Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 969: Thunderstorm leaving

The ninth and sixty-nine chapters of thunderstorms leaving

"This is the canary intended to be a buddy?"

Feeling the soft and scented body of the woman behind her, Zhao Tiezhu sighed. "This year, the temptation is really his mother."

"As long as... As long as you can give me, I want, I can give you... I will give you." Lin Lei’s voice was intermittent, but his face was full of perseverance.

After listening to Zhao Tiezhu’s words, Lin Lei is completely open-minded. Women earned youthful money. There is a saying that says, youth is easy to pass, old age is old, women are old, and often more than men. If you don't want to find a good support for yourself when you are young, then you really regret your own beautiful face.

Zhao Tiezhu did not speak for a long time, as if hesitating, Lin Lei’s heartbeat is getting faster and faster. This can be regarded as the closest contact between a man other than his father since she grew up. She believes that Zhao Tiezhu’s person will definitely I am willing to accept my own proposal, and then I may change from a girl to a woman at night. For a little traditional, and still retain the pure body of Lin Lei, the heart rate is accelerated, which is normal.

"You still don't understand us." Zhao Tiezhu sighed in a faint sigh, reached out and wrapped his hand around Lin Lei's hand, then turned around and looked at Lin Lei. "Transaction, also pay attention to you." Love, I wish, you are like this, I don’t know the truth, I thought I would force you to coerce you."

"I... I am willing to do it." Lin Lei said seriously.

"But I don't volunteer." Zhao Tiezhu snorted. "Let you be a good host. Let's say it before. You take care of the blossoming. I will help you with a message, so, this transaction. In fact, we have already completed, and you don’t have to dedicate yourself to it. Of course, if you are impressed by my personality and I want to come to a dragon with me, I have no opinion."

"You..." Lin Lei looked at Zhao Tiezhu a little wrong.

"I am not a good person, but I will not make things that force people." Zhao Tiezhu grinned. "I promise you, I will still do well. At the same time, the super woman will only have that night. You are a host, I hope that you can take care of the blossoms tomorrow, um, without the care of the traces, know?"

"Yeah." Lin Lei nodded a little bit, and in her impression, this Zhao Tiezhu is simply a ghost in the color, saying that the satyr is lifting him up, and eating his own tofu several times to take advantage of his own cheap, no Thinking of my own dedication today, I was turned down by Zhao Tiezhu! Have you seen a wolf not eating meat? Zhao Tiezhu’s behavior is simply the most standard wolf does not eat meat.

"Okay, I am leaving." Zhao Tiezhu put on his shoes, then opened the door and walked out the door. Lin Lei was clever and he followed the door.

"You... will you really help me?" Zhao Tiezhu, who was about to leave, asked Lin Lei a little uncertain.

"Of course." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "I am known as honest and trustworthy Xiaolang Jun, and I have always said it."

"That... thank you." Lin Lei did not expect that things could be turned around like this. I didn't know what to say for a while.

"Transaction, everything is a transaction." Zhao Tiezhu said seriously, then went to the elevator.

When entering the elevator, Zhao Tiezhu turned and looked at Lin Lei and said, "Your chicken soup is very good."

Lin Lei glanced, watching Zhao Tiezhu turn around and walk into the elevator, suddenly did not know where the strength came from, prompted Lin Lei to take a step, rushed to Zhao Tiezhu, and then grabbed Zhao Tiezhu’s hand, in Zhao Tiezhu Among the sly eyes, Lin Lei squatted and kissed Zhao Tiezhu’s lips like a sip of water.

"Thank you." Lin Lei squinted back a few steps, watching the elevator door slowly close, whispered.

"Hey." Zhao Tiezhu touched his lips, and there seemed to be some scent on his lips. "There was a sneak attack. Oh, my reaction speed is really slow." Zhao Tiezhu said helplessly, then sighed. To breathe, I said to myself, "The buddy is really softer and softer."

Going downstairs, Zhao Tiezhu found his own car and accidentally saw a stalwart body beside the car.

"Master, how do you show up!" Zhao Tiezhu was surprised to see the thunderstorm of white hair, asked.

"Haha, gangster, the time for you to pick up the girl, it’s really short!" Thunderstorm looked up at the watch and said, "This has only gone up for 2 hours. Don't tell me about this short time. It’s all done!”

"This... Master, I am very pure." Zhao Tiezhu shyly touched his head. "I went up to have a meal, and then talked for a while."

"That is more despised by you as a teacher." The thunderstorm said contemptuously, "The private lover is just chatting, are you not doing it?"

Zhao Tiezhu is the second time to be said that he can't do it today. He wants to be angry. The other party is his own master. Zhao Tiezhu still retains the scene of being thundered and thundered in his memory. He swallowed this gas when he arrived.

"Hey, don't make fun of you." The thunderstorm looked abruptly and said seriously, "Gangster, I am going back to the mainland this time, there is something to do."

"What?" Zhao Tiezhu’s look suddenly became serious.

"It is some old past, originally intended to go directly to the capital, but know that you are in fj, come to fj to see you, now time is almost the same, I am also time to go to the capital." Thunderstorm said.

“Need me to help?” Zhao Tiezhu said seriously.

"No." Thunderstorm smiled and reached out and touched Zhao Tiezhu's head. "It's a little thing, huh, huh, oh, these days, I saw your grades for the teacher, I am very pleased!! My thunderstorm apprentice, It turned out to be a provincial gangster. If I want to say it, then I can’t let my friends envy and die. Haha, if you have more words, you won’t say more. I have to go later, don’t you. Send me, we don't care about that, I think that you should also go to Beijing in a while, when we will meet in Beijing again, your have also entered Beijing."

"Mother!?" Zhao Tiezhu shuddered and shuddered.

"Well, your mother is waiting for me in Beijing, so... Hey, I have to go in now, well, not much to say, gangsters, Laozi is leaving, waiting for you in Beijing." Thunderstorm finished Turn around and leave without any mud.

"Master!" Zhao Tiezhu's call for a cry.

The thunderstorm body paused, raised his hand, waved, and did not answer.

"Master! You owe me five million, when can you pay me back!" Zhao Tiezhu called.

A thunderstorm was awkward, but then it was a force at the foot. After a few jumps, it disappeared.

Zhao Tiezhu shook his head with a smile and did not stop. He went to the villa and went to the villa.

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