Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 998: Finalize

Chapter 998

"Since the iron pillar brother you want to give me convenience, then my brother I don't say anything else. I will have the chance to play it in the future. Although fj is also a big place, but compared with sh, the limitations are still Very big, like you young people, you have to go out, according to the words of the older generation, called out of China to the world!" Tudor said with a smile, he was very happy to see it.

The bandits did have a happy reason. On the one hand, under the commitment of Zhao Tiezhu, the bandits would get a lot of convenience from Zhao Jizhu after they got the goods from fj. Although Zhao Tiezhu said that he would not help him, the bandits felt that they were walking from the people’s site. Goods, that person collects your benefits, it is normal, when you encounter a bit of black, you may have to deduct your goods, or occupy a share, so that you earn less money. And Zhao Tiezhu not only does not have any benefits, even the door to open the door, so that the blood soul hall in the fj's helpers do not interfere with the bandits' hands from fj, this is a big benefit for the bandits, this It is also unpleasant to be uncomfortable.

"sh is a must go." Zhao Tiezhu touched his nose and said, "I heard that sh has the most authentic and most delicious woman, I have a chance to try it."

"Ah?" The bandit stunned and immediately laughed. "You, you, your two dogs were exactly the same, but then your dad found your mother, then you don't mix it on the windy field. You are okay now. No one is in charge of you, as long as you want to play, as long as you come to sh, I can take you to play the most authentic sh native woman, that shy look, not what you can imagine, and sh and sz away In sh, you can also play the best Yangzhou skinny horse. Anyway, that is the sentence, you come to sh, my brother, I will make you worthwhile."

"A word is fixed, big brother!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a wine bottle.

"A word is fixed!" The bandit took a bottle with Zhao Tiezhu and then sipped it.

At this moment, the door of the box was opened from the outside.

Zhao Tiezhu put the bottle on the table and turned his head. His face was already full of smiles. "Zi Yi, when did you come back?"

"Just come back." Cao Ziyi walked in from the door and said softly.

"Working hard!" Zhao Tiezhu stood up and walked over to Cao Ziyi, said diligently, "Sit down."

"Okay." Cao Ziyi nodded and followed Zhao Tiezhu to the sofa and sat down. The original bandit was a heroic bandit. When he saw Cao Ziyi, he gave a slight sigh, and then laughed. "This is Zhao Lao personally." The designated Zhao family is stunned?"

"Are you a bandit?" Cao Ziyi had a faint smile on his face. "The name of the bandit is famous!"

"This is not dare to be a singer. Compared with the phoenix, my bandit is just a countryman. The dragon list is second. Actually, there is a phoenix with the strength of the gods. It is really a phoenix in the sky. Let me wait for the ordinary people." I can look up!" Tudor said with a smile.

"Oh, what is the leader of the Dragon List, it is all idle and noisy people." Cao Ziyi said, "I am only a Zhao family, nothing more."

"Really, Zhao has you, at least 50 years will not be declining! This is a blessing to the iron pillar brother! The woman I have seen in my life like a phoenix has only one." Seriously said.

“Who?” Zhao Tiezhu asked with a little curiosity. In this year, it’s beautiful and simple to be like fart, but it’s very difficult to have temperament. But with the temperament of Cao Ziyi, it’s only in the novel. I found it, and apart from somebody, there is no one who can write this kind of woman.

"That is your mother, Ye Qingxia." There was a hint of emotion on the face of the bandits. "In the capital, your mother Ye Qingxia was known as the fairy, and the temperament was exactly the same as that of the phoenix. It was even worse!"

"My mother?" Zhao Tiezhu couldn't help but appear in the mind of the child. Every time he was in trouble, he took a feather duster to fight his own woman. Although his mother looked really pretty, but the temperament and Cao Ziyi, there is no comparable! "

"Exactly!" said the bandit seriously. "In the past, Beijing and Tianjin, even the northern part, your mother Ye Qingxia was called a fairy. The temperament was unanimously recognized by everyone! At that time, there was such a saying that there was a Kunlun saint in the south, north. There are Jingcheng fairy, look at the whole of China, your mother is counted as one of the best women!"

Zhao Tiezhu was embarrassed to touch his head. He did not think that his mother would be like a father. It would be such a powerful figure. It’s just that people are bragging about their mothers. Are they modest or modest? What about it?

After Cao Ziyi came, he did not say much. He just listened to Zhao Tiezhu and the bandits, and thus he could see the difference in the identity of Cao Ziyi and Lin Si. Lin Si even had no power to listen to Zhao Tiezhu and the bandits, but Cao Ziyi But it is possible to insert two sentences from time to time, and the bandits have to listen carefully!

After an hour or so passed, Zhao Tiezhu and the bandits initially reached some agreements on some related issues. For example, Zhao Tiezhu could not solve anything in the future. He could find a bandit to help, and then the two gangs would love each other and go to a better tomorrow. Anyway, Zhao Tiezhu is not a fool. This is a virtual thing. It is just that when everyone gets it, it can become a reality.

After talking about the matter, the bandits did not want to stay here again, saying that they could not stand up and leave the box with Zhao Tiezhu Cao Ziyi. Outside the box, Lin Si was a face of worship and looked at Zhu Yeqing. Zhao Tiezhu was a little surprised. Will the woman be stunned by the bamboo leaf green, want to ask about Zhu Yeqing, but Zhu Yeqing looked at himself with a charming look, then left with the bandits, and did not ask Zhao Tiezhu almost.

"Iron column, I went back, you sent this sister home!" Lin Si saw Zhao Tiezhu and Cao Ziyi standing side by side, but there is no other feeling. Zhao Tiezhu is not a stallion, nor a handsome guy, so he can't be as bright as some of the brains of the novel. Then no matter what beauty he sees, he can be like a deer.

Looking at Lin Si, he left, Zhao Tiezhu has some emotions, his aura of this protagonist is still not strong enough.

"How, reluctant?" Cao Ziyi chuckled.

"Cut, I don't want to be reluctant. I am a few pounds. I am still clear. The kind of story that I love when I see one in a brainless novel will never appear in my life."

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