Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 960: Back to school

The ninth sixty-sixth chapter back to school

Zhao Tiezhu didn’t know that he had done anything to add to his paintings. He was still proud of it. But even if Zhao Tiezhu knew it, he wouldn’t have much worry. How can he say that in the land of fj, Zhao Tiezhu is hardly afraid of anyone, and Zhao Tiezhu Its own force also allowed Zhao Tiezhu to ignore many intrigues.

In the face of absolute force, any intrigues and tricks are clouds, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with this.

Driving the car, Zhao Tiezhu went directly to fj University, because after the last school flower school competition of fj University, the new four major schools spent four major schools, all of which were to go to Thailand for training. Zhao Tiezhu went to fj University this time. It is to go through the relevant procedures for going abroad.

After arriving at the school, Zhao Tiezhu first went to a class. The foreign language department students saw Zhao Tiezhu, who was not seen at the end of the dragon. They all expressed their shock. Fan Jian was holding Zhao Tiezhu and refused to leave. He said that everyone is Good classmates and good friends, you have to stay and chat with us to talk about life ideals and then take the class. Zhao Tiezhu thought about what happened today and agreed.

"Iron, I heard that I am going to Thailand?" Fan Jian asked enviously.

"Yeah, envy and hate?" Zhao Tiezhu, this goods, in front of everyone likes to win.

"Envy, but don't hate, but you are fine. What makes me hate the most is the two birds of Heaven and Heaven." Fan Jian said with resentment.

"Heavenly and embarrassing? What's wrong? Isn't it better for them to be two, so you don't want you." Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"No!" said Fan Jian. "The main reason is that the two are said to go to Thailand!"

"Why are they going to Thailand?" Zhao Tiezhu asked strangely.

"Iron hand said, it seems that we have some business dealings with Thailand recently, but in fact it is a small business, and we don't need heaven and earth, but the two sinister goods, and even our four major schools spend The other two turned out to be good friends, and there is a tendency to develop in that direction, so I plan to go together and do business by the way! It’s a beast!!” Fan Jian’s anger, but the words are more envious. mean.

"I am a grass, Tiandao and Yu can actually hook up with them? These two guys, the effort to pick up the girl, is not bad! I remember that the fish and Nangong purple, the long can not be inferior to Linger That's it." Zhao Tiezhu said in amazement.

"Yeah, hey, although my family Wu Qian is also very beautiful, but can't hold people's youthful vitality. In the early 20s, that tender, I remember that you and Tiandao are both twenty-seven, and this is worse. So many, the old husband and wife, the end is very chic." Fan Jian sighed.

"Haha, you, you, Wu Qian is not only twenty-three, four? You can't wait a few days, you will go with us, you will ask for a fake with the iron hand, you can't, no, no. That money." Zhao Tiezhu said.

Fan Jian smiled and touched his head and said, "I still forget it. I have gone two at a time. If I go again, who works? Hey, this person is a laborer, and I can’t take it. No day. No work at night! Of course, they are not necessarily going to go, they all got the time to say."

"What are you doing now?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"In the chat and fart..." Fan Jian did not say a little pressure in his heart.

"Iron brother, I forgot to tell you something." Li Linger suddenly whispered.

"What is it?" Zhao Tiezhu turned around and faced Li Linger.

"Jin Lingshan has just come to see you, it seems that something is coming." Li Linger said.

"Ling Shan? Oh, it's not good!" Zhao Tiezhu had almost forgotten that he had promised Chen Lingshan to go back to her home with her because of the recent events. She immediately went down and then slipped out from the back door. Go to the Department of Finance and Economics.

When he arrived at the Department of Finance and Economics, Zhao Tiezhu hid in the back door and squatted. Chen Lingshan sat in a place not far from the door, holding a pen in one hand and looking out the window.

"Ling Shan." Zhao Tiezhu whispered a little, Chen Lingshan did not respond.

"Ling Shan!" Zhao Tiezhu had to call it more loudly.

"Ah?!" Chen Lingshan came back to God, but thought it was the teacher who called her, and stood up with a sigh.

"Ling Shan, what do you have?" The teacher who was giving lectures saw Chen Lingshan standing up inexplicably and asked busy.

Chen Lingshan discovered that it was not the teacher who was calling himself, blushing, sitting down, not standing, not standing, after hesitating for a while, he said, "Teacher, I want to go to the bathroom."

"Oh!!" The male teacher said what I understood, smiled and nodded. "Go then." After the talk, the male teacher felt that he should pay more attention to his students, he said, "Remember, etc. Buy some red dates after school."

Chen Lingshan's pretty face suddenly became the color of the red Fuji apple, and even red was under the neck. Chen Lingshan wanted to say that she was not coming to the aunt, and then found that the more the explanation, the more entangled, the less Said, directly head down, out of the classroom in the unscrupulous laughter of a group of male students.

"Iron brother, you are looking for me!" Chen Lingshan saw Zhao Tiezhu after he left the classroom, and he knew that he had just called himself. The appointment was Zhao Tiezhu.

"Yeah, yes, you just went to my classroom to find me?" Zhao Tiezhu looked at Chen Lingshan, who was flushed, and asked.

"Yeah, I just want to ask you when you are free." Chen Lingshan said.

"How? Want to ask me?" Zhao Tiezhu smiled.

"No, didn't you make an appointment last time..." Chen Lingshan said and stopped.

"Oh! Yes, yes." Zhao Tiezhu nodded. "I want to go to your home to meet my father-in-law!"

"This, Iron Pillar, can you not take advantage of me!" Chen Lingshan angered.

"Haha, well, no kidding, you say, when will you go?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Just next Tuesday? Can you?" Chen Lingshan asked.

"Next Tuesday?" Zhao Tiezhu thought about it. He has nothing to do recently. It is a matter of going to Dehua. There is another thing that goes abroad. Dehua does not take many days. When going abroad, you have to apply for a visa. Not so fast. Another one is that the blood soul hall invites the surrounding gangs to come to fj. It is estimated that these two days, and now it is Monday, next Tuesday, and eight days, the time is quite rich.

"How long have you been going to you?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"About two days."

"That's good." Zhao Tiezhu smiled and nodded. "That day you give me a call."

"Hmm, thank you, Tiezhu brother." The blush on Chen Lingshan's face was finally faded.

"It's okay, it's all from family." Zhao Tiezhu smiled. "I am going to prepare something to bring to my aunt and my aunt."

"Iron column brother!!!" Chen Lingshan glared at Zhao Tiezhu.

"Oh, let's make a joke." Zhao Tiezhu touched his head. "You are so thin, it's really thin, and it's red." Zhao Tiezhu said as he stretched his hand and pinched it on Chen Lingshan's face. Chen Lingshan immediately became a Tai Chi's starting style, Zhao Tiezhu jumped out and shouted, "Just kidding, don't move the hands, I am serious!"

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