a university, I am here to study." Linda said, "What about you?"

"Oh, I am also coming to study." The boy said, "I am a Japanese teacher."

"Oh! I am also a teacher, my name is Linda, what about you?" Linda asked.

"My name is Sun Lei." The man's face was full of smiles. "I am very glad to meet you."

At the same time, in a small county in fj called Dehua.

"Yan Ni, my little boyfriend, when can I come over?" A white-haired old man was sitting in a rocking chair, and next to the old man stood a pretty woman, although the hair was a bit short, but Its appearance is enough to kill most women.

"The grandfather, he was a little busy recently. When the matter is over, he will come over." Su Yanni smiled sweetly.

"Busy? Can't take time to see my granddaughter? Hey, as I see it, he doesn't take you seriously!" the old man said dissatisfied.

"Oh, grandfather, people are really busy!" Su Yanni took the old man's hand and spoke.

"You guys, stupid boy, what do you look at?" the old man yelled at the men sitting on the chairs, and the few men who were attracted by Su Yanni’s delicate voice shrank their necks and held them. The painted pen concentrates on the ceramics in front of you.

"You look at the kid, isn't it?" The old man pointed to a young man who was concentrating on a porcelain painting, said to Su Yanni.

"Looking at the spirit, what happened?" Su Yanni asked.

"That kid, on the ceramic, very talented, people will work hard, if your little boyfriend does not come, you will consider him, he is my most proud disciple." The old man laughed.

"Grandfather!!" Su Yanni looked at the old man with anger.

"Haha, Xiao Shi, come and come, introduce my granddaughter to you to know." The old man smiled and said to the young man who was concentrating on painting. The young man looked up and looked at Su Yanni, a little shy, "Master. I will finish painting first!"

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