Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 977: Exposure

The ninth seventy-seventh chapter is exposed

Zhao Tiezhu did not know how many media were intercepted along the way, but Zhao Tiezhu had already agreed to Lin Lei and only accepted her interview, so these media did not find any useful news from Zhao Tiezhu. .

Above the court, Zhao Tiezhu saw the last time he had smashed his family of three, but he had not seen it for a few days. The family of three had almost all white hair, especially the old woman. The hair was not only completely white, but also almost bald. And her two sons are not much better, her hair is gray, her face is pale, and the whole person is over-excited.

“Hey.” Zhao Tiezhu’s face with a strange look sighed a few times. The three men saw Zhao Tiezhu’s face stunned, and his face first showed a hateful look, then saw the flash light up, another one It became a little scared.

The old woman’s face is full of entanglement and annoyance, she hates! I hate why I was so fascinated at the beginning, I fell down, and I helped myself with kindness. I even conspired to defile others. Now I am not good at not paying a penny, but I also took a lot of money. Litigation costs!

These are all okay, the worst thing is that no matter where you go, you can come across a consistent slogan, and that is really whoever you have to see two words! At the beginning, I will confront each other, but later, with the increase of my popularity, more and more people know themselves. In the end, a group of people yell at themselves, it is really a smashing of the sea. It can be broken and cracked, and the hair of this head has been smashed and I don’t know how much.

The old woman regretted it and regretted it very much. But this year, although there are regrets, some of the dignitaries can regret it and regret it, but you are a flat-headed person. Regret medicine is not something you use, natural. The old woman can only regret while she loses her hair while being shackled.

Zhao Tiezhu did not speak after a few clicks, but went to the plaintiff's seat, then sat down and said nothing.

The next step was a long process of litigation. Zhao Tiezhu was yawning. It was until 5 pm that the lawsuit was over. The judge also gave strength and announced the trial results in court.

The result is not as expected by Zhao Tiezhu.

The old woman committed the crime of extortion, and then there was a moral loss. Anyway, there were many sins. Then the court took the people-oriented thinking and thought that the old man was too old, so he sentenced him to jail for three years. The two sons of the old woman were sentenced to one person for five years.

Of course, in general, if Zhao Tiezhu does not care about it, the court will not sue others, but Zhao Tiezhu cares about it, and then he is still very concerned. When he filed a criminal prosecution, the court will try it, and after the general trial. At most, it will be sentenced to 2 years and suspended for 3 years. There is no need to go to jail. It is still the same sentence. Although everyone is equal before the law, some groups can affect the effects of the law, such as Zhao Tiezhu.

Simply say hello, these three people have to go to jail, for the old woman to go to jail at a large age, Zhao Tiezhu is not a little pity, when you were swearing at the conscience, how can you No pity, sorry for me? The so-called good and evil are always reported, not not reported, but the time has not arrived, the time has come, let you even report with this profit!

At the moment of the judgment, the old woman fainted on her legs, and her two sons were also dull and dead, and then they shouted. These Zhao Tiezhu had no reason to judge. After the end, Zhao Tiezhu let the iron hand carry him to a 5-star hotel under the Blood Soul Hall. Zhao Tiezhu laid the table here early, and served the judge and Lin Lei and his party, Zhao Tiezhu. Power is awkward, but it is not a person who forgets so high and thick, how many heroes and heroes die in the smug, Zhao Tiezhu as a new era has an ideal and ambitious gangster, these people often make mistakes, Zhao Tiezhu still keeps in mind, and Admonish yourself not to commit crimes.

In the evening, Zhao Tiezhu wiped out the last hope of the old woman and her two sons. The chief dean of the first court of fj said that the old woman appealed to the court at the provincial level. Don't even think about turning the case, Zhao Tiezhu is naturally a thank you.

The wine here is more than 8 o'clock, because Zhao Tiezhu still has something, and the court president knows that he is just a small role. Zhao Tiezhu can condescend to drink alcohol. It is just taking his own feelings. Naturally, it is not expected that Zhao Tiezhu can accompany him all night, so when he is at 8 o'clock, he will be a guest.

Lin Lei left before she was very early, because there was a super woman's game at night, so Lin Lei had to prepare early.

"Linger, I am outside the villa, come out." Zhao Tiezhu said with a mobile phone.

"Well." Li Linger agreed to the phone, and only after a minute or so, Li Linger appeared in Zhao Tiezhu's car.

"Don't dress up?" Seeing Li Linger's plain face and simple clothes, Zhao Tiezhu asked with a smile.

"Who is it for the dress? For the big night, my sister doesn't want to recruit flies." Li Linger smiled proudly. "And if people dress up too beautifully, and go to grab the limelight of those contestants, it is a sin."

"Haha, you sing no one is good." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Nothing! I kill them with beauty!" Li Linger smiled confidently.

"You can also kill them with a bust." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Hey, Tiezhu brother, can you not always take people to say things?" Li Linger grumbled with dissatisfaction. "The people who do it will treat you as a wolf."

"This... you are better at me as a color demon." Zhao Tiezhu joked.

"Color devil? Hey, indeed, they have secretly eaten Yan Nijie, not telling us!" Li Linger grinned.

Zhao Tiezhu’s face changed slightly and he said, “When you said this, when did I eat her? Who passed the rumors! Really, I am filthy, even filthy police officers, this is really not Forbearance!"

"You can pretend." Li Linger looked at Zhao Tiezhu with a look of disdain. "There are no children, can't you see this kind of thing? And, Iron Pillar, have you forgotten what my research project is?" ”

“Your research project?” Zhao Tiezhu said for a moment, “is it biopharmaceutical?”

"Yeah, since it is a creature and a woman, the difference between this girl and a woman, I am still very clear." Li Linger glanced at Zhao Tiezhu, "Yan Ni sister, in the days when you disappeared, it became The woman, and then observe the little movement between the two of you, it is very simple to see."

"This..." Zhao Tiezhu's old face is a bit untenable.

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