Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 958: Responsible landlord

The ninth fifty-eighth chapter of the responsible landlord

"Damn, there are backups!!" Johnson saw that the momentum behind him was the same as the Optimus Prime large container truck, which was a curse, but the heart was cold in that moment!

"Damn **** damn!! If it is not a Chinese weapon limit, we can only bring a pistol, we will not be so embarrassed! Damn!!" The barbarian roared, indeed, their mercenary squad, when mixed abroad, are The live ammunition, at least have to bring m4, wearing a bulletproof vest with a few grenades, but this time to take this job into the state, due to serious firearms control, so many of their equipment are placed abroad, let alone M4 grenades, even a mp5 does not let the belt, and Johnson's mercenary squad's greatest combat power lies in the hot weapons, they have no hot weapons, it is equal to the tiger lion without fangs, although The ordinary bodyguards are still a lot stronger, but they can’t hold up their families! Now there are no more than a dozen people around the Mercedes, and the two container trucks, God! Will not jump out of hundreds of people inside?

Johnson has been planning to wait for how to negotiate with this enemy, because Johnson has not only encountered such a situation, but also heard others say that if it is simply a robbery, generally the other party will not If you are in the middle of Africa, if the government does not care about the locals, it will kill people, but this is Shenzhou, so Johnson will not worry. The other party will kill a few of them.

The container truck soon approached, but the people around the Mercedes-Benz were a bit strange. It seems that their boss has not said that they will arrange for someone to come over?

Zhao Tiezhu is holding one hand to the door next to Sun Jiaying, while the other hand is pushing the stick hammer that is coming in from time to time. When I saw the container truck, Zhao Tiezhu smiled and said to Sun Jiaying, "It will be fine in a little while."

"Is this yours?" Sun Jiaying curiously looked at the container truck and asked.

"Of course." Zhao Tiezhu nodded proudly.

The container truck quickly stopped, and then the container behind the container truck was pushed open. One of the fierce people jumped out of the car and followed the dumplings.

"Brothers, turn these people over." One of the seemingly gangsters waved their irons and ran to the dozens of people around the Mercedes.

That dozens of people only know that the person who dares to come down with this container truck is the other person! !

Seeing that a large group of at least 100 big men, this group of people who had been arrogant in the past, all of them dispersed, and ran to the van, and the more than 100 people who came down from the container truck were chasing Going forward is a fierce fight.

"Iron column, I found that you are really doing your duty." Sun Jiaying looked at the other side was beaten and smiled and said to Zhao Tiezhu.

"Of course, I am the landlord, but I am very responsible. Everything that lives in me, I am a three-pack, ah, the package is safe, and the package is safe. Now let you try the second and third. Bao." Zhao Tiezhu smirked.

"Going to the side." Sun Jiaying glanced at Zhao Tiezhu and immediately said, "Where are you from so many people?"

"The buddy is mixed with black, these are my younger brothers." Zhao Tiezhu proudly lifted his chin. "Although the martial arts are super strong, but it is not everything that I have to shoot, isn't it? This is also a good one."

"Then my money is really worth it." Sun Jiaying nodded seriously.

"That is of course." Zhao Tiezhu smiled, just then, a silver-white business car appeared next to the Mercedes-Benz.

Zhao Tiezhu pushed the door open and said, "Sit in this car."

"Yeah!" Sun Jiaying nodded, got out of the car, got on the white business car, and Johnson was running to see the dinosaurs and the wolves not far away. Fortunately, these two people are also dead. Although it came out of the pile, it was not a serious injury.

"I don't think anyone will come to rob you anymore. Let's go and tell you, I will give you a good time." Zhao Tiezhu said to Sun Jiaying.

"Blessing?" Sun Jiaying looked at Zhao Tiezhu with a little doubt. "Do you know who is going to rob me?"

"That is of course." Zhao Tiezhu nodded, and after giving a command to the driver, he went to the gang that had led the call.

Sun Jiaying and a pair of phoenix eyes stared at Zhao Tiezhu for a long time, and he has experienced no less than ten kidnappings in his life. For today's affairs, he still looks very light, and Zhao Tiezhu's reaction and response make himself to Zhao Tiezhu. More curious, such a person, hundreds of people between the fingers can appear for him to fight, can live in such a luxurious villa, and their own martial arts is still so strong, but sometimes it is so wretched then the market So rogue?

Sun Jiaying has seen many men since he has seen it, but there is no such contradiction as Zhao Tiezhu.

A sigh of sigh, Sun Jiaying slowly closed her eyes.

"Thirteen, it’s very fast." Zhao Tiezhu said.

The person who brought the team is exactly thirteen.

"Oh, the iron hand brother let me arrange people to follow you early. When something happened here, I came with my brothers." Thirteen smiled.

"Well, let the brothers go back, each person subsidizes 500. If there is any injury, the medical expenses will help us out, and then send more bonuses. I still have something. Do you have a car?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Yes." Nodded at 13 o'clock and made a phone call. In less than three minutes, a black Maserati appeared in front of Zhao Tiezhu.

"You can do it with just a little bit of it." Zhao Tiezhu smiled.

"Hey, this car is only equipped with the iron pillar brother, your identity." Thirteen said hello.

"Oh, go back, I will go first." Zhao Tiezhu sat in Maserati, lit the fire and went to the fj city center.

Looking at Zhao Tiezhu, who is far away, Qiang Sen’s face is full of horror. He doesn’t even know what kind of **** he is looking for!

And in the center of fj.

"You mean, Zhao Tiezhu did not shoot?" The baron held one hand on his chin and the other hand played a golden pen.

"Well, according to the news from there, Zhao Tiezhu’s men arrived in time." God of War said.

"Hey, this Zhao Tiezhu, is really cautious." The baron sighed helplessly. "It seems that I have to find another chance to look at his skill. If he really grabbed my things, hey, it would be really difficult." ”

"Nothing is hard to do." God of War grinned. "When it is time, kill it."

"That is also." The baron nodded. "The people who grab my things are damned."

"Really?" A bit of a lazy voice came from the door. The baron's mouth twitched slightly, not looking at the master of the voice, as if talking to himself. "From small to large, I used to be like this." ”

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