Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 955: request

Chapter 955

Sun Jiaying’s boss, also surnamed Sun, is called Sun Yebo. It is said that he has a relationship with the grandson of Beijing. The specific Zhao Tiezhu did not know much. Although Zhao Tiezhu and Qian Sunli have a hatred on Thursday, but the industry of these four people is huge, Zhao Tiezhu There is hatred, that is, those who forced their parents to leave China. As for the children under him, Zhao Tiezhu thinks that everyone is living in this society. If you are alive, you have to be sociable to make money, not because of a small group of people. Killing a person, so Zhao Tiezhu has no other views on this Sunyebo.

This Sun Yebo is about forty years old, and his body is a bit blessed. He looks like he has seven or eight months of appearance. He has a double chin, a bald-headed door, and a typical rich man. When this person talks, he often likes it. Two times, just like the fat cat in the TV series called "Fat Cats" by Zhao Tiezhu.

"Oh, this, today, I am very grateful to all the media colleagues for coming, huh, huh, today is the day of Jiaying's comeback, so, huh, huh, I hope that everyone can take care of it." Sun Yebo touched the brain, the big gold on the finger The ring looks very dazzling.

Then there were a few questions from the reporter. Sun Jiaying replied with a good answer. Zhao Tiezhu was bored wearing a sunglasses and yawning. The sunglasses Zhao Tiezhu still asked Li Jie for it. As a bodyguard, he had to wear sunglasses, which seemed to be mysterious. Cool, when it is critical, it can also prevent flashing bullets. Zhao Tiezhu feels like a professional bodyguard. This is a full-fledged.

The press conference lasted for two hours. After Zhao Tiezhu hit the 82nd yawn in a row, he finally ended the conference.

“Thank you for your appreciation.” Sun Yebo stood up and took a nap to one of the reporters below. Then he applauded and the reporters went back to each other to catch up. And some reporters want to come forward to a close interview with Sun Jiaying, Zhao Tiezhu is very arrogant and cool hands at this time, blocked in front of Sun Jiaying.

"Head, this hatred, I must report!!" The barbarian screamed as if he wanted to eat people's eyes and looked at him with a look of cool but handsome.

"Forgot our discipline!" Strongen glanced at the barbarian. "Any private vengeance can't affect our mission! What kind of hatred, you wait until our mission is over and then report it, now is not the time, and, You don't have to have this yellow-skinned monkey!"

"Impossible!" The barbarian whispered. "He's just a little bigger. Just like his body, just give me a punch in front and I can punch him!" The barbarian said, Waving a volley with a fist in his hand.

"Well, let alone, this Shenzhou people, a bit strange, you have to look at your eyes and let's go, let's go and let our employer's employer get on the bus!" Johnson said, go to Sun Jiaying's direction. go with.

Zhao Tiezhu proudly raised his head and walked around Sun Jiaying, while protecting Sun Jiaying, he whispered, "Where are you going now?"

"When you want to go to the first announcement, you have to take an advertisement. You can go with me. If you don't follow me, Johnson will protect me." Sun Jiaying replied.

"Then I will send you to the place where you are going." Zhao Tiezhu thought about what was going on today, and said so.

Sun Jiaying nodded and did not answer.

When he walked out of the press release hall, Zhao Tiezhu saw Lin Si very magically. At this time, Lin Sizheng wore a set of sleek suit skirts and held a few manuscripts in his hand. He saw Zhao Tiezhu and Lin Siwei. Smiled and nodded to Zhao Tiezhu, Zhao Tiezhu was the task at the moment, so he just nodded with Lin Si to say hello, and then took Sun Jiaying into the elevator.

"Interesting, actually became a bodyguard." Lin Si smiled, then looked down and looked at the manuscript.

"Do you know her?" Sun Jiaying asked an eyebrow.

"Know." Zhao Tiezhu nodded and said, "A man like me who pulls the wind, the woman will pounce on me like a moth, I am very helpless."

"Cut." Sun Jiaying snorted with disdain and immediately said, "Yes, my boss is waiting for you in the car outside."

"What?" Zhao Tiezhu looked at Sun Jiaying a little surprised, "Sun Yebo?"

"Yeah, he just told me to tell you, he will wait for you in the car, as if there is something to say to you, I am not sure." Sun Jiaying said.

"Hey, a grandson, what do you want to tell me?" Zhao Tiezhu smiled and said no more.

Out of the door of the fj provincial station, the door is naturally a crazy fan, Zhao Tiezhu escorts the road to **** Sun Jiaying on the car, and Sun Jiaying's boss, the old middle-aged man Sun Yebo, who is already sitting in the car Inside.

"You are waiting outside for a while." Sun Yebo looked at the strong bodyguards such as Qiangsen and got on the bus. He ordered a loud voice. Some people nodded and guarded the Mercedes-Benz business car.

"Oh, Zhao Tiezhu, long time Yang Yang ah." Zhao Tiezhu sat in the car, Sun Yebo enthusiastically reached out and grabbed Zhao Tiezhu's hand.

"Long time Yang Yang." Although Zhao Tiezhu does not know this Sun Yebo, but since people have been leaning on you for a long time, you have to look up to others soon, it is really impossible to say.

"Oh, you may not be familiar with me, but when I was in Beijing, I often heard your name." Sun Yebo was familiar with a self-satisfaction, glaring at the shoulders of Zhao Tiezhu. "I really didn't expect you. Today it turned out to be a flower ambassador."

"Oh." Zhao Tiezhu touched his head, a little uncomfortable with the enthusiasm of others, but also followed.

"I don't have any other thoughts today. I just want to know you. I will say straightforwardly that your old Zhao family and our Sun Jiaxing have had some misunderstandings, but that is all the older generation. You said yes? Seriously, we are a generation, everyone is making money for the country. Oh, I am right?” said Sun Yebo.

"This is of course." Zhao Tiezhu nodded, but his heart was dark, and the buddy was only twenty. You are all forty or fifty, and still with my generation? Then my son is not your uncle's?

"Oh, Jiaying, I will be in fj in the near future. I hope that you can take care of the iron pillars." Sun Yebo sighed and said, "The baron is in awesome, and I am at home, just a dispensable role." So, in the face of the Baron, I am a bit lacking in strength, so, huh, huh, iron, Jiaying's safety, huh, huh, it still depends on you."

"Should, it should be." Zhao Tiezhu nodded, finally understood the meaning of this Sun Yebo.

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