Assassin’s Adventure

Chapter 236: seafood man

The harvest brought by the brandy was rich. In the water-soaked cabin, there were two cases of long guns, two cases of rum, a case of brandy, as well as the captain's complete set of surveying and mapping instruments, and two beautiful silver-encrusted muskets.

The gunpowder storage compartment was found in front of the bow of the second-floor cabin. The gunpowder stored by these pirates was not rich, but it could greatly fill the vacancy of the Jackdaw.

The caliber of the shells was smaller, so small that Gordon ordered none of them to be taken, and then returned to the deck.

The Jackdaw's sailors rowed the boat to carry, only Gordon lit a cigar on the side of the ship, the scarlet cigarette **** flickered, the smoke rose, this is the captain's privilege.

Not far away stand seven reefs, which are also the symbols of this place.

Coolidge's logbook recorded this: Sailors were afraid of this place, inexplicable unease spread on the Pearl, there seemed to be monsters roaring in the dark clouds, and seven strange reefs I had never seen.

This sea area is full of reefs. I think it may be the anxiety caused by the gathering of countless undead here. I don’t know how many ships have been engulfed here. I hope not to come here again...

Seven strange reefs?

This kind of thing can be seen everywhere in the Bahamas, but most of them are attached to the island, and the seven independent reefs are really weird.

As the dark clouds were blown away by the wind, the first ray of moonlight finally shone on the reef. For those who were used to darkness, the light was a bit dazzling.

This ray of moonlight is a sign of awakening for the creatures under the sea, including someone's small pet.

"Seven islands and reefs!"

Gordon suddenly thought of something. He remembered the first appearance of Davy Jones in the movie. The place where the Flying Holland was docked was also the place where the deep-sea octopus rested, that is, the seven islands and reefs.

The vibrating rhythm underfoot was disrupted, and something was waking up.

"Get out of here!"

He wasn't sure if this was where the Flying Dutchman docked, but it was definitely not a good place.

He urges the remaining sailors, Davy Jones to go from transporting souls to now reckless, almost invincible in this sea with the help of the flying Holland and the gigantic deep-sea octopus.

This kind of person, to be honest, Gordon is not even interested in meeting, no one will want to meet him.

But at this time, the ocean let out a roar, and a huge octopus tentacle rushed out of the sea, and then swept the bodies of the dead into the water.

Then came a sail rushing out of the sea, a tattered sail with seaweed hanging out of the water, and then the rotting hull covered with reefs and shells.

Countless sea water was rushed around, and then hit Gordon in the face.


"Hahaha, little brats..."

From the deck of the Brandy, the broken planks, and the broken mast, a large number of sailors with seafood faces walked out.

Harvesting lives, or adding a crew member to the Dutchman, is a joy to watch, watching cowards pee their pants in front of Davy Jones, or pray in despair.

Only Gordon, Mickey, and the remaining three sailors were left on the boat for the final finishing touch. At this moment, they were directly surrounded by seafood people.

"What are these things?"

The sailor did not feel any fear, but drew his musket in one hand and his machete in the other.

"Davy Jones!"

Gordon removed the cigar from his mouth and let out a puff of smoke.

The Jackdaw had already discovered the changes in the sea, and the muzzles were opened one after another, and some sailors got up from the hammocks and filled the nearby cannons noisily.

Seafood sailors have never seen such a group of people. Even though the ship has hit the rocks, there is no despair, and there is no fear in looking at their weird and terrifying bodies.

But after the long-term conversion, they didn't have any actions to try to communicate, but they drew out their swords and prepared to kill or tie everyone up.

clang! ! !

A crisp impact sounded, it was the sound of a slender machete hitting the oath-keeping sword.

"I want to see Davy Jones!"

Gordon swung his knight sword to the side and said calmly.

"The captain has an order! All rebels must die!"

A sailor with a hammerhead shark pushed people around, growling loudly in his hoarse voice.

"We are not the victims!"

Gordon emphasized here, but it didn't seem to be of any use. The surrounding seafood people waved their machetes up, and the battle officially started.

This time, they were at an absolute numerical disadvantage.


These non-human beings let out a deafening roar, and their faces were ferocious.


Their combat effectiveness has not improved, they do not have stronger strength, and even their combat skills are very rough. They are on the same level as the crew members who were cursed by the Black Pearl, or even worse?

The rotten sword snapped in front of the oath-keeping sword, and then slashed mercilessly on the head of the shark face.

Green blood spurted along the wound, and fish, shrimp and crabs were mixed in it. Gordon was sure that the brains of the people in front of him had definitely been split in half, but it had no effect at all.

Sharkface held the oath-keeping sword in one hand, then pushed it away calmly, and slashed the half-broken machete towards Gordon's face.

"What the hell?"

Mickey scolded, whether he stabbed the machete into the enemy's chest or chopped off their necks, it was not affected at all.

The effect of the undead enemy on the sailors was so great that people began to get stabbed in a panic.

"Captain! What shall we do?"

Weary sailors have lost their way, pinning their hopes on the captain, who always brings miracles.

How to do? As long as they give up their resistance, they may see Davy Jones, but they can only be slaughtered fish, which is not Gordon's style.

"Cut off their heads!"

This was the only way he could think The attack of the shark face did not pose any threat to Gordon. A dexterous dodging dodged a slash, took out the musket on his chest, and shoved it directly into a In the mouth of the guy with the Wubao screw head, and then pulled the trigger!


Not only was the shell shattered, it was definitely a brain splash that temporarily made the monster lose its resistance.

He lowered his head to avoid the sweep of a tall lobster man behind him, put another musket against the chin of the sea urchin man, and pulled the trigger again!

The action is dashing, but the results are few, and even after fighting for so long, not a single enemy died, and everyone on his side has lost the prize.

In the face of the undead enemy, Gordon really didn't know what to do. Could he blow up the ship with the remaining gunpowder? Falling into the sea will only make them die faster.

"Davy Jones! I have a deal!"

Gordon cut off a dolphin man's head and shouted to the sky.

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