Assassin’s Adventure

Chapter 381: trade

The heavy rain continued into the night. Out of desperation, Burton ordered everyone to camp on the spot. Today, the distance of the day is less than ten kilometers. It all depends on the fact that they do not have any rain gear at all, and the jungle is very slippery.

Sailors relied on the cave, chopped down trees with axes, and simply set up a large camp.

A lot of wood was smashed on the rock wall of the cave, and then the canvas was propped up, forming a simple rain shelter for more than 100 soldiers.

There were no more fires, and they lacked fuel and dry wood, and soon the flames in the cave were extinguished, and the world was almost shrouded in darkness.

The only two kerosene lamps became their source of light. There were soldiers standing guard in the rain, clothed in canvas, with wide-eyed eyes and machetes in their hands, because by this time the muskets had lost their original function.

It was in this dark rainy night that a few sneaky people approached.

"Is it really feasible for us to do this? Those Brits will kindly give us a bag of bounties and let us go?"

"I don't know, don't ask me, it's a dead end to stay there anyway, it's better to exchange this thing everyone wants for some money and then we split up and fly away, I just hope they will give me a satisfactory price."

A few people were marching in the heavy rain. When it was sunny, the soldiers were on duty in the camp. They had no chance. Only today, this rainy night, they touched into that Wilson's tent and stole the angel from it. They were going to exchange some money. , and then along the coast to the port city.

Pirates are all profit-seeking, aren't they? Instead of risking their lives and curses to find some **** Eldorado, it's better to exchange some money for a reward, but they seem to have forgotten the pirate who helped them with their plans, and has long since disappeared.

In the dark night of the heavy rain, there were only a lot of firelights from the distant caves. Because of the heavy rain, they were sure that the British would not be able to go very far. Maybe it was lucky or it was destined. They saw a blur from a high ground. Light, and then looked for it.

There were four of them in total, and the bounty might not be enough for more people. A pirate under Wilson crouched under a tree, looked at the British camp in the distance, and discussed with his teammates.

"We have to have someone in charge of negotiating and then getting the bounty. If we go in with all the angels, I don't think we will be able to come back."

"Slade, you're the only one of us who understands English."

The shouted pirate looked at the eyes of the three companions and took two steps back: "It's not fair, what if they don't want to listen to what I have to say, but cut me directly?"

"Relax, bro, you see, we have to have someone take this step, they won't kill for no reason, we have what they need in our hands."

The leading pirate seemed to be very indifferent, and then patiently persuaded.

"I refuse, and I know you have no good intentions in bringing me."

Slade is just a timid soldier, a deserter, following these pirates, ready to sell the interests of his superiors, and then run away with money, which is of course disgraceful.

These remarks directly angered the leading pirate. The rain kept pouring over his head and the wind was piercing, but the person in front of him was still dawdling. Maybe he had never seen the viciousness of a pirate.

So he took out the machete and put it directly on the neck of the deserter.

"You have no choice, either I will kill you now, or you will come back with the bounty!"

Sure enough, the power of words is sometimes not comparable to the sword. Slade gave in. He has no way out. He is a deserter. He can't leave without getting any bounty, or even die here.

"OK, relax, I'll do as you say."

The deserters surrendered, and under the deterrence of the pirate machete, they headed towards the British camp.

A sharp-eyed sentinel found him because he didn't hide his tracks at all, and the sentinel blew his whistle.

Soldiers surrounded him and disarmed him easily.

"A Spanish soldier, where is your army!"

A lieutenant in charge of the guard held his collar, and then asked loudly, the rainy night is too obstructing the view, and he never thought that the Spaniards would touch it in this weather, the musket can't be used, do they want to use it? Does the sword decide the winner?

"Don't be nervous, sir, I have no malice at all, I don't have a large army, I ran out privately, and wanted to talk about a business..."

Then he tried to appear non-threatening. The lieutenant didn't buy it, and instead slammed him in the face.

Slade felt the pain on one cheek and the **** taste in his mouth. He felt miserable. He didn't know if he was doing the right thing. He already had some regrets. Can't show any hateful eyes to provoke the enemy, still accompany with a smile: "Sir, I don't have the slightest malice."

But this sentence elicited another punch from the lieutenant, hitting him in the stomach.

"I'm just asking for the last time, where are your big forces? Spaniards full of lies, do you think I'll believe you?"

But the movement outside alarmed Burton, and he took Gore out to check it out in person.

"What happened?"

Only then did the soldier put away his fists, and then saluted respectfully: "Sir, a Spanish soldier, we are torturing for more information."

"bring it here."

"Yes, sir."

Two soldiers came over with Slade supporting Slade, and a lot of blood had already spit out of his mouth.

"Sir, I'm just here to talk about a business...about angels..."

At this time, he was not as strong as before, and Burton heard this, his eyes were a little cold, he did not reveal more things to his soldiers like this I think We need to find a quiet place to talk, Gore, help me get a place to sit. "

Gore, of course, knew Burton's thoughts, left two guards behind, and then left with the other soldiers.

"Okay, now I think we can talk about what you call a deal, and it's best if he does have value rather than wasting my time."


Gordon watched Burton take someone out of the cave, but never came back, so he had to follow him out. No matter what happened, he had to know in advance and be prepared.

Gore stood with the soldiers when he reached the entrance of the cave, and Burton was sitting down to talk to a man in Spanish uniform.

"Hi." He nudged the soldier on duty beside him with his elbow: "Where did this man come from?"

It took the soldier at least three seconds in the darkness to recognize Gordon, and then replied: "The sentry of the guard caught it. It is said that there is a deal to be negotiated."

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