Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 991: Transfer to the Bureau of Cultural Relics

Chapter 991 is transferred to the Bureau of Cultural Relics

A lot of words in the organization actually scored. For example, the organization minister patted you on the shoulder and said to you, "The organization is very trusting to you." The implication is to tell you that you are doing well, ready to go up. Job.

And if someone in the organization department tells you, "The minister said that there are other better jobs for you, do it well, and don't live up to the minister's expectations." That is to say, your current position is not for you.

What Li Gang encountered was the second situation. If the general officials want to go up, it is the organization minister who personally teaches, and then asks you not to forget the people and the people, to be a public servant of the people to serve the people. At the moment, if you come to this organization department, the minister will not see himself. Then he will not be able to go up. If he listens to what others say, he should change his position and say that the good point is to change and say that it is difficult to hear. That is to squat down! !

This is really not because Li Gang is not dumbfounded. He is also a leader of the city bureau. It is necessary to follow the common sense. The exchange of the leader at the level generally requires a very strict process. It is impossible to say that the exchange will be exchanged. Exchange, the entire province or the whole country, listen to your organization, what should other people do?

"This comrade, this..." Li Gang reached out and gently grabbed the man who sent him a message and asked, "Is the minister inside?"

"The minister has something to go out." The person in the organization department of the provincial party committee looked at Li Gang with a little pity. The name of the director of the city bureau was still very loud. I didn't expect to change it.

"Then I am here waiting for the minister. I have some work needs to ask him." Li Gang wiped the sweat from his forehead and said.

"If you want to wait, wait, there is a waiting room, Director Li, listen to me, the minister may not come today, you should go find someone early." This person said, no longer Li Hong, Instead, turn around and leave.

Li Gang’s face was indefinite, and he looked at the waiting room. After all, he did not sit in, but turned and left the provincial party committee organization department.

"Brother! The organization department just heard the news, I have to adjust my position!" Li Gang said with a low voice.

“What?” Li Danhe, the municipal party committee at the other end of the phone, was surprised. “Do you hear it clearly? Is it a post adjustment or a position adjustment?”

"It's a post!" Li Gang sighed. This is what he cares most. If it is just a position adjustment, then he may still stay in the *** system. When he wants to have a network of people, he has no talents. I can't go up again, but this position adjustment, it is likely to transfer him to another position, such as the Transportation Bureau, such as the Forestry Bureau, it is a thoroughly unfamiliar environment!

"How is this going? I didn't get any news!" Li Danhe said strangely. "Don't worry, I call and ask." As he said, Li Danhe hanged the phone.

Not long after, Li Danhe called the phone again, but this time Li Danhe’s voice revealed a helplessness.

"You are in this matter, Zhang Yihuang *** personally directed." Li Danhe said helplessly.

"Zhang ***?!" Li Gang was shocked. How did he become a small cadre at the department level?

"Well, I heard from the people in the provincial party committee that Zhang *** was very disappointed with your attitude toward last night, and expressed doubts about your ability to do things. I feel that you are not suitable for continuing in the *** system. "Li Danhe said."

"This...this is all about it! There was nothing at all last night, just a group of ordinary people picking up cockroaches, how can this be!! Brother, you must help me!" Li Gang called.

"Don't worry, you don't worry." Li Danhe, who was on the phone, said for a moment, "The order of Zhang *** personally, there is no way to defy, you are transferred, it is inevitable, I will help you to see, Can you fight to transfer you into the real power department so that you are not marginalized?"

"Thank you for your brother." Li Gang said with gratitude.

“It’s all from family.”

Just when Li Gang was in a state of confusion, in the office of the Minister of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee, a young man was sitting, and the young man was followed by a girl who was very beautiful and a little bit of a child.

"This is the daughter of Director Li?" A strong middle-aged man sat behind the desk and said with a smile.

"Mr. Sun, do you know my father?" The woman who is a child of Juyan, or the girl is a little curious to look at the middle-aged man.

"Haha, I don't know if I know it, but Director Li has made such a big contribution to the country. I still admire and admire it. You don't call Sun Minister Sun, you will call me Sun Shu with Iron Column. Minister Sun said, immediately looked at the young man, "Iron, you are the first time to come to my organization department? You really have nothing to go to the Temple of Sanbao."

"Isn't this coming to see you?" Zhao Tiezhu said a little shyly. "It was just too busy before."

"Hey, busy? Why are you not busy now?" Minister Sun said with anger.

"This..." Zhao Tiezhu’s sly touched his head, just like a young man who was helpless.

"Haha, you kid." Minister Sun shook his head and said, "This time I transferred Li Gang, it is actually the meaning of Zhang. I just pushed the boat, you don't have to come to me."

"You can't say that!" Zhao Tiezhu said seriously. "Isn't it all the power of Minister Sun? This love, our old Zhao family will naturally remember."

When he heard Zhao Tiezhu’s words, Minister Sun did not move. Just after a few words with Zhao Tiezhu, Zhao Tiezhu got up and left.

"This young man is really more savvy than one." Looking at Zhao Tiezhu's departure, Minister Sun sighed and had a hint of appreciation.

"Iron column brother, this Li Gang was so taken away by you?" Until the organization department, Li Linger asked.

"Of course, now I will marginalize him first, and then take some time to give him the whole black material. At that time, he just wants to continue to be an official, and there is no chance." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

Li Gang had not waited for Li Danhe’s phone call and received a transfer order from the organization department. When he saw the transfer order, Li Gang was dumbfounded.

"This...this...this cultural relics bureau, what is it?" Li Gang looked at the three words of the Cultural Relics Bureau on the transfer order, completely stayed, and clearly read the instructions on the transfer order, let Li Gang go to the Cultural Relics Bureau. The Secretary, although he is also the leader of the bureau, and the cadre at the level, but said that it is difficult to listen to, this cultural relics bureau is also a bureau? What is the real power of a department that can only deal with antiquities? Even the Civilization Office has more real power than the Cultural Relics Bureau!

Li Gang had a feeling of falling to prison.

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